Metaphor: ReFantazio

Best Builds

Metaphor ReFantazio - Best Builds
The best builds in Metaphor: ReFantazio will guarantee that you win against enemy encounters with ease. Read on to learn more about the best character builds, the best stat builds, and the best Archetypes you can use to defeat all foes!

Best Stat Builds

Stat Build Tier Ranking
Strength Metaphor: Refantazio - B-Tier Weapons
Magic Metaphor: Refantazio - A-Tier Weapons
Endurance Metaphor: Refantazio - B-Tier Weapons
Agility Metaphor: Refantazio - B-Tier Weapons
Luck Metaphor: Refantazio - B-Tier Weapons

Best Strength Build

Archetypes Characters Tier Ranking
Metaphor: Refantazio - B-Tier Weapons S Tier
✓ One of, if not, the strongest build in the game
✓ Quickly beat enemies for Unscathed Victories
✓ Can utilize Elemental Physical Skills as well
Weaker early-game than a Magic build
Needs support during boss battles

The Strength Build is for those who want to force their victories by employing physical skills against enemies. Some Archetypes specialize in different types of physical skills, but the Strength Stat will determine their effectiveness in battle.

Best Strength Build

Best Magic Build

Archetypes Characters Tier Ranking
Masked Dancer
Masked Dancer
Metaphor: Refantazio - A-Tier Weapons A Tier
✓ Wide range of powerful Elemental Skills
✓ Strong Synthesis Skill synergy with other Magic Archetypes
✓ Back row doesn't lower the damage of Magic
Can't target Slash/Pierce/Strike weaknesses
Gets outscaled by a late-game Strength build

The Magic Build is centered around the use of elemental skills that can exploit enemy weakness in battle. This build is for those who wish to dominate with the numerous types of elemental skills and use them against enemies to overpower them.

Best Magic Build

Best Endurance Build

Archetypes Characters Tier Ranking
Metaphor: Refantazio - B-Tier Weapons B Tier
✓ Ideal build for retaliation
✓ Offensive Achetypes wll last longer
✓ Support Archetypes become more effective
Build comes With the cost of Strength and Magic
Prioritization to Defense may result to longer battles

The Endurance Build is for those who want to tank their way through battle. Archetypes recommended for this build can endure harsh enemy attacks and withstand battles of attrition waged by enemy forces.

Best Endurance Build

Best Agility Build

Archetypes Characters Tier Ranking
Masked Dancer
Masked Dancer
Metaphor: Refantazio - B-Tier Weapons B Tier
✓ Ideal accuracy for attacks
✓ Priority for evasive maneuvers
✓ Increased changes for retreat
✓ Increased effectiveness of physical attacks
Dependency on debuffs and status ailments
Prioritization to evasion and accuracy may result in lengthy battles

The Agility Build aims to hone the evasiveness of your party and make enemy attacks miss their target. This build is for those who wish to seek victory by employing counterattacks against enemies who missed their chances to land a finishing blow.

Best Agility Build

Best Luck Build

Archetypes Characters Tier Ranking
Metaphor: Refantazio - B-Tier Weapons B Tier
✓ Increased chance for Crits and Status Ailments
✓ Decreased chance of receiving Critical Hits
✓ Great for farming items
Magic Skills cannot crit
Less consistent than a normal Strength Build

The Luck Build focuses on increasing your chances to land Critical Hits and Instakills against enemies. It also determines how susceptible you are to status ailments, which removes any looming threat from being poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.

Best Luck Build

Best Builds for Each Party Member

Jump to a Section!
ProtagonistProtagonist StrohlStrohl HulkenbergHulkenberg HeismayHeismay
JunahJunah EuphaEupha Basilio IconBasilio

Best Protagonist Build

Archetype Explanation
Brawler Brawler The Brawler Archetype specializes in various Strike Skills and offensive buffs that can help you gain the upper hand in combat. It also consumes HP when using its default skills, so its MP is free to use for recovery skills.
Mage Mage The Mage Archetype is a recommended Archetype for those wishing to exploit the weaknesses of enemies in the game. Its various elemental skills can help deal great damage to unsuspecting foes.

