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Check out Game8's Calendar walkthrough guide for Metaphor: ReFantazio! Read on to see all calendar events, a day-to-day schedule, quest walkthroughs per month, deadlines, all things to do, and more!
List of Contents
Attention! | We are still looking into this section. Stay tuned for updates! |
Note: More Calendar data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll. |
Flamesday | Watersday | Aboursday | Metalsday | Idlesday |
1 | 2 Game Start | 3 | 4 Story Progression | 5 Afternoon ・Strohl Joins the Party ・First combat (Trophy Unlock) Evening ・Gold Beetle at camp (Missable) ・More Rank 1 (Trophy Unlock) |
6 Afternoon ・Grius Joins the Party ・Beat Fire Dragon ・Strohl Rank 1 ・Gallica Rank 1 | 7 Story Progression | 8 Story Progression | 9 Story Progression | 10 Afternoon ・Grius Leaves the Party ・Maria Rank 1 |
11 Evening ・Skill Inheritance Unlocked ・Hulkenberg Rank 1 ・Gallica Rank 2 Quest Unlock ・More's Task Quest | 12 Afternoon ・Gold Beetle at Recruitment Centre ・Complete Catacombs Dungeon (Trophy) Quest Unlock ・ Necromancer Takedown ・ Pagan's Dilemma ・A Bullish Embargo | 13 Afternoon ・Buy Informant Info at Inn ・Hulkenberg Rank 2 Evening ・Help Fabienne cook (any choice) Quest Unlock Mans’ Not-So Best Friend | 14 Afternoon ・Strohl Rank 2 Evening ・View Royal Capital (Wisdom +2) Quest Unlock ・Help the Hushed Honeybee | 15 Special Discounts: Big Bargain Day Afternoon ・Purchase from shops on sale (Trophy) ・Purify Sword from Fire Dragon (Trophy Unlock) ・Buy Pristine Water, Bidou Meat, Redgrass Dungeon ・Clear Belega Corridor (Time Skip) ・Gold Beetle at B3 |
16 Afternoon ・Complete A Bullish Embargo (Time Skip) Evening ・Spend time with Fabienne (Tolerance +3) Quest Unlock Quest Deadline ・Pagan's Dilemma | 17 Afternoon ・Strohl Rank 3 Evening ・Spend time with Fabienne (Tolerance +3) | 18 Afternoon ・Clear Tradia Desert boss (Time Skip) ・Gold Beetle near game start point | 19 Afternoon ・Clear Mans' Not-So Best Friend (Courage +4, Trophy) Evening Briggita Rank 2 | 20 Special Discounts: Big Bargain Day Afternoon ・Activist Woman (Eloquence +2) Evening ・Chatty Elder (Imagination +2) |
21 Afternoon ・Activist Woman (Eloquence +2) Evening ・Chatty Elder (Imagination +2) Quest Deadline: Necromancer Takedown | 22 Event: End of Mourning Period ・Story Progression | 23 Quest ・Promising Returns | 24 Afternoon ・Explore Gauntlet Runner (Get Recipes and Ingredients), do daily ・Read New World Travel Diary (Imagination +4) Evening ・Explore Gauntlet Runner (Get Ingredients) ・Spend time with Strohl | 25 Special Discounts: Big Bargain Day Afternoon ・Strohl (Courage +4) ・Tree of Prophecy Drawing (Wisdom +4) Evening ・Hulkenberg (Imagination +4) |
26 Story Progression | 27 Story Progression | 28 Quest Unlock ・A Dagger, a Ring, and a Rake ・ Hatching a Plan | 29 Special Discounts: Weapon/Armor Shop Discount Day Afternoon ・Explore Martira ・Buy Informant Info at Tavern ・Gold Beetle at Tavern at fireplace and bedroom ・Gauntlet Runner: Hulkenberg Rank 3 Evening ・Strohl Rank 4 Quest Unlock ・Providing a Spark (Unlocks Neuras Bond) ・The New King of the Imps | 30 Special Discounts: Big Bargain Day Afternoon ・Item restock ・Strohl (Courage +3) ・Clear Abandoned Tomb Dungeon (Time Skip) |
