Once Human

Silver Ore Location and How to Get

Once Human - Silver Ore Location and How to Get

Silver Ore can be randomly found across all the regions in Once Human. Check out how to get silver ore, all silver ore locations, and its uses in Once Human.

How to Get Silver Ore

How to Get Silver Ore

Randomly Spawns Across All Regions

Once Human - Scattered Across All Regions

Silver Ore can be found in Mining nodes scattered across all the in-game regions. The spawns are random, so they can spawn even in the Dayton Wetlands. Normally, they would spawn alongside other mining nodes.

Dayton Wetlands Region Guide

Look for Dark Gray Mining Nodes

Once Human -  Mine Silver Ore Nodes

Silver Ore can be obtained by mining Silver Ore nodes with a Copper Pickaxe, as well as its higher rarities. They look very similar to Tin Ore, but with a darker hue.

Get From Digby Boy

Once Human - Obtain from Digby Boy Deviant

You can also get Silver Ore from Digby Boy. This deviant can get different kinds of ores for you regardless of where your territory is.

You can get a Digby Boy by completing the Deviation Expert side quest that can be found in Deadsville. Simply talk to Lowe, go to Throughville up north, then give 30 Copper Ores to the Digby Boy found atop one of the buildings. Capture it afterwards and put it in an Isolated Securement Unit so it can start working.

Deviation Expert Walkthrough and Location

Eat Canned Seafood in Oil

Once Human - Eat Canned Seafood in Oil

Canned Seafood in Oil provides the Stroke of Luck buff when consumed. Consuming it prior to mining can significantly enhance the quantity of Silver Ore obtainable through its final strike yield bonus.

Canned Seafood in Oil can be obtained by making it on any tier of Stove after obtaining Dishes IV from the Memetics menu. It requires 10 Ciphers and 5000 Energy Links to unlock.

Silver Ore Uses

Can Be Sold for Energy Links

Once Human - Can Be Sold for Energy Links

Silver Ore can be smelted into Silver Ingots. Silver Ingots are sold to vendors for 6,000 energy links apiece. Note that the Precious Metal Refining specialization is required to turn Silver Ores into Silver Ingots.

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