For a Strength Build, it is recommended that the Brawler Archetype be equipped to act as the Strike specialist in the team. The Brawler Archetype also consumes its HP in skill usage, so it can inherit recovery skills for its MP.

For a Magic Build, a Mage Archetype is an ideal choice to cover all bases of elemental weaknesses you can exploit against enemies with the exclusion of Light and Dark. Cyc should be inherited by the Seeker to acquire the WInd element.

Best Protagonist Build

Best Stat Allocation for Protagonist Archetypes

Mage Build Brawler Build

The stats listed above are recommended to have when using the Mage Build or Brawler Build for the protagonist. Since the player has free control over the stat allocation of the protagonist, it will be up to the player what Build should be reinforced.

Best Stat Builds

Best Strohl Build

Archetype Explanation
Warrior Warrior The Warrior Archetype is a natural choice for Strohl, given that it is his awakened Archetype. It specializes in dealing with Slash skills, as well as reinforcing them through its buffs.
Brawler Brawler The Brawler Archetype is a good alternative Archetype for Strohl, as it knows how to dish out physical attacks from its variety of Strike Skills.

The Warrior Archetype and Brawler Achetype Lineages are ideal choices for Strohl to equip as both complement his stat allocation that prioritizes the Strength Stat.

The later stages of the game will also lean more on the potency of your physical attacks, so it is best to keep Strohl as a physical attack in your party.

Best Strohl Build

Best Hulkenberg Build

Archetype Explanation
Knight Knight The Knight Archetype is recommended for Hulkenberg to equip, as it boasts a variety of skills that aim to provide defensive buffs to your party.

The Knight Archetype Lineage is a top pick for Hulkenberg, given that it excels in providing defensive buffs for your party as well as drawing out enemy attacks against other party members.

Best Hulkenberg Build

Best Heismay Build

Archetype Explanation
Thief Thief The Thief Archetype is a natural choice for Heisymay, given that it is the Archetype he awakened in the game. It also specializes in acquiring rare items from enemies using its Steal Skill, as well as access to Dark Skills.
Gunner Gunner The Gunner Archetype specializes in maintaining Strength for its attacks even when on the back row, giving you the advantage of incurring less damage while dealing full damage. It also has access to buff skills that increase the Hit/Evasion rate of an ally.

The Thief Archetype and Gunner Archetype Lineages are recommended for Heismay to equip, given that his stat allocation prioritizes the Agility stat. Both Archetypes excel in utilizing Agility and providing buffs that increase it.

Best Heismay Build

Best Junah Build

Archetype Explanation
Masked Dancer Masked Dancer The Masked Dancer Archetype is recommended for Junah to equip, given that it is her default Archetype that she awakened. Its versatility in combat is also unmatched, as it acquires additional skills and resistances from the masks that Junah wields in battle.
Mage Mage The Mage Archetype provides access to many elemental skills that can exploit enemy weaknesses in combat. Although it generally lacks Wind Skills, the Mage Archetype can inherit WInd Skills from other Archetypes to add its plethora of elemental attacks.

The Masked Dancer Archetype and Mage Archetype Lineages are notable choices for Junah, given that she is well-versed in her Magic Stat as evidenced by her stat allocation in the game.

Best Junah Build

Best Masks For Masked Dancer Magic DPS Build

Equipment Effect
Metaphor ReFantazio - Mask Summoner's Mask • Equip to use Summoner skills. Adds a resistance to Dark and a weakness to Ice.
• Change skills and resistances when equipped. Masked Dancer only.

If you plan to employ a Masked Dancer Magic DPS Build for Junah, you will need to equip the Summoner's Mask to gain access to powerful attacks from the Summoner's moveset.

You can use the Magic Vessel Skill from the Warlock Archetype as an Inherited Skill to increase your MP output for several summons.