Note: More Calendar data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll. |
Flamesday | Watersday | Aboursday | Metalsday | Idlesday |
1 Afternoon ・Unlock the Follower Alonzo. ・Unlock the Archetype Faker. Evening ・Raise Brigitta's Bond Rank to 4 | 2 Afternoon ・Defeat Catherina. ・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 2 Evening ・Increase your Wisdom by talking to Neuras. | 3 Afternoon ・Fight Greatworm Homo Butera ・Fight Heismay Evening ・Rest | 4 Afternoon ・Enter the Rotting Waterway Dungeon ・Heismay joins the party ・Unlock the Archetype Thief Evening ・Rest | 5 New Quests ・Man-Eater in the Mine ・Apprehend the Real Kidnapper ・Inventor's Bequest ・Chapter Two: Solitude Afternoon ・Complete Providing a Spark. ・Unlock Neuras ・Unlock the Archetype Gunner ・Read Pride and Persuasion to increase Eloquence Evening ・Complete Chapter One: Ordeal ・Raise More's Bond Rank to 3 ・Unlock the Archetype Magic Seeker. |
6 Afternoon ・Clear the Kriegante Castle Dungeon Evening ・Rest | 7 New Quests ・Chapter Three: Drifting ・The Queen of Cuisine: Heart Afternoon ・Complete Chapter Two: Solitude ・Unlock the Archetype Commander. Evening ・Help Fabienne to increase Tolerance | 8 Afternoon ・Raise Maria's Bond Rank to 2. Evening ・Examine the Martira's Speech Platform to increase Eloquence | 9 Afternoon ・Raise Hulkenberg's Bond Rank to 4. Evening ・Debate with Roger at Martira's Speech Platform to increase Eloquence, and Imagination | 10 Afternoon ・Raise Maria's Bond Rank to 3. ・Unlock the Archetype Cleric. Evening ・Raise Heismay's Bond Rank to 2. |
11 New Quests ・A Noble’s Legacy Afternoon ・Raise Strohl's Bond Rank to 5 Evening ・Head for the Speech Platform in Grand Trad to increase Eloquence | 12 Afternoon ・Raise Maria's Bond Rank to 4 Evening ・Head for the Speech Platform in Martira to increase Eloquence | 13 Afternoon ・Raise Heismay's Bond Rank to 3 Evening ・Talk to the Spirited Youth to increase Courage. | 14 Afternoon ・Raise Maria's Bond Rank to 5. Evening ・Help Fabienne to increase Tolerance | 15 Special Discounts: Big Bargain Day Afternoon ・Bake Benevolent Bread ・Raise Hulkenberg's Bond Rank to 5 ・Enter Man-Eater's Grotto ・Fight Alpha Rockworm Valmos Evening ・Rest |
16 New Quests ・A Haunted Heirloom ・Skullduggery Afternoon ・Complete The Man-Eater in the Mine. ・Complete The Queen of Cuisine: Heart. ・Raise Maria's Bond Rank to 6. Evening ・Debate with Loveless at Martira's Speech Platform to increase Eloquence and Imagination | 17 Afternoon ・Spend time with Strohl and raise your Courage Evening ・Complete Relic Search: Inventor’s Bequest ・Start Relic Search: Dregs of Destiny | 18 Afternoon ・Read Bygone Days to increase Tolerance Evening ・Read Bygone Days to increase Tolerance | 19 Afternoon ・Spend time with Strohl and raise your Courage. ・Fight Catherina and increase her Bond Rank to 3. ・Unlock the Archetype Pugilist. Evening ・Finish reading Bygone Days to increase Tolerance | 20 Special Discounts: Big Bargain Day Head to the Angler's Inn Square to progress the story. |
