Metaphor: ReFantazio Walkthrough Comments

Kokasados Weakness and How to BeatComment

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    2 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    can confirm this, readign this here right now as I ran into that thing...with Lvl 20 Characters.. and this thing.. it scares me, it has Lvl 42 !!! xD Not lvl 35 like the site here says they have - 42... That thing basically stomps me easily..heck, at the start of the game were just freaking lvl 11 enemies easily able to kill you with like 2 hits.. that thing is far more powerful, than 10 Lvls above me ^^ So for somewhen later :D

    1 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    You can find one running around the Tradia desert dungeon area after you defeat the first bounty mission target for side quest: Man’s Not So Best Friend. After defeating the bounty, run out of the enemy area and back in to see it running around.

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