Metaphor: ReFantazio

9th Month (September) Walkthrough and Schedule Guide

Metaphor ReFantazio 9th Month (October) Walkthrough and Schedule Guide

This is a walkthrough guide for the 9th Month of Metaphor: ReFantazio. Check out our day-by-day walkthrough to optimize completing this month's quests and activities!

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8th Month (August) 10th Month (October)

9th Month Calendar and Optimal Schedule

9th Month Calendar Guide

Note: More Calendar data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll.
Flamesday Watersday Aboursday Metalsday Idlesday
・Raise Eupha's Bond Rank to 5
・Raise Junah Bond Rank to 4
・ Raise Maria's Bond Rank to 8
┗ Unlock the Savior Archetype
・Raise your Tolerance
New Quest
Wayward Shepherd
・ Raise Eupha's Bond Rank to 6
・ Unlock the Devil Summoner Archetype
・Raise Eupha's Bond Rank to 5
New Quest
Relic Search: Bitter Memories
・Raise Heismay's Bond Rank to 8
・Raise Neuras's Bond Rank to 5
・Complete Relic Search: Engineer’s Destiny
・Raise Junah's Bond Rank to 6
┗ Unlock the Persona Master Archetype.
・Enter the Gracia Forest dungeon.
┣ Collect 7 Dragonthistle Berry.
┗ Defeat Kokasados.
Celebrate the festival in honor of the island's Dragon God
・Read How to Walk Outside the Island to increase your Tolerance
・Read How to Walk Outside the Island to increase your Tolerance
・Spend time with Eupha to raise your Imagination
・Read Top Secret Poetry! Do Not Read! to increase your Courage
・Spend time with Eupha to raise your Imagination
Arrive at Altabury Heights
・Explore the Montario Opera House Dungeon
・Defeat Louis
Basilio will join your party
・Defeat Rella and Sogne the Icebound
・Complete Save the Prince from Death’s Curse
New Quests
Prepare for the Final Battle
Warmth in Winter
Proof of Power
The Fiend in the Frozen Forest

・Complete Soldier’s Solace
Debate with Julian Altabury's Speech Platform to increase your Eloquence and Imagination.
・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 5.
Read or Cook Dishes
・Enter the Mt. Vulkano Dungeon
┣ Defeat Mad Sanctor Hyperic
┣ Complete Wayward Sheperd
┗ Raises your Eloquence to Rank 5
Special Discounts: Bargain Day
・Read Literacy Workbook to increase Imagination
・Defeat Loveless
・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 6.
New Quest
Defeat Milo
・Complete Warmth in Winter
・Raise Basilio Bond Rank to 2.
・Talk to Milo.
・Raise Junah's Bond Rank to 7
・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase Wisdom.
・Defeat Rudolf
・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 7
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 3.
・Clear the Everfrost Forest Dungeon.
┗ Defeat Icebeast Chimenzahn.
・Complete The Fiend in the Frozen Forest quest
・Clear the Tower of Insolence
┗ Defeat the Ziocropos
Special Discounts: Bargain Day
・Complete Proof of Power
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 4
・Raise Alonzo's Bond Rank to 5
・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase Wisdom.
・Defeat Milo
・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 8
New Quest
A Rake’s Last Wish
・Complete Defeat Milo.
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 5
・Raise Alonzo Bond Rank to 8.
┗ Unlock the Trickster Archetype.
・Complete Prepare for the Final Battle
Raise Gallica's Bond Rank to 7
・Defeat Louis
・Unlock the Prince Archetype.
・Defeat Homo Gorleo
・Raise Gallica's Bond Rank to 8
┗ Unlock the Elemental Master and Warlock Archetype.
Story Progression
New Quests
Skybound Avatar Conquest
Edge of Glory
Queen of Cuisine: Soul
Mad Mischief
Heroes’ Rest
Bygone Legacy
Hot Spring Water
New Bounties
The Incarnate in the Woods
The Cockatrice in the Clouds
The Apostles of the Apocalypse
・Unlock the Royal Archetype
・Complete Queen of Cuisine: Soul
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 5
・Raise Junah's Bond Rank to 8.
・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase Wisdom.
・Clear the Disgraced Ruins Dungeon
・Defeat Bandit Chief Cistus
・Defeat Homo Sandro