Additionally, you can make Masked Dancer more effective as a damage dealer by using Arcane Unity from the Wizard Archetype as an Inherited Skill and employ Dance Macabre to Instakill enemies all enemies.

List of All Masks and How to Craft

Best Masks For Masked Dancer Physical Support Build

Equipment Effect
Metaphor ReFantazio - Mask Mend Mask • Casts automatic stat-boosting skills on the wearer. Adds resistances to Light and Dark
• Change skills and resistances when equipped. Royal Masked Dancer only.
Metaphor ReFantazio - Mask Mercy Mask • Equip to use a full suite of healing magic. Adds a resistance to Light and a weakness to Dark.
• Change skills and resistances when equipped. Royal Masked Dancer only.

One of the best ways to utilize the Masked Dancer Physical Support Build is to have it use Masquerade Charge to provide buffs for your physical attackers in the party.

Mercy Mask can provide recovery spells for Masked Dancer to use towards allies, which greatly reinforces her support role.

Mend Mask is also a good alternative, as it provides no weaknesses for enemies to exploit and help you gain HP and MP. You have to rely on inherited skills, however, so you could be effective in battle.

Best Eupha Build

Archetype Explanation
Summoner Summoner The Summoner Archetype is Eupha's awakened Archetype, which has access to various skills that involve using several summons in battle acquired from enemy drops.
Mage Mage The Mage Archetype can exploit several weaknesses in battle, enabling you to get more turns for additional attacks or recovery and helping you finish your battles much swifter.

The Summoner Archetype and Mage Archetype Lineages are recommended for Eupha to equip as they both reinforce her capabilities in dishing out magic attacks against enemies.

Best Skills For Summoner Magic DPS Build

Skill Type Description
Summon Eagle Lion Wind

Deals heavy magic Wind damage to all enemies. Lowers their Attack for 3 turns.
Summon Lizardman Electric

Synthesis Skill: Deals extreme physical Electric damage to one enemy. Lowers their Defence for 3 turns
Party Requirement: Knight, Healer, or Commander Lineages
Summon Dragon God Fire
Royal Summoner

Synthesis Skill: Deals severe magic Fire damage to all enemies and removes buff effects
Party Requirement: Mage, Masked Dancer, or Summoner Lineages
Summon Tyrant Almighty
Devil Summoner
Royal Summoner

Synthesis Skill: Deals severe magic Almighty damage to all enemies. May inflict Hex.
Party Requirement: Thief, Faker, or Merchant Lineages
Hadean Icecrag Ice
Devil Summoner

Synthesis Skill: Deals extreme magic Ice damage to all enemies.
Party Requirement: Seeker, Mage, or Healer Lineages

The Summoner Archetype has Synthesis Skills that are able to deal extreme or severe damage to enemies, allowing for the goal of whittling down enemy health do be done with ease.

These Skills can cover various elemental weaknesses and target multiple enemies in battle, enabling you to swiftly finish your battles or heavily wound your foes.

List of All Synthesis Skills

Best Basilio Build

Archetype Explanation
Warrior Warrior The Warrior Archetype is a good Archetype choice for Basilio, given its access to Slash Skills and certain buffs that increase enemy attacks.
Brawler Brawler The Brawler Archetype also specializes in physical attacks that focus on using Strike Skills. Its uniqueness comes from consuming its HP instead of MP when using skills.
Berserker Berserker The Berserker Archetype is Basilio's awakened Archetype, which greatly reinforces his role as a physical attacker. It has various skills that deal physical damage, and buffs that greatly enhance these attacks in battle.

The Warrior Archetype, Brawler Achetype and Berserker Archetype Lineages are recommended for Basilio to use, given that these Archetypes complement his stat allocation that prioritizes his Strength Stat.

In addition, the later stages of the game will give emphasis on the importance of your physical attacks so it is wise to make Basilio one of your damage dealers in your party.

Best Basilio Build

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