Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Abandoned Skyscraper Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Abandoned Skyscraper

Abandoned Skyscraper is the fourth accessible zone in Hollow Zero. Learn how to unlock Abandoned Skyscraper, details for each stage, the best characters, and all its rewards!

How to Unlock Abandoned Skyscraper

Finish Chapter 3, Construction Ruins, and the Towering Dome of the Void

How to Unlock Abandoned Skyscraper

You can only unlock Abandoned Skyscraper after finishing Chapter 3 of the Main Commissions, clearing Construction Ruins: Frontline and completing Towering Dome of the Void commission.

Abandoned Skyscraper Stage Info

Abandoned Skyscraper Stages
Abandoned Skyscraper InteriorInterior Abandoned Skyscraper HeartlandHeartland Abandoned Skyscraper CoreCore

Use the table above to jump to a stage!

Interior Details and Walkthrough

Stage Info

Rec. Level Level 35
Total No. of Floors 3 Floors
Best Elements
ZZZ - EtherZZZ - ElectricZZZ - Ice
Elements to Avoid
ZZZ - Fire

Best Characters


Tier List and Best Characters


Floor Featured Enemies

List of All Enemies

Floor 1 Walkthrough

# Floor 1 Walkthrough
You will get a [Research] Trigger Instinct before starting the stage. It will increase your Agents' damage for every 1% of HP lost. You can also choose from a random set of Resonium after that.
The Secret Doctor will appear after getting your free Resonium, offering Concentrated Medicines, and also an A-Rank Shield Resonium depending on the amount of HP you want to give. Concentrated Medicine restores 10% of all squad members' Max HP. We recommend not using the Concentrated Medicines you obtain since you will be needing them on Floor 3 once you talk to the Secret Doctor there as well.
After the event, you will spawn in the middle of an area that contains two rows. Moving up or down will destroy the row opposite your direction. This means you won't be able to go back once you've picked a direction!
Move to the right until you reach the last tile of the row. After reaching the last tile, two rows with a different selection of events will appear. Choose whichever you prefer and again, the row you did not choose will disappear.
For the third time, you will encounter the same scenario where the unchosen row will disappear. As always, choose the row that contains no enemies or will potentially provide more rewards.
The fourth set of rows will finally contain the exit to Floor 1. Progress all the tiles of your chosen row to reach the exit. For the last tile, you will need to fight a Heavy Striker and also a Lightfoot Rover.

Floor 2 Walkthrough

# Floor 2 Walkthrough
When you enter Floor 2, you will meet the Secret Doctor again and they will give you Concentrated Medicines.
After that, you can request 2 services from the Secret Doctor. For the first service request, you can choose to get a B-Rank Resonium or lose 20% HP to obtain an S-Rank Resonium.
For the second service request, you can choose to obtain 500 Gear Coins or lose 15% HP to get 500-2000 Gear Coins possibly.
Collect all the rewards after talking to the Secret Doctor before proceeding to the next area using the transmission tile. To claim the rewards on the right part of the area, you need to finish the first floor with an S-Rank rating.
The rewards on the right part may spawn a Weird Fog Tile, which can teleport you directly to the floor exit and fight the boss immediately. This is a good tile for players who wants to finish the current run quickly!
To access Bank Zero on the left side of the area, you need to interact with the Automated Medical Cabin. The cabin basically balances the HP of all the characters on your team to their average current HP percentage, including the members who are incapacitated.
After using the transmission tile, you will then encounter an area that has a similar layout to the one on Floor 1. Just choose whichever row you prefer and the one you did not select will disappear once you move. Progress the area until you reach the exit to Floor 2. Before you can leave Floor 2, you will have to fight a Typhon Slugger.