・Complete The Apostles of the Apocalypse
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 7.
・Raise Brigitta's Bond Rank to 8
┗ Unlock the Tycoon Archetype.
Special Discounts: Weapon/Armor Shop Discount Day
New Quest
Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin
・Complete The Right to Rule
・Defeat Homo Butera
・Raise Bardon's Bond Rank to 7
・Raise Neuras's Bond Rank to 6.
・Complete Relic Search: Bitter Memories
Special Discounts: Bargain Day
New Quest
Petty Thief
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 8
・Complete A Brother’s Mercy
・Raise Neuras's Bond Rank to 7
・Complete Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin

Calendar Guide

9th Month Best Schedule and Things to Do

Days Schedule and Things to Do
1-8 ・Increases Eupha's Bond Rank to 5.
・Increases Junah's Bond Rank to 4.
・Increases Maria's Bond Rank to 8.
┗ Unlock the Savior Archetype.
・Spend time with Eupha to increase your Imagination.
┣ Increases Eupha's Bond Rank to 6.
┣ Unlock the Devil Summoner Archetype.
┗ Accept the Wayward Shepherd quest.
・Increases Junah's Bond Rank to 5.
・Increases Heismay's Bond Rank to 8.
・ Increases Neuras's Bond Rank to 5.
┣ Complete the quest, Relic Search: Engineer’s Destiny.
┗ Receive the quest, Relic Search: Bitter Memories
・ Increases Junah's Bond Rank to 6.
┗ Unlock the Persona Master Archetype.
・Enter the Gracia Forest dungeon.
┗ Fight the Kokasados.
・Celebrate the festival for the island's Dragon God.
9-13 ・Enter the Montario Opera House Dungeon.
┗ Fight Louis.
Basilio will join your party.
・Fight Rella and Sogne the Icebound.
・Complete the quest, Save the Prince from Death’s Curse.
・Receive the quest, Prepare for the Final Battle.
・Receive the quest, Warmth in Winter.
・Receive the quest, Proof of Power.
・Get the bounty The Fiend in the Frozen Forest.
・Complete the Soldier’s Solace Quest.
・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 5.
14-17 ・ Set course for Mt. Vulkano.
┣ On the way, you could spend time with Basilio and raise his Bond Rank to 1.
┣ Enter the Mt. Vulkano Dungeon.
┣ Grab the Rusty Greatsword.
┣ Fight the Mad Sanctor Hyperic.
┗ Complete the quest Wayward Sheperd.
・Fight Loveless.
・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 6.
・Receive the quest Defeat Milo.
・Complete the quest, Warmth in Winter.
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 2.
・Raise Junah's Bond Rank to 7.
18-22 ・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 3.
・Enter the Everfrost Forest Dungeon.
┗ Fight Icebeast Chimenzahn.
・Complete The Fiend in the Frozen Forest quest
・Enter the Tower of Insolence
┗ Fight the Ziocropos
・Complete the Proof of Power quest
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 4
・Raise Alonzo's Bond Rank to 5
・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase your Wisdom.
・Fight Milo
・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 8
・Complete the Defeat Milo quest
・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 5
・Raise Alonzo Bond Rank to 8.
┗ Unlock the Trickster Archetype.
・Receive the A Rake’s Last Wish quest.
・Complete the Prepare for the Final Battle quest
23-26 Gallica's Bond Rank will increase to 7.
・Fight Louis
・Unlock the Prince Archetype.
・Fight the Homo Gorleo.
Gallica's Bond Rank will increase to 8.
┗ Unlock the Elemental Master and Warlock Archetype.
・Start Skybound Avatar Conquest.
・Start and Complete Edge of Glory.
・Start and Complete Queen of Cuisine: Soul.
・Start the quest, Mad Mischief.
・Start the quest, Heroes’ Rest.
・Start the quest, Bygone Legacy
・Start the quest, Deliver Hot Spring Water
・Accept the bounty The Incarnate in the Woods.
・Accept the bounty The Cockatrice in the Clouds.
・Accept the bounty The Apostles of the Apocalypse.
27-30 ・Hangout with Hulkenberg.
・Enter the Disgraced Ruins Dungeon.
・Fight the Bandit Chief Cistus.
・Fight the Homo Sandro.
・Complete the quest, The Apostles of the Apocalypse
・Increase Basilio's Bond Rank to 7.
・Increase Brigitta's Bond Rank to 8.
┗ Unlock the Tycoon Archetype.
・Increase Bardon's Bond Rank to 8.
┗ Unlock the Warlord Archetype.
・Hangout with Neuras.
┣ Complete the quest, Relic Search: Bitter Memories.
┗ Receive the quest, Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin.
・Hangout with Basilio.
・Complete the quest, A Brother’s Mercy.
・Increase Neuras's Bond Rank to 7.
┣ Complete the quest, Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin.
┗ Receive the quest, Petty Thief.

