Persona 3 Reload (P3R)

How to Fuse Seiryu

Persona 3 Reload - How to Fuse Seiryu
Seiryu is a Persona from the Temperance Arcana in Persona 3 Reload (P3R). See Seiryu's stats, skills, weaknesses and resistances, and how to fuse Seiryu.

Seiryu Overview

Arcana and Starting Level

Persona Arcana
Seiryu Temperance
Starting Level

Skills List

St Ma En Ag Lu
24 31 27 21 18
Skill Level Effect
Mabufula Innate Deal medium Ice damage to all enemies
Mediarama Innate Moderately restore the party's HP.
Matarunda 39 Decrease the ATK of all foes.
Tetrakarn 40 Barrier on all allies that reflects physical damage once per ally.
Amrita Drop 41 Cures 1 ally of all non-special ailments.
Bufudyne 43 Deal heavy Ice damage to a single target.

Weaknesses and Resistances

Resists Resistance
Electricity None
Null Null
Repel Repel
Drain Drain
Ice None None

How to Fuse Seiryu

Fuse Incubus and Power

Persona 3 Reload - Fusion

You can obtain Seiryu when you fuse the following Personas.

Persona 1 Persona 2

Fusion Guide

Fuse Oni and Jikokuten

You can obtain Seiryu when you fuse the following Personas.

Persona 1 Persona 2

Fusion Guide

Fuse Two Personas that Result in a Persona with Temperance Arcana

You can fuse Personas once you unlock the Velvet Room. You can find the room at the base of Tartarus or the hidden alley in Paulownia Mall.

The table below shows all the fusion combos that result in a Persona with Temperance Arcana.

Arcana 1 Arcana 2
Fool Emperor
Magician Devil
Priestess Empress
Emperor Sun
Hierophant Tower
Lovers Fortune
Chariot Strength
Chariot Moon
Justice Devil
Justice Moon
Hermit Hanged Man
Temperance Temperance
Judgement Hermit

Fusion Guide

Persona 3 Reload Related Guides

Persona 3 Reload - Personas
All Personas and How to Unlock

All Personas by Arcana

All Personas by Arcana
Arcana 0Fool Arcana IMagician Arcana IIPriestess Arcana IIIEmpress
Arcana IVEmperor Arcana IXHierophant Arcana VLovers Arcana VIChariot
Arcana VIIJustice Arcana VIIIHermit Arcana XFortune Arcana XIStrength
Arcana XIIHanged Man Arcana XIIIDeath Arcana XIVTemperance Arcana XVDevil
Arcana XVITower Arcana XVIIStar Arcana XVIIIMoon Arcana XIXSun
Arcana XXJudgement Arcana XXIAeon

Persona Guides

Persona Guides
List of DLC Personas

All Temperance Personas

Byakko Genbu Mitra Nigi Mitama
Okuninushi Seiryu Suzaku Yurlungur


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