21 Story Progression | 22 Story Progression | 23 New Quests ・Infiltrate the Charadrius ・Efforescent Youth ・Dental Distress ・Superior Scrimshaw ・Grieving Ghost of the Goblet ・The Chalice vs. The Brew ・Deeds and Diversions ・Soldier’s Solace ・Chapter Four: Turmoil Afternoon ・Complete Efforescent Youth. ・Complete Chapter Three: Drifting ・Obtain The Magical Future Book ・Raise Bardon's Bond Rank to 2 Evening ・Debate with Jin at Brilehaven's Speech Platform to increase Eloquence and Imagination | 24 Afternoon ・Debate with Glodell at Brilehaven's Speech Platform to increase Eloquence and Imagination Evening ・Raise Heismay's Bond Rank to 4. | 25 Special Discounts: Big Bargain Day Afternoon ・Raise Bardon's Bond Rank to 3 Evening ・Raise Brigitta's Bond Rank to 5 |
26 Afternoon ・Debate with Rudolph's at Brilehaven's Speech Platform to increase Eloquence and Imagination and Imagination Evening ・Head to the Lookout to increase Wisdom | 27 Forgiveness Day Afternoon ・Do some shopping and enjoy the discounts. Evening ・Debate with Milo at Brilehaven's Speech Platform to increase Eloquence and Imagination | 28 Afternoon ・Clear the Mausoleum Catacombs Dungeon. ・Obtain Black Jewel Necklace and eight Mortaskulls ・Complete Skullduggery Evening ・Rest | 29 Special Discounts: Weapon Shop Discount Day, Armour Shop Discount Day Afternoon ・Complete A Haunted Heirloom ・Raise Bardon's Bond Rank to 5. Evening ・Raise Brigitta's Bond Rank to 6. | 30 Special Discounts: Big Bargain Day Afternoon ・Talk to the Priest in Brilehaven to increase Imagination Evening ・Head to the Lookout to increase Wisdom |
Note: More Calendar data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll. |
Flamesday | Watersday | Aboursday | Metalsday | Idlesday |
1 Quest: ・Complete A Noble's Legacy Bond: ・Strohl Rank 6 Royal Virtue: ・Tolerance Rank 4 | 2 Quest: ・Receive The Right to Rule Bond: ・Bardon Rank 6 | 3 Archetype: ・Unlock Samurai Bond: ・Strohl Rank 7 ・Alonzo Rank 3 | 4 Royal Virtue: ・Do the Test of Courage to increase Courage ・Tolerance Rank 4 | 5 Dungeon: ・Go to Tomb of Lament Bond: ・Alonzo Rank 3 |
6 Quest: ・Complete Dregs of Destiny ・Start Youth’s Folly Quest Dungeon: ・Enter the Tomb of Lament Dungeon Boss: ・Fight Fatolich | 7 Dungeon: ・Go to the Forsaken Tower Boss: ・Fight Roger | 8 Dungeon: ・Enter the Forsaken Tower Boss: ・Fight Catherina ・Fight Orgas Bond: ・Catherina Rank 4 | 9 Quest: ・Superior Scrimshaw ・Dental Distress ・Grieving Ghost of the Goblet ・The Chalice vs. The Brew ・Deeds and Diversions ・Chapter Four: Turmoil ・ Start Chapter Five: Resolve Bond: ・Strohl Rank 8 ・Alonzo Rank 4 | 10 Special Discounts: ・Big Bargain Day Dungeon: ・Go to Charadrius Boss: ・Defeat Cabio and Salva Bond: ・Gallica Rank 4 |
11 Dungeon: ・Clear Imp's Den Boss: ・Defeat Goborn King | 12 Quest: ・Complete The New King of the Imps Boss: ・Defeat Manjula Bond: ・Alonzo Rank 5 Royal Virtue: ・Courage Rank 3 | 13 Game Feature: ・Junah joins your party ・Unlock swap party members feature Boss: ・Defeat Glodell Bond: ・Gallica Rank 5 | 14 Go to Virga Island | 15 Special Discounts: ・Big Bargain Day. Boss: ・Defeat Sea Horror Homo Sabara |
16 Get an accessory that lets you raise All Stats by 5 | 17 Meet Eupha | 18 Explore: ・Dragon Statue Plaza Quest: ・Start Ancestral Solution Dungeon: ・ Arrive at the Dragon Temple | 19 Game Feature: ・Eupha joins your party Quest: ・Start Obtain Drakodios ・Start Peak Curiousity. ・Start & Complete The Price of Hope ・Complete Ancestral Solution ・Start Save the Mourning Snakes ・Start A Guiding Gift ・Complete Eliminate Virga Island's Threat Dungeon: ・Complete the Dragon Temple | 20 Game Feature: ・Unlock the Altar in the Gauntlet Runner Special Discounts: ・Big Bargain Day Quest: ・Complete A Guiding Gift ・Start The Trial of Malnova Royal Virtue: ・Imagination Rank 5 ・Wisdom Rank 4 |