Calendar Guide

9th Month Walkthrough

Days 1 - 8

1 Spend time with Eupha and raise her Bond Rank to 5.
2 At night, spend time with Junah and raise her Bond Rank to 4.
3 Metaphor ReFantazio Saviour
Spend time with Maria and increase her Bond Rank to 8. This will unlock the Saviour Archetype.
4 Metaphor ReFantazio Tolerance
At night, head to the Hushed Honeybee Inn to help Fabienne to raise your Tolerance.
5 Spend time with Eupha and increase her Bond Rank to 6.This will unlock the Devil Summoner Archetype and start the Wayward Sheperd quest.
▶︎ Wayward Shepherd Quest Guide
6 At night, you could spend time with Junah. This will raise her Bond Rank to 5.
7 Set course for Gracia Forest.
8 Spend time with Heismay. This will increase his Bond Rank to 8.
9 At night, spend time with Neuras. This will increase his Bond Rank to 5 and complete the quest, Relic Search: Engineer’s Destiny. Afterwards, you'll receive the quest. Relic Search: Bitter Memories
10 Metaphor ReFantazio Persona Master
Spend time with Junah and increase her Bond Rank to 6. This will unlock the Persona Master Archetype.
11 Metaphor ReFantazio - Gracia Forest Map
You may now enter the Gracia Forest dungeon. During this time, you must collect 7 Dragonthistle Berry.
▶︎ Gracia Forest Dungeon Guide
12 Metaphor ReFantazio - Kokasados - Pierce
Afterwards, you'll fight the Kokasados.It is weak to Pierce, but can resist Wind.
▶︎ Kokasados Boss Guide
13 Metaphor ReFantazio Dragon God Festival
There will be a festival in honor of the island's Dragon God. You may choose any of your allies but it is recommended for you to choose whoever's signature archetype you use the most. You will also receive a weapon for their respective Archetype.
14 Metaphor ReFantazio To Altabury Heights
Once you're ready to leave, you should set course for Altabury Heights.
15 You could read How to Walk Outside the Island both in the morning and at night to increase your Tolerance.
16 Spend time with Eupha. This could raise your Imagination.
17 Metaphor ReFantazio Colerodio Cliff
An event will occur where you'll be able to raise your Wisdom. You will also obtain the Colerodio Cliff Drawing. At night, you could raise your Courage.