Floor 3 Walkthrough

# Floor 3 Walkthrough
The start of Floor 3 is very similar to that of Floor 2 where the Secret Doctor will give you Concventrated Medicines. After that, you can request 2 services from the Secret Doctor. We recommend choosing the ones that require you to use Concentrated Medicines since they have better rewards.
Floor 3 is identical to Floor 2. So, try to get all the rewards in the first area before using the transmission tile.
In the second area, choose the row you prefer and continue moving from tile to tile until you see the exit. Do not forget to interact with the Resonium Shop on the second to the last tile before fighting the Twin Marionette, the last boss of Floor 3. Defeat the Twin Marionette to complete the stage and obtain its rewards!

Heartland Details and Walkthrough

Stage Info

Rec. Level Level 40
Total No. of Floors 3 Floors
Best Elements
ZZZ - EtherZZZ - ElectricZZZ - Ice
Elements to Avoid None

Best Characters


Tier List and Best Characters


Floor Featured Enemies

List of All Enemies

Floor 1 Walkthrough

# Floor 1 Walkthrough
You will start the stage with a [Research] Trigger Instinct Resonium which increases your Agents' DMG the lower their HP are.
The Secret Doctor will pop up after getting the Resonium. He will offer you to get Concentrated Medicine and Resonium in exchange for your Agent's HP. Choose either choice and proceed.
The first area will look like a "Z" shape. You will spawn in the middle while the exit will be on either end of the Z since you can only go in one direction. Once you start going to one side, the other side will disappear.
Keep moving to the end while passing through the tiles and get as many Resonium as you can to get stronger. Once you reach the end, it will expand and reveal another area resembling another "Z". Again, choose a direction and keep moving to the end.
Once you get to the end, it will expand and reveal another area that looks like another "Z" with both directions having the flag at the last tile, which signifies the end of the floor. Choose a direction to go to and get to the end.
You will face Typhon Slugger once you reach the floor exit. Defeat it and head to proceed to the next floor.

Floor 2 Walkthrough

# Floor 2 Walkthrough
You will meet the Secret Doctor again at the start of Floor 2. He will give you Concentrated Medicine and also provide you additional support. Choose what you like and proceed.
Explore all the tiles after talking to the Secret Doctor so that you can get all the rewards before proceeding to the next area. Don't forget to grab the rewards on the right if you got an S rating in the first floor.
Head to the transmission after exploring to enter the next area. You will spawn in the middle of an area that looks like an "S". Again, choose a direction and keep moving to the end.
Once you get to the end, it will expand and reveal another area that looks like another "Z". Choose a direction and keep moving to the end while getting as much Resonia as possible to head to the next area.
The next area looks like another "Z" but the ends now have the flag. Choose a direction and reach the end to get to the floor's boss.
You will face Hati and Armored Hati once you reach the exit. Defeat them to get to Floor 3.

Floor 3 Walkthrough

# Floor 3 Walkthrough
Same with the start of Floor 2, the Secret Doctor will be at the start of Floor 3 as well. He will give you Concentrated Medicine and also provide you additional support again. Choose what you like and proceed.
Explore the area after talking to the Secret Doctor to power up your squad more before moving to the next area. Don't forget to claim the rewards on the right if you cleared the previous floor with an S rating.
The next area looks like another "Z". Again, choose a direction and keep moving to the end to get to the next area.
The next area is another "Z". Choose a direction to go to and head towards the end while picking up all the Resonia you can.
This area looks like another "Z". Choose a direction to go to and head towards the end to go to the last area.
The last area looks like an "S". Choose a direction to go to and head towards the end while getting every Resonia you can for the last boss.
The Twin Marionettes will be the last boss. Defeat it in a two-phase boss battle to clear the stage.

