Metaphor: ReFantazio Walkthrough Comments

Abandoned Tomb Dungeon GuideComment

Showing 1-10 of 10 entries


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    10 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    3/10 is not most enemies you should def have a dark igniter

    6 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    I killed the big mimic chest on hard with Knight(20), Mage(20), and Healer(1), I put the Gold Attack Skill from Merchant and the Phantasmal Doll accessory onto my Healer, Light Igniter on Knight and put the Light Skill on my Mage (or you could just get another Light Igniter and equip it). I spammed Light Attacks from Knight and Mage and cycled between Light + Gold Attack and Gold Attack + Block on my healer. Whittled it down until it was dead. Or just get sleep res necklace, 1000% easier

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