Days 9 - 13

1 Spend time with Eupha. This could raise your Imagination.
2 Metaphor ReFantazio Murky Graveyard
An event will occur where you'll be able to raise your Wisdom. You will also obtain the Murky Graveyard Drawing.
3 Metaphor ReFantazio Altabury Heights
Arrive at Altabury Heights. Make sure to explore and get all the hidden Gold Beetles.
▶︎ All Gold Beetle Locations
4 Once you are done, please rest to advance time.
5 Metaphor ReFantazio Montero Opera House
Enter the Montario Opera House Dungeon and explore it.
6 Metaphor ReFantazio Montero Opera House Map
Be sure to explore thoroughly to grab as much items and treasures as you can. Unfortunately, you won't be able to backtrack in this dungeon, thus some treasures are missable. Check our guide below to know the most efficient path.
▶︎ Montario Opera House Dungeon Guide
7 Metaphor ReFantazio Cutscene
A cutscene will occur which would lead you to the roof. At this time, you'll face Louis in a duel.
8 Metaphor ReFantazio Louis Duel
Louis doesn't have any weaknesses, thus it is best if you could implant a weakness yourself. He also isn't resistant to any attacks, and can't repel any of them either.
▶︎ Louis Boss Fight Guide
9 After defeating Louis, you should head to bed to advance time.
10 Metaphor ReFantazio Basilio
After a series of long cutscenes, Basilio will join your party. Afterwards, you should rest in the Gauntlet Runner to advance time.
11 Metaphor ReFantazio Drakodios
After a series of long cutscenes, you'll obtain the Drakodios.
12 Metaphor ReFantazio Royal Academy Ruins
Set course for the Royal Academy Ruins.
13 Metaphor ReFantazio Sogne the Icebound
Once you arrive, you'll fight Rella and Sogne the Icebound. They will inflict frostbite and strengthen themselves with buffs. It is recommended to have the Faker Archetype as it can remove debuffs and enemy buffs.
▶︎ Sogne the Icebound Boss Guide
14 Sogne the Icebound is weak to Fire, however Rella will raise its resistance to magical attacks .
15 Once Rella and Sogne are defeated, you'll complete the quest, Save the Prince from Death’s Curse.
16 Metaphor ReFantazio Prepare for the Final Battle
You will receive the next main quest, Prepare for the Final Battle.
▶︎ Prepare for the Final Battle Guide
17 Metaphor ReFantazio Portly Man
Talk to the Portly Man in Dia Franco Street to start the quest, Warmth in Winter.
▶︎ Warmth in Winter Quest Guide
18 Metaphor ReFantazio Rudolf
Go to Dia Franco Street and talk to one of the candidates, Loveless. to learn about their Gauntlet Runner's location. You could also look for Rudolf on the same area for the same reason.
19 Metaphor ReFantazio Obsessive Sanctist
Go to the Opera House Square and talk to the Obsessive Sanctist Soldier to receive the quest, Proof of Power.
▶︎ Proof of Power Quest Guide
20 Metaphor ReFantazio The Fiend in the Frozen Forest
Go to the Recruitment Center to get the bounty The Fiend in the Frozen Forest.
▶︎ The Fiend in the Frozen Forest Quest Guide
21 Metaphor ReFantazio - Soldier’s Solace Clear
Report back to the Exhausted Woman at Brilehaven to complete the Soldier’s Solace Quest
22 Head to Altabury's Speech Platform and debate with Julian. Be sure to answer: The present day matters too. This will increase both your Eloquence and Imagination.
▶︎ All Debate Answers
23 Once its nighttime, spend time with Catherina and raise her Bond Rank to 5.

Days 14-17

1 Metaphor ReFantazio Mt Vulkano
Set course for Mt. Vulkano on the Gauntlet Runner, afterwards you could spend time with Basilio and raise his Bond Rank to 3.
►Mt. Vulkano Dungeon Walkthrough
2 Metaphor ReFantazio Legendary Greatsword Location
Enter the Mt. Vulkano Dungeon. Be sure to grab all glowing items, as well as treasure chests. There is one in particular that gives a Rusty Greatsword, which is needed for the quest The Edge of Glory.
▶︎ The Edge of Glory Quest Guide
3 Metaphor ReFantazio Mad Sanctor Hyperic
To clear dungeon, you must fight the Mad Sanctor Hyperic. Unfortunately, it is not weak to anything.
4 Once he is defeated, you'll complete the quest Wayward Sheperd. This will increase your Eloquence to Rank 5.
You could leave the dungeon afterwards if you have nothing left to do.
5 Set course for Malva village. Read the Literacy Workbook book to increase your Imagination.
▶︎ All Royal Virtues and Priority
6 Metaphor ReFantazio Loveless fight
While you're heading home, you'll fight Loveless. He is weak to the Light and Dark attacks.
7 Buy Altabury Wheat Flour and Durable Spider Silk once you arrive at Malva. You should also buy all items that need to be purified as that can be done on a church.
8 After you head back to your base, you could spend time with Catherina to raise her Bond Rank to 6.
9 Talk to Loveless to receive the quest Defeat Milo.
10 Metaphor ReFantazio Portly Man
Report back to the Portly Man to complete the quest, Warmth in Winter.
11 Hangout with Basilio afterwards. This will raise his Bond Rank to 2.
12 Metaphor ReFantazio Milo Location
Go to the Recruitment Center and go outside to talk to Milo. This will give you the location of his Gauntlet Runner.
►Milo the Adonis Boss Guide
13 Metaphor ReFantazio Junah Bond Rank 7
Afterwards, you could spend your time with Junah and raise her Bond Rank to 7.
14 Set course for Rudolf's Gauntlet Runner. Afterwards, you could raise your Royal Virtues to pass time.
15 Metaphor ReFantazio Rudolf Fight
Fight Rudolf. He is weak to Electric attacks. Once you defeat him, you'll obtain the Giant Slayer.
16 Spend time with Catherina to raise her Bond Rank to 7.

