Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) Quest Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) Commission Guide

Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) is Koleda's Agent Mission in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 (ZZZ). See how to unlock the Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) Agent Commission, a walkthrough on how to complete it, the Koleda Quest Hollow guide, and its rewards here!

Koleda Agent Stories
Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) Back to School Farewell, School

Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) Information

Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) Quest Details

Location Lumina Square
Client Koleda
Time Anytime

Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) is one of the subquests in Schoolyard Powerhouse. Complete this quest to unlock the next mission in the questline, Back to School.

Schoolyard Powerhouse Quest Guide

Also Known as Dragon of the Schoolyard

This Agent Story also appears as the "Dragon of the Schoolyard" commission under the Schedule.

How to Unlock Schoolyard Powerhouse (I)

Accept Schoolyard Powerhouse Commission

Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) is a subquest of Schoolyard Powerhouse and can be unlocked upon accepting the Side Mission it's under.

Schoolyard Powerhouse Quest Guide

Unlock During Chapter 3

Koleda's Agent Story is unlocked during Chapter 3, specifically after clearing the Ascending Dance commission.

Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit Quest Guide

Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) Walkthrough

Koleda Agent Quest

  1. Watch the Immersive Storytelling
  2. Find Koleda in Lumina Square
  3. Gather Information From the All Knowing
  4. Continue Gathering Information
  5. Find Lisha and Dan in the Parking Lot
  6. Head to the Convenience Store to Find Emmie
  7. Talk to Grace
  8. Return to the Video Store

Watch the Immersive Storytelling

Immersive Storytelling Schoolyard Powerhouse

Begin the quest by watching the Immersive Storytelling.

Once you finish watching the storytelling, head over to the door and talk to Koleda. After this, talk to your sibling to end the day.

Find Koleda in Lumina Square

Find Koleda in Lumina Square

You will need to head to Lumina Square and find Koleda to start the next part of the quest. Follow the marked location on your map and you will find her alongside Grace.

Koleda Best Builds and Teams

Gather Information From the All Knowing

Gather Information From the All Knowing

Start gathering information by talking to the All-Knowing kid. You will find her beside the newspaper stand near the overlooking balcony.

After this you will have a small conversation with Koleda, choose It must be Coff Cafe! whenever you get asked by her.

Continue Gathering Information


Continue gathering information by finding the Keyholder, you can find her standing beside a lamppost in front of a store.

The Keyholder kid will tell you the location of the two other kids you will need to find.

Find Lisha and Dan in the Parking Lot

Lisha and Dan

After receiving the clue from the Keyholder kid, head over to the parking lot and talk to Lisha and Dan, they can be found talking behind a vehicle.

Head to the Convenience Store to Find Emmie


Lisha and Dan will provide you the location for Emmie, which is the convenience store just across the street. Talk to Emmie.

A few cutscenes will happen afterward and then you will have to talk to Grace to report your findings.

Talk to Grace

Talk to Grace

Head back to Grace's location and talk to her. She will be standing beside Principal Elton watching the children's choir.

Grace will pickpocket the key while the principal is busy watching the children. If you let her grab the key immediately, and the principal catches her, Emmie will interfere.

Grace Best Builds and Teams

Return to the Video Store

Return to the Video Store

Teleport back to the Video Store and report to your sibling about the mission. This will end the first part of Koleda's Agent Missions.

Schoolyard Powerhouse (I) Commission Rewards

Quest Rewards

Total Commission Rewards

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero -  Agent Commissions Guide

All Agent Commissions

List of All Agent Commissions

Character Agent Commissions
Nekomata Nekomata 1. Cat and Mouse Misplaced
2. Cat on Patrol
3. Caught by the Cat Burglar
Soldier 11 Soldier 11 1. Passing Off as Fake
2. Deep Treason
3. Mole in the Hole (III)
Grace Grace 1. Grace's Frankenstein
2. The Iron Witch (II)
3. Witch's Trial
Koleda Koleda 1. Schoolyard Powerhouse (I)
2. Back to School
3. Farewell, School
Lycaon Lycaon 1. Thieves and Guardians
2. And the True Heroes are Always Behind the Scenes (II)
3. Liars and Traitors
Rina Rina 1. Until Your Memory Fades (I)
2. Until Your Memory Fades (II)
3. Sweetcakes that Never Expire
Qingyi Qingyi 1. The Case of a Missing Bangboo (I)
2. The Case of a Missing Bangboo (II)
3. Save Bangboo Teddy

All Commissions Guide


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