Metaphor: ReFantazio

All 46 Archetypes and How to Unlock

Metaphor ReFantazio - All Archetypes and Jobs
There are 46 Archetypes in Metaphor: ReFantazio, broken down into four main types: Basic Lineage Archetypes, Adept, Elite, and the coveted Royal Archetypes. See the list of all Archetypes and how to unlock each one!

Archetype Guides
List of Archetypes Archetype Tier List Best Protagonist Archetypes

All Archetypes and How to Unlock

46 Total Archetypes Overall

Basic 14
Adept 9
Elite 16
Royal 7
Total 46

There are 46 Archetypes in the game, broken down into four main types: Basic Lineage Archetypes, Adept, Elite, and the coveted Royal Archetypes.

Generally, Archetypes are unlocked via story progression, unlocking Bonds and increasing their ranks, purchasing them at the Akademeia with MAG, and leveling up their Archetype Rank.

Basic Archetype Lineages

Archetype Lineage Unlock
Seeker Seeker Seeker Seeker More

Bond Rank 1
Mage Mage Mage Mage Gallica

Bond Rank 1
Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Strohl

Bond Rank 1
Knight Knight Knight Knight Hulkenberg

Bond Rank 1
Thief Thief Thief Thief Heismay

Bond Rank 1
Masked Dancer Masked Dancer Masked Dancer Masked Dancer Junah

Bond Rank 1
Summoner Summoner Summoner Summoner Eupha

Bond Rank 1
Berserker Berserker Berserker Berserker Basilio

Bond Rank 1
Healer Healer Healer Healer Maria

Bond Rank 1
Gunner Gunner Gunner Gunner Neuras

Bond Rank 1
Brawler Brawler Brawler Brawler Catherina

Bond Rank 1
Faker Faker Faker Faker Alonzo

Bond Rank 1
Merchant Merchant Merchant Merchant Brigitta

Bond Rank 1
Commander Commander Commander Commander Bardon

Bond Rank 1

There are 14 Basic Archetype lineages and classes that players will obtain through progression of the main story, as well as completion of Side Quests.

Upon reaching a certain Basic Archetype rank, as well as increasing the Protagonist's Bond Rank with Followers, these classes will give way to the stronger one, all of which specializing in different areas be it offensively, or support-wise in combat.

Adept Archetypes

Archetype Lineage Unlock
Magic Seeker Magic Seeker Seeker Seeker More

Bond Rank 3
Wizard Wizard Mage Mage Gallica

Bond Rank 3
Swordmaster Swordmaster Warrior Warrior Strohl

Bond Rank 3
Magic Knight Magic Knight Knight Knight Hulkenberg

Bond Rank 3
Assassin Assassin Thief Thief Heismay

Bond Rank 3
Cleric Cleric Healer Healer Maria

Bond Rank 3
Sniper Sniper Gunner Gunner Neuras

Bond Rank 3
Pugilist Pugilist Brawler Brawler Catherina

Bond Rank 3
General General Commander Commander Bardon

Bond Rank 3

All 9 Adept Archetypes can be obtained by increasing the Archetype rank of its base lineage, as well as reaching the assigned Follower's Bond Rank to 3. These Archetype classes offer a wider range of skills and passives on a higher tier than its predecessor.

Elite Archetypes

Archetype Lineage Unlock
Soul Hacker Soul Hacker Seeker Seeker More

Bond Rank 7
Elemental Master Elemental Master Mage Mage Gallica

Bond Rank 8
Warlock Warlock Mage Mage Gallica

Bond Rank 8
Samurai Samurai Warrior Warrior Strohl

Bond Rank 7
Paladin Paladin Knight Knight Hulkenberg

Bond Rank 7
Dark Knight Dark Knight Knight Knight Hulkenberg

Bond Rank 7
Ninja Ninja Thief Thief Heismay

Bond Rank 7
Persona Master Persona Master Masked Dancer Masked Dancer Junah

Bond Rank 6
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner Summoner Summoner Eupha

Bond Rank 6
Destroyer Destroyer Berserker Berserker Basilio

Bond Rank 6
Savior Savior Healer Healer Maria

Bond Rank 8
Dragoon Dragoon Gunner Gunner Neuras

Bond Rank 8
Martial Artist Martial Artist Brawler Brawler Catherina

Bond Rank 8
Trickster Trickster Faker Faker Alonzo

Bond Rank 8
Tycoon Tycoon Merchant Merchant Brigitta

Bond Rank 8
Warlord Warlord Commander Commander Bardon

Bond Rank 8

The 16 Elite Archetypes are the pinnacle of strength for select Archetype lineages. Note that there are more than one Elite Archetypes for some class lineage, each having a different skillset and allowing for various builds and playstyles.

Elite Archetypes can be unlocked by reaching a certain rank on both Basic and Adept Archetypes and reaching Bond Rank 6 to 8 for select Followers.

Royal Archetypes

Archetype Lineage Unlock
Royal Warrior Royal Warrior Warrior Warrior Strohl

Bond Rank 8
Royal Knight Royal Knight Knight Knight Hulkenberg

Bond Rank 8
Royal Thief Royal Thief Thief Thief Heismay

Bond Rank 8
Royal Masked Dancer Royal Masked Dancer Masked Dancer Masked Dancer Junah

Bond Rank 8
Royal Summoner Royal Summoner Summoner Summoner Eupha

Bond Rank 8
Royal Berserker Royal Berserker Berserker Berserker Basilio

Bond Rank 8
Prince Prince N/A Protagonist

The 7 Royal Archetypes are considered the strongest obtainable classes in the game, unlocked after reaching Bond Rank 8 with the main playable party members as well as natural story progression.

How to Unlock the Prince Archetype

Metaphor ReFantazio - Prince

The Prince is an Archetype that can be obtained during the latter stages of the game. It is arguably the strongest Archetype in the game, allowing for party-wide buffs, heavy to severe-damaging skills, as well as a secret skill that can deal 9,999 damage once unlocked.

How to Unlock Prince Archetype and Secret Skill

How to Change Archetypes

Unlock Bright-Eyed Student

Metaphor ReFantazio - More Akademeia
Bonding with More allows you to unlock the Bond Ability, Bright-Eyed Student, which lets you change your Archetype along with your teammates who have awakened Archetypes. You can meet More in the Akademeia, which unlocks after defeating Homo Gorleo in the Prologue.

How to Change Archetypes

Change from the Menu

Ability Rank Description
More's Magic Igniter 2 The Archetype Tree becomes accessible from the Main Menu

You can also change Archetypes in the Main Menu after unlocking More's second bond ability rank, More's Magic Igniter. This removes the need to visit Akademeia to change Archetypes and allows you to switch at any time.

However, keep in mind that you can only change to Archetypes you’ve studied. Additionally, you'll lose any inherited skills, but you can always reclass back to the previous Archetype with those skills to access them again.

Skill Inheritance Guide

Archetypes and Classes Explained

Serves as Character Classes in Combat

Archetypes are mysterious powers that you can use in combat to access powerful skills. Each Archetype class has its own role, with some focused on offense, defense, utility, and support.

Only characters who awaken to Archetypes can change and use them!

List of All Skills

Advanced Archetypes

Metaphor ReFantazio - Advanced Archetype

Each Archetype has branching subclasses, giving you a total of 46 Archetypes available in the game! You can unlock these evolutions by simply bonding with your Followers!

All Followers and How to Unlock Bonds

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