Days 18 - 22

1 Set course for Everfrost Forest. Afterwards, you could spend time with Basilio and raise his Bond Rank to 3.
2 Metaphor ReFantazio Solstice Crossing
An event will occur and the party will arrive at Solstice Crossing. By the end you'll have your Wisdom increased, and you'll receive the Solstice Crossing Drawing.
▶︎ Wisdom Virtue Guide
3 Enter the Everfrost Forest Dungeon. Be sure to get the relic requested by Neuras during exploration.
▶︎ Everfrost Forest Dungeon Walkthrough Guide
4 Metaphor ReFantazio  Icebeast Chimenzahn
Defeat the boss Icebeast Chimenzahn. The boss is weak to Fire. Afterwards, you return the city and rest.
5 Metaphor ReFantazio Fiend in the Frozen Forest Clear
Report back to the Recruitment Center and complete The Fiend in the Frozen Forest quest.
6 Metaphor ReFantazio Decaying Estate
Set course for Tower of Insolence, then read Literacy Workbook to raise your Imagination. Afterwards, you'll pass by the Decaying Estate as an event. Afterwards you'll receive the Decaying Estate Drawing.
7 Metaphor ReFantazio Tower of Insolence
Enter the Tower of Insolence. Be sure to grab all the glowing items as well as the Gold Beetles inside.
▶︎Tower of Insolence Dungeon Guide
8 Metaphor ReFantazio Ziocropos
Fight the Ziocropos. It is weak to Wind and Pierce attacks. Once you defeat him, you'll receive Bramblethorn Baton.
9 Metaphor ReFantazio Talisman of the Divine Location
Once you defeat the Ziocropos, go to the top floor to obtain the Talisman of the Divine. Afterwards, return to the city and rest.
10 Report back to the Obsessive Soldier and complete the Proof of Power quest.
11 Spend time with Basilio to raise his Bond Rank to 4. At night, you could spend time with Alonzo and raise his Bond Rank to 5 as well.
12 Set course for Milo's Gauntlet Runner. Afterwards, you could spend time with Hulkenberg to increase your Wisdom.
13 Metaphor ReFantazio Milo Fight
Fight Milo. He is weak to Fire, Ice, Electric and Wind attacks. Obtain the Narcissus Brooch after the fight.
▶︎ Defeat Milo Quest Guide
13 Spend time with Catherina to raise her Bond Rank to 8.
14 Go back to Dia Franco Street and report back to Loveless. This will complete the Defeat Milo quest.
15 Spend time with Basilio and raise his Bond Rank to 5.
16 Metaphor ReFantazio Trickster
Once it's nighttime, hangout with Alonzo and raise his Bond Rank to 8. This will unlock the Trickster Archetype. You'll receive the A Rake’s Last Wish quest.
17 Complete the quest, Prepare for the Final Battle.