21 Quest: ・Complete The Trial of Malnova Dungeon: ・Enter Land of Ceremony Boss: ・Defeat Homo Pento Archetype: ・Unlock Summoner Royal Virtues: ・Imagination Rank 5 ・Wisdom Rank 4 | 22 Archetype ・Unlock Paladin ・Unlock Dark Knight Bond: ・Hulkenberg Rank 7 ・Heismay Rank 6 | 23 Quest: ・Complete Save the Mourning Snakes. Dungeon: ・Clear Orbwise Path. Boss: ・Defeat Kokasadors. Archetype: ・Unlock Masked Dancer Royal Virtue: ・Imagination Rank 4. | 24 Bond: ・Brigitta Rank 7. | 25 Special Discounts: ・Big Bargain Day. Bond: ・Alonzo Rank 6 ・Junah Rank 2 |
26 Quest: ・Complete Youth's Folly ・Start Engineer's Destiny Bond: ・Eupha Rank 3 ・Neuras Rank 4 | 27 Explore: ・Ligno Village Dungeon: ・Go to Scoundrel's Hold Bond: ・Hulkenberg Rank 8 | 28 Dungeon: ・Clear Scoundrel's Hold Boss: ・Defeat Psyocropos | 29 Special Discounts: ・Weapon Shop Discount Day, Armour Shop Discount Day Quest: ・Complete Chapter Five: Resolve ・Complete Chapter Six: The End Quest Archetype: ・Soul Hacker Bond: ・More Rank 7 ・More Rank 8 ・Eupha Rank 4 ・Junah Rank 3 Royal Virtue: ・Imagination Rank 4 | 30 Special Discounts: ・Big Bargain Day Archetype: ・Unlock the Ninja Archetype Bond: ・Maria Rank 7 ・Heismay Rank 7 |
Note: More Calendar data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll. |
Flamesday | Watersday | Aboursday | Metalsday | Idlesday |
1 Afternoon ・Raise Eupha's Bond Rank to 5 Evening ・Raise Junah Bond Rank to 4 | 2 Afternoon ・ Raise Maria's Bond Rank to 8 ┗ Unlock the Savior Archetype Evening ・Raise your Tolerance | 3 New Quest ・Wayward Shepherd Afternoon ・ Raise Eupha's Bond Rank to 6 ・ Unlock the Devil Summoner Archetype Evening ・Raise Eupha's Bond Rank to 5 | 4 New Quest ・Relic Search: Bitter Memories Afternoon ・Raise Heismay's Bond Rank to 8 Evening ・Raise Neuras's Bond Rank to 5 ・Complete Relic Search: Engineer’s Destiny | 5 ・Raise Junah's Bond Rank to 6 ┗ Unlock the Persona Master Archetype. ・Enter the Gracia Forest dungeon. ┣ Collect 7 Dragonthistle Berry. ┗ Defeat Kokasados. |
6 Celebrate the festival in honor of the island's Dragon God | 7 Afternoon ・Read How to Walk Outside the Island to increase your Tolerance Evening ・Read How to Walk Outside the Island to increase your Tolerance | 8 Afternoon ・Spend time with Eupha to raise your Imagination Evening ・Read Top Secret Poetry! Do Not Read! to increase your Courage | 9 Afternoon ・Spend time with Eupha to raise your Imagination Evening Arrive at Altabury Heights | 10 Afternoon ・Explore the Montario Opera House Dungeon ・Defeat Louis Evening ・Rest |
11 Basilio will join your party | 12 ・Defeat Rella and Sogne the Icebound ・Complete Save the Prince from Death’s Curse | 13 New Quests ・Prepare for the Final Battle ・Warmth in Winter ・Proof of Power ・The Fiend in the Frozen Forest Afternoon ・Complete Soldier’s Solace ・Debate with Julian Altabury's Speech Platform to increase your Eloquence and Imagination. Evening ・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 5. | 14 Afternoon ・Read or Cook Dishes ・Enter the Mt. Vulkano Dungeon ┣ Defeat Mad Sanctor Hyperic ┣ Complete Wayward Sheperd ┗ Raises your Eloquence to Rank 5 Evening ・Rest | 15 Special Discounts: Bargain Day Afternoon ・Read Literacy Workbook to increase Imagination ・Defeat Loveless Evening ・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 6. |