Core Details and Walkthrough

Stage Info

Rec. Level Level 45
Total No. of Floors 3 Floors
Best Elements
ZZZ - EtherZZZ - ElectricZZZ - Ice
Elements to Avoid
ZZZ - Fire

Best Characters


Tier List and Best Characters


Floor Featured Enemies

List of All Enemies

Floor 1 Walkthrough

# Floor 1 Walkthrough
Like the Interior and Heartland stages of Abandoned Skyscraper, you will start with a [Research] Trigger Instinct Resonium. This Resonium will increase the damage of your squad whenever they lose HP.
After getting the Research Resonium, the Secret Doctor will appear and offer you Concentrated Medicines and a Shield Resonium in exchange for your character's HP. It is a good deal to make at the start as you will get more value from the Research Resonium right off the bat.
You will start the stage in the middle with two paths that you can take. The other path will disappear after you move to pick one. This will happen four times until you reach the floor exit.
Notorious Dullahan and a Hati will face you at the exit. Defeat them both to gain access to the next floor.

Floor 2 Walkthrough

# Floor 2 Walkthrough
You will start Floor 2 in a safe area where you will meet the Secret Doctor again. He will offer you some assistance to help you get through this floor, so be sure to accept them.
Head to the other tiles in the area to get more items and power-ups to strengthen your squad further. You can also get the rewards on the right if you finish the boss fight on the previous floor with S-rating. Head to the transmission after that to move to the next area.
Same thing will happen in the first floor. Picking a path will make the other one inaccessible, and that will happen four times again until you reach the exit.
Typhon Slugger and either Lightfoot Rover MK II or Guardian MK II will be waiting for you at the exit. Defeat them and move on to the final floor.

Floor 3 Walkthrough

# Floor 3 Walkthrough
Similar to Floor 2, you will start in a safe area where you can talk to the Secret Doctor for the last time. He will offer the same things in Floor 2, and you can accept those to make your characters stronger.
Move to the tiles in the area to collect some rewards to increase the strength of your squad even further. Don't forget to claim the ones on the right if you finish Floor 2 with an S-rating! Head to the transmission afterward to proceed to the final area.
The last area will have the same mechanics as with Floor 1 and Floor 2. You can only choose one path until you reach the final exit and fight the stage boss.
Fight and defeat the Twin Marionettes to finish the stage and get all its rewards!

Abandoned Skyscraper Recommended Resonia

Use Freeze, Electric, and Ether Resonia

Abandoned Skyscraper Freeze Resonia

Abandoned Skyscraper's best attributes or elements are Ice, Electric, and Ether, which makes the Freeze, Electric, and Ether Resonia great on this zone. It will boost the overall combat power of your squad and help clear the stages faster and easier!

