Metaphor: ReFantazio

Heismay Voice Actor and Archetype

Metaphor ReFantazio - Heismey

Heismay is a playable character in Metaphor: ReFantazio. See the guide below to learn more about Heismay's Voice Actor, Archetype, romance availability, profile, and overview.

All Heismay Guides
Character Profile Best Build Bond Guide Boss Guide

Heismay Overview

A Former Knight from Eugief

Heismay Overview
Tribe/Race Eugief
Base Archetype
Voice Actor EN: Phillipe Spall
JP: Akio Otsuka
A former knight of the eugief tribe. He has acute perception compared to most others, due in part to the eugief trait of being sensitive to sound. With an appearance that differs greatly from other tribes, it's not uncommon for eugiefs to be discriminated against—and it seems Heismay is no exception, his past his own burden to bear.
Heismay Overview
Tribe/Race Eugief
Base Archetype
Voice Actor EN: Phillipe Spall
JP: Akio Otsuka
A former knight of the eugief tribe. He has acute perception compared to most others, due in part to the eugief trait of being sensitive to sound. With an appearance that differs greatly from other tribes, it's not uncommon for eugiefs to be discriminated against—and it seems Heismay is no exception, his past his own burden to bear.

Haunted by His Painful History

Metaphor ReFantazio - Heismay Awakening
Heismay is a former knight who has lived through a painful history, much darker than Strohl's and Hulkenberg's upbringings. As you journey with him, he learns to overcome his anxiety and awaken to his Archetype!

Heismay Starting Archetype

Thief Archetype

Metaphor ReFantazio - Heismay Archetype

Heismay's starting archetype is the Thief, which automatically unlocks after bonding with Heismay. The Thief Archetype primarily focuses on speed and luck-based combat, utilizing skills like Steal, Assassinate, and dark skills.

Do note that players can change character Archetypes later on to build a party that best suits one's needs!

All Archetypes and Jobs

Thief Archetype Skills

Skill Type Description
Dark Sword Slash
Deals weak physical Slash damage to one enemy. May inflict Forget.
Mudo Dark
Deals weak magic Dark damage to one enemy.
Plunder Life Almighty
Drains HP from one enemy to restore your own
Plunder Magic Almighty
Drains MP from one enemy to restore your own
Mudoon Dark
Deals medium magic Dark damage to one enemy.
Mamudo Dark
Synthesis Skill: Deals weak magic Dark damage to all enemies.
Mamudoon Dark
Synthesis Skill: Deals medium magic Dark damage to all enemy.

List of All Skills

Heismay Best Archetypes

Thief Lineage

Archetype Class Details
Thief Thief Base User:
Heismay Heismay
Unlock via:
Heismay Heismay (Bond Rank 1)

Able to steal items, HP, and MP from enemies, as well as cast Dark magic and execute attacks that inflict status effects.

Heismay's starting Archetype of Thief offers a variety of utility skills that take advantage of his high Agility. The Thief Archetype also lets you steal items from enemies, allowing you to obtain rare equipment and weapons in each battle.

The Thief Lineage can also be upgraded to Assassin, Ninja, and Royal Thief, each offering more powerful skills.

Best Heismay Build

Faker Lineage

Archetype Class Details
Faker Faker Unlock via:
Alonzo (Bond Rank 1)

Despite its low defence, Fakers excel in debuffing enemies and providing support that would in turn have its allies take down foes with ease.

Heismay can also use the Faker Archetype if you want to make him a pure support. The Faker Archetype has access to several buff and debuff skills, and with Heismay's Agility, you can cast these skills on the first turn.

Once available, reclass him further to Trickster to access more support skills.

How to Unlock Faker Archetype and Best Skills

Heismay Bond

Bond with Heismay to Progress Thief the Archetype

Metaphor ReFantazio - Heismay Scene

Bonding with Heismay unlocks special effects and additional classes under the Thief Archetype. Make sure to spend time with Heismay, especially if you're trying to progress the Thief Archetype!

Heismay Bond Guide and How to Unlock

Heismay Voice Actor

Voiced by Phillipe Spall and Akio Otsuka

Phillipe Spall voices Heismay for the English release, while Akio Otsuka provides the voice for the Japanese release.

Voice Actors and English Cast

Can You Romance Heismay?

No Romance Features in Metaphor: ReFantazio

Unlike in other Atlus titles such as Persona, romance is not an available feature in Metaphor: ReFantazio. This means that Heismay, along with other characters in the game, is not romanceable.

Are There Romance Options?

Metaphor: ReFantazio Related Guides

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