16 New Quest ・Defeat Milo Afternoon ・Complete Warmth in Winter ・Raise Basilio Bond Rank to 2. Evening ・Talk to Milo. ・Raise Junah's Bond Rank to 7 | 17 Afternoon ・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase Wisdom. ・Defeat Rudolf Evening ・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 7 | 18 Afternoon ・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 3. ・Clear the Everfrost Forest Dungeon. ┗ Defeat Icebeast Chimenzahn. Evening ・Rest | 19 Afternoon ・Complete The Fiend in the Frozen Forest quest ・Clear the Tower of Insolence ┗ Defeat the Ziocropos Evening ・Rest | 20 Special Discounts: Bargain Day Afternoon ・Complete Proof of Power ・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 4 Evening ・Raise Alonzo's Bond Rank to 5 |
21 Afternoon ・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase Wisdom. ・Defeat Milo Evening ・Raise Catherina's Bond Rank to 8 | 22 New Quest ・A Rake’s Last Wish Afternoon ・Complete Defeat Milo. ・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 5 Evening ・Raise Alonzo Bond Rank to 8. ┗ Unlock the Trickster Archetype. ・Complete Prepare for the Final Battle | 23 Raise Gallica's Bond Rank to 7 | 24 ・Defeat Louis ・Unlock the Prince Archetype. ・Defeat Homo Gorleo ・Raise Gallica's Bond Rank to 8 ┗ Unlock the Elemental Master and Warlock Archetype. | 25 Story Progression |
26 New Quests ・Skybound Avatar Conquest ・Edge of Glory ・Queen of Cuisine: Soul ・Mad Mischief ・Heroes’ Rest ・Bygone Legacy ・Hot Spring Water New Bounties ・The Incarnate in the Woods ・The Cockatrice in the Clouds ・The Apostles of the Apocalypse Afternoon ・Unlock the Royal Archetype ・Complete Queen of Cuisine: Soul ・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 5 Evening ・Raise Junah's Bond Rank to 8. | 27 Afternoon ・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase Wisdom. ・Clear the Disgraced Ruins Dungeon ・Defeat Bandit Chief Cistus ・Defeat Homo Sandro Evening ・Rest | 28 Afternoon ・Complete The Apostles of the Apocalypse ・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 7. Evening ・Raise Brigitta's Bond Rank to 8 ┗ Unlock the Tycoon Archetype. | 29 Special Discounts: Weapon/Armor Shop Discount Day New Quest ・Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin Afternoon ・Complete The Right to Rule ・Defeat Homo Butera ・Raise Bardon's Bond Rank to 7 Evening ・Raise Neuras's Bond Rank to 6. ・Complete Relic Search: Bitter Memories | 30 Special Discounts: Bargain Day New Quest ・Petty Thief Afternoon ・Raise Basilio's Bond Rank to 8 ・Complete A Brother’s Mercy Evening ・Raise Neuras's Bond Rank to 7 ・Complete Relic Search: A Dream’s Origin |
Note: More Calendar data can be seen by scrolling horizontally. On mobile, swipe sideways to scroll horizontally. On desktop, hover your cursor over the table, hold Shift, and use the mouse wheel to scroll. |
Flamesday | Watersday | Aboursday | Metalsday | Idlesday |