Resonia Effects
Cutie Cold Pack Resonia Cutie Cold Pack Agent Ice DMG increases by 15%
Freezing Gun Resonia Freezing Gun Upon triggering Shatter, the Agent inflicts additional Daze equal to 140% of Impact on the target if the target is not Stunned.
Ice Bag Resonia Ice Bag Freezing an enemy increases the Agent's DEF by 5%, stacking up to 4 times.
Ice Bucket Resonia Ice Bucket Launching an EX Special Attack grants the Agent 8 stacks of Ice Mark.
Ice Cube Tray Resonia Ice Cube Tray When an Ultimate hits an enemy and deals Ice DMG, the Agent gains 36 stacks of Ice Mark.
Ice Maker Resonia Ice Maker Freezing an enemy increases all squad members' CRIT DMG by 40% for 15s.
Ice Shaver Resonia Ice Shaver Shatter DMG increases by 50%. When Shatter is triggered, hitting enemies increases the Agent's Ice Anomaly Buildup Rate by 20% for 5s.
Icicle Shooter Resonia Icicle Shooter Triggering Shatter leaves an icy mist that lasts 10s. This effect can trigger once every 10s. Ice DMG against enemies caught in the mist deal 80% more CRIT DMG.
Portable Cooler Resonia Portable Cooler Freeze lasts 2s longer.
Portable Ice Maker Resonia Portable Ice Maker Freezing an enemy grants all squad members 12 stacks of Ice Mark.
Freezing Spray Resonia Freezing Spray Triggering Ice Mark increases the Agent's Ice Anomaly Buildup Rate by 30%.
Amplification Bracelet Resonia Amplification Bracelet Agents with Zap deal 25% more Electric DMG.
Conductive Coil Resonia Conductive Coil Dealing Electric DMG grants all squad members 1 stacks of Zap. This effect can trigger once every 3s.
Electric Baton Resonia Electric Baton Inflicting Shock on an enemy grants all squad members 10 stacks of Zap.
EMP Grenade Resonia EMP Grenade Agent Electric DMG increases by 15%.
Hand Crank Generator Resonia Hand Crank Generator Agents deal 15% more DMG to Shocked enemies.
Lightning Rod Resonia Lightning Rod Dealing Electric DMG triggers Jolt, inflicting Electric DMG equal to 1,200% of ATK.
Lightning Trident Resonia Lightning Trident Hitting an enemy with an EX Special Attack grants all squad members 6 stacks of Zap.
Outdoor Battery Resonia Outdoor Battery Increases the stack limit of Zap from 20 to 30. Dealing Electric DMG grants all squad members 1 stack of Zap. This effect can trigger once every 1s.
Stun Gun Resonia Stun Gun Inflicting Shock on an enemy generates 10 Energy for all squad members. This effect can trigger once every 15s.
Thunder Whip Resonia Thunder Whip Shock lasts 3s longer.
Tesla Sphere Resonia Tesla Sphere Agents generate 3% Decibels upon hitting a Shocked enemy. This effect can trigger once every 10s.
 Resonia Electroboo All squad members' Electric DMG increases by 10%.
 Resonia Devilboo All squad members' Ether DMG increases by 15%.
 Resonia Plugboo All squad members' Electric DMG increases by 15%.
 Resonia Penguinboo All squad members' Ice DMG increases
 Resonia Resonaboo All squad members' Ether DMG increases by 15%.
 Resonia Sharkboo All squad members' Ice DMG increases by 15%.
Scrap Amplifier Resonia Scrap Amplifier Each point of Anomaly Proficiency increases the Agent's Ether DMG by 0.2%, up to a maximum increase of 30%.
Rusty W-Engine Resonia Rusty W-Engine Corruption DMG increases by 40%
Net Launcher Resonia Net Launcher Agents deal 30% more DMG to Corrupted enemies.
Trashed Harpoon Gun Resonia Trashed Harpoon Gun Inflicting Corruption on an enemy grants 1 stack of Activity to all squad members. Corrupted enemies have their Ether Res reduced by 20%.
Unstable Tranquilizer Resonia Unstable Tranquilizer Dealing Ether DMG to an enemy increases Attribute Anomaly DMG 50% against the target for 10s.
Collective Emblem Resonia Collective Emblem Increases the chance for [Ether] Resonia to appear.
Frozen Timer Resonia Frozen Timer Agent Ether DMG increases by 15%.
Depleted Battery Resonia Depleted Battery Agent Ether Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 15%.
Broken Chip Resonia Broken Chip Launching a Chain Attack increases all squad members' Anomaly Proficiency by 25 for 15s.
Faulty Jammer Resonia Faulty Jammer Corrupted enemies have their ATK reduced by 15%.
Deteriorating Filter Resonia Deteriorating Filter Dealing Ether DMG grants all squad members 1 stack of Activity. This effect can trigger once every 10s.
Suppressive Bracelet Resonia Suppressive Bracelet Launching an EX Special Attack grants 1 stack of Activity to all squad members.
Cracked Drive Resonia Cracked Drive Corruption lasts 2s longer.
Invalid Adapter Resonia Invalid Adapter Each Standard Ether type Resonium owned increases Agent Ether Anomaly Buildup Rate by 4%, up to a maximum increase of 32%.

Get Shield Resonia

You can sustain the HP of your characters if you get Shield Resonia on top of the attribute Resonia above. You won't have to worry about decreasing a chunk of your squad's HP to increase their damage with the [Research] Trigger Instinct Resonium when you have this Resonia.

Resonia Effects
Battery-Charged Baton Resonia Battery-Charged Baton Increases CRIT DMG of Shielded