Days 23 - 26

1 Metaphor ReFantazio Gallica Bond Rank 7
Gallica's Bond Rank will increase to 7.
2 Metaphor ReFantazio Fight Louis
Go to the Regalith Grand Cathedral and fight Louis. The fight will end as soon as his HP goes down to 80%.
▶︎ Louis Boss Fight
3 Metaphor ReFantazio Ancient Eldan Sanctum
Set course for Ancient Eldan Sanctum.
4 Metaphor ReFantazio Gold Beetle Ancient Eldan Sanctum Location
Once you arrive, be sure to get the Gold Beetle in the Ancient Eldan Sanctum. You can't go back to this location afterwards.
▶︎ Gold Beetle Locations Guide
5 Head to the Prayer Room and trigger a cutscene.
6 Metaphor ReFantazio unlock Prince Archetype
Head to the Altar of Secret History and unlock the Prince Archetype.
7 Metaphor ReFantazio Homo Gorleo
Fight the Homo Gorleo. The body has no weakness , but its wings are weak to Wind attacks.
8 After the fight, Gallica's Bond Rank will increase to 8. This will unlock the Elemental Master and Warlock Archetype.
9 Head to the Royal Capital, and rest in the Hushed Honeybee Inn afterwards.
10 Metaphor ReFantazio Gold Beetle Royal Capital
Receive the Skybound Avatar Conquest. Its deadline is October 25. Afterwards, be sure to collect all the Gold Beetles in town.
▶︎ Gold Beetle Locations Guide
11 Metaphor ReFantazio Ornamented Man Location
Go to Sunshade Row and talk to the Ornamented Man as he will give you the quest, Edge of Glory. Give him the Rusty Greatsword you obtained from Mt. Vulkano. This will also increase your Wisdom.
▶︎ The Edge of Glory Quest Guide
12 Metaphor ReFantazio Classy Woman Location
Go to Sunlumeo Street and talk to the Classy Woman as she will give you the quest, The Queen of Cuisine: Soul. If you already cooked an Indestructible Honey Cake, give it to her to complete the quest. This will raise your Eloquence.
▶︎ The Queen of Cuisine: Soul Quest Guide
13 Metaphor ReFantazio 9 26 Bounties
Go to the Recruitment Center and get the following bounties:
The Incarnate in the Woods
The Cockatrice in the Clouds
The Apostles of the Apocalypse
14 Metaphor ReFantazio Gabby Mustari Location
Head to the Angler's Inn Square in Brilehaven and talk to the Gabby Mustari. You'll get the quest, Trial of the Dragon: Mad Mischief.
▶︎ Mad Mischief Quest Guide
15 Head to Virga Island and talk to Edeni. He'll give you the Trial of the Dragon: Heroes’ Rest quest.
▶︎ Heroes’ Rest Quest Guide
16 Metaphor ReFantazio Enraged Mustari Location
Head to Blue Sky Bridge in Altabury Heights and talk to the Enraged Mustari. He'll give you the Trial of the Dragon: Bygone Legacy quest.
▶︎ Bygone Legacy Quest Guide
17 Metaphor ReFantazio Gentle Merchant Location
Head to Blue Sky Bridge in Altabury Heights and talk to the Gentle Merchant. She'll give you the Deliver Hot Spring Water quest.
▶︎ Deliver Hot Spring Water Quest Guide
18 Go to the taverns of the Royal Capital, Altabury Heights, and Brilehaven to get information.
19 Metaphor ReFantazio Royal Archetypes Unlocked
Talk to More to unlock the Royal Archetype.
20 Hangout with Basilio and raise his Bond Rank to 5. This will unlock the Destroyer Archetype.
21 At night, hangout with Junah to raise her Bond Rank to 8.