1 Afternoon ・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase Wisdom ・Defeat Jin ・Raise Neuras's Bond Rank to 8. Evening ・Complete A Rake’s Last Wish ・Soak at Altabury's Hot Springs | 2 Afternoon ・Complete Deliver Hot Spring Water ・Travel to Spire of Blind Faith ・Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase Wisdom ・Defeat the bosses in Spire of Blind Faith Evening ・Rest | 3 Afternoon ・Complete Peak Curiosity ・Fish in the Gauntlet Runner Evening ・Cook all unfinished recipes on the Gauntlet Runner ・Clean the Gauntlet Runner | 4 Afternoon ・Fish in the Gauntlet Runner ・Shop in Silento Evening ・Defeat the Bronze Rank III: Goborn King challenge | 5 Afternoon ・Raise Eupha's Bond Rank to 7 Evening ・Defeat the Bronze Rank II: Gangaflos and Serpetias challenge |
6 Afternoon ・Cook the Sublime Spoonful ・Free action ・Defeat Kokamordos Evening ・Rest | 7 Afternoon ・Complete The Cockatrice in the Clouds ・Raise Eupha's Bond Rank to 8. Evening ・Do actions in the Gauntlet Runner to increase your stats. | 8 Afternoon ・Be free to do any action in the Gauntlet Runner. ・Defeat Ordemos Evening ・Rest | 9 Afternoon ・Complete The Incarnate in the Woods ・Give all 49 Gold Beetles to the Elderly Entemophile ・Do any action in the Gauntlet Runner ・Defeat Devourer of Nations Evening ・Rest | 10 New Quest ・Essence of Power Afternoon ・Do any action in the Gauntlet Runner ・Defeat Devourer of Stars Evening ・Rest |
11 Afternoon ・Defeat Elegy of the Soul Evening ・Rest | 12 Afternoon Defeat the bosses: ・Two Voidblack Homo Orelons ・Grotesque Chimenzahn ・Gupdetron ・Leogrophon ・Melancholia Zorba Evening ・Rest | 13 Afternoon ・Raise Bardon's Bond Rank to 8 ・Unlock the Warlord Archetype Evening ・Free Action | 14 | 15 Special Discounts: Bargain Day |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 Special Discounts: Bargain Day |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 Afternoon ・Free Action Evening ・Talk to your Followers and acquire Key Items |
26 Defeat the bosses: ・Diabolus Butera ・Diabolus Avades ・Diabolus Gorleo ・Diabolus Jaluzo ・Diabolus Sabara ・Diabolus Margo ・Archdemon Louis Charadrius ・More ・Destroyer Charadrius ・Obtain Chronicle of the End ・Complete Save the Country | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
Date | Things to Do |
06/05 |
Afternoon ・First encounter of the game. (Trophy Unlock) ・Defeat Homo Gorleo (Trophy Unlock) Evening ・Explore camp to find the first missable Gold Beetle ・Get sent to the Akademeia, then form a Bond with More. (Rank 1) |
06/06 | Afternoon ・Arrive at Nord Mines ・Grius joins the party ・Beat the sleeping Fire Dragon to get the Dragon's Indignation Sword ・Clear Nord Mines Evening ・Form a Bond with Strohl and Gallica (Rank 1) |
06/07-09 | Story Progression |
06/10 | Afternoon ・Grius leaves the party Evening ・Form a Bond with Maria (Rank 1) |
06/11 | Evening ・Defeat Undead Boss (Spoilers!) ・Form a Bond with Hulkenberg ・Gallica Bond Rank 2 ・Unlock Quest More's Task: Foreword and Prologue |
06/12 | Afternoon ・Proceed to the Recruitment Centre to get a Gold Beetle ・Head to the Catacombs and complete the dungeon (Trophy Unlock) ・Unlock Quests Necromancer Takedown, Pagan's Dilemma, Help the Hushed Honeybee, A Bullish Embargo |
06/13 | Afternoon ・Purchase information from the Informant at the Honeybee Inn ・Unlock Quest Mans' Not-So Best Friend ・Spend time with Hulkenberg (Rank 2) Evening ・Help Fabienne cook (select any choice) |