Days 27 - 30

1 Metaphor ReFantazio Disgraced Ruins
Set course for the Disgraced Ruins Dungeon, and hangout with Hulkenberg to pass the time. This will increase your Wisdom as well.
2 Metaphor ReFantazio Melibelo Stope
You'll pass by Malibelo Stope, and will receive a Malibelo Stope Drawing afterwards.
3 Metaphor ReFantazio Disgraced Ruins Gold Beetle Location
Enter the Disgraced Ruins Dungeon. Be sure to grab the Gold Beetle inside.
▶︎ Gold Beetle Locations Guide
4 Metaphor ReFantazio Bandit Chief Cistus
Fight the Bandit Chief Cistus. He is weak to Electric attacks.
5 Metaphor ReFantazio Homo Sandro
Afterwards you'll have to fight the Homo Sandro. It is weak to Strike attacks. Once defeated, you'll obtain the Founder's Hatchet.
6 Report back to the Recruitment Center to complete the quest, The Apostles of the Apocalypse. This will increase your Courage.
▶︎The Apostles of the Apocalypse Quest Guide
7 Hangout with Basilio to increase his Bond Rank to 7.
8 Metaphor ReFantazio Tycoon Unlocked
At night, hangout with Brigitta to increase her Bond Rank to 8. This will unlock the Tycoon Archetype.
9 Metaphor ReFantazio Homo Butera
・Hangout with Bardon and listen to his story.
・Defeat the Greatworm Homo Butera
┣ The boss is weak to Ice. Check our guide below for more tips.
┗ The recommended party level is level 55 - 60 when fighting this boss.
▶︎ Greatworm Homo Butera Boss Guide
* You could use items that deal massive Ice damage to Homo Butera:
Ice Chunk
Demonic Ice Sickle
Snow Queen's Breath
Splintering Ice Crystal
10 At night hangout with Neuras. This will complete the quest, Relic Search: Bitter Memories. Afterwards you'll receive the quest, Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin.
▶︎ Relic Search: Bitter Memories Quest Guide
11 Hangout with Basilio to increase your Eloquence.
12 This will eventually lead to a fight with Vinca. Sadly, he isn't weak to anything. Defeating him will complete the quest, A Brother’s Mercy.
▶︎ A Brother’s Mercy Quest Guide
13 At night, hangout with Neuras and complete the quest, Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin. This will increase Neuras's Bond Rank to 7. You'll also receive the quest, Petty Thief.
▶︎ Petty Thief Quest Guide

9th Month Main Quests

All Main Quests

List of Quests
Prepare for the Final Battle Skybound Avatar Conquest Save the Country

List of All Main Quest Walkthroughs

9th Month Side Quests

All Side Quests

List of Quests
Wayward Shepherd The Fiend in the Frozen Forest Proof of Power
Warmth in Winter Defeat Milo A Rake’s Last Wish
The Queen of Cuisine: Soul The Edge of Glory The Incarnate in the Woods
The Apostles of the Apocalypse The Cockatrice in the Clouds Trial of the Dragon: Bygone Legacy
Deliver Hot Spring Water Trial of the Dragon: Heroes’ Rest Trial of the Dragon: Mad Mischief
A Brother’s Mercy Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin Petty Thief
Trial of the Dragon: Essence of Power Become Champion of the Coliseum

All Side Quests Guide

9th Month New Followers and Archetypes

All New Followers

List of New Followers

All Followers and How to Unlock Bonds

All New Archetypes

List of New Archetypes
Elemental Master Warlock Destroyer
Savior Trickster Royal Warrior
Royal Knight Royal Thief Royal Masked Dancer
Royal Summoner Royal Berserker

All Archetypes and How to Unlock

Metaphor: ReFantazio Related Guides

Metaphor ReFantazio - Walkthrough

Complete Walkthrough Guide

All Monthly Walkthroughs

List of Walkthroughs
Metaphor ReFantazio - 6th Month Walkthrough6th Month (June) Metaphor: ReFantazio 7th Month (July) Walkthrough and Schedule Guide7th Month (July)
Metaphor ReFantazio 8th Month (August) Walkthrough and Schedule Guide8th Month (August) Metaphor ReFantazio 9th Month (October) Walkthrough and Schedule Guide9th Month (September)
10th Month (October) Walkthrough and Schedule Guide Metaphor ReFantazio10th Month (October)


15 Gogeta908 days

Following up on that, you reach Tolerance 5 by handing in the completed request with the Spider silk. So I simply switched the days of Junah (09/16) and Catherina

14 Gogeta909 days

Spending time with Catherina on 09/15 isn't an option because your Tolerance needs to be at 5


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