06/14 | Afternoon ・Spend time with Strohl (Rank 2) Evening ・Spend time viewing the Royal Capital (Wisdom +2) |
06/15 | Afternoon ・Bargain Day: Restock on items at a discount! (Trophy Unlock) ・Purify Sword from the Fire Dragon (Trophy Unlock) ・Purchase Pristine Water, Bidou Meat, and Redgrass ・Clear Belega Corridor and get the Gold Beetle at B3 ・Time skip due to Dungeon visit |
06/16 | Afternoon ・Complete the Queest A Bullish Embargo (Time skip) Evening ・Spend time with Fabienne (Tolerance +3) ・Quest deadline for Pagan's Dilemma |
06/18 | Afternoon ・Spend time with Strohl (Rank 3) Evening ・Spend time with Fabienne (Tolerance +3) |
06/19 | Afternoon ・Complete Quest Mans' Not-So Best Friend to get +4 in Courage and a Trophy Evening ・Spend time with Brigitta (Rank 2) |
06/20 | Afternoon ・Bargain Day: Restock on items at a discount! ・Spend time with Activist Woman (Eloquence +2) Evening ・Spend time with Chatty Elder (Imagination +2) |
06/22 | Story Progression |
06/23 | Afternoon ・Unlock Quest Promising Returns Evening ・Free time |
06/24 | Afternoon ・Explore the Gauntlet Runner, interact with everything to receive Ingredients and Recipes! ・Read New World Travel Diary (Imagination +4) Evening ・Explore the Gauntlet Runner again for Ingredients ・Spend time with Strohl |
06/25 | Afternoon ・Bargain Day: Restock on items at a discount! ・Spend time with Strohl (Courage +4) ・Receive the Tree of Prophecy Drawing to increase Wisdom by 4 Evening ・Spend time with Hulkenberg (Imagination +4) |
06/26 | Story Progression |
06/27 | Story Progression |
06/28 | Afternoon ・Unlock Quests A Dagger, a Ring, and a Rake and Hatching a Plan Evening ・Free time |
06/29 | Afternoon ・Weapon/Armor Shop Discount Day: Purchase Weapons and Equipment at a discount! ・Explore Martira ・Buy Informant information at the Tavern ・Obtain two Gold Beetles at the Tavern, one by the fireplace and the other in the bedroom ・Spend time with Hulkenberg at the Gauntlet Runner (Rank 3) ・Unlock Quests Providing a Spark (Unlocks Follower Neuras) and The New King of the Imps Evening ・Spend time with Strohl (Rank 4) |
06/29 | Afternoon・Bargain Day: Restock items at a discount! ・Spend time with Strohl (Courage +3) ・Clear the Abandoned Tomb Dungeon and collect all items ・Time skip due to Dungeon visit |
List of Quests | ||
Metaphor: ReFantazio has its own weekly system that follows a five-day cycle instead of seven. The days start with Flamesday, followed by Watersday, Arboursday, Metalsday, and end with Idlesday.
To access the calendar, simply go to the in-game menu and select Calendar. You can also track important deadlines for main quests, side quests, and big bargain sales here.
What Happens If You Miss a Deadline?
Metaphor: ReFantazio and all its events run only from June to October. Unlike the weekly days, all months share the same names as their real-life counterparts.
Metaphor: ReFantazio Guides | |
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Am I reading this incorrectly, or does it skip Brigitta’s Rank 3 and go straight to Rank 4? Either way, such and excellent resource! Thanks for putting this together
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3 Ранг Бригитты можно получить в последний день перед тем как покинуть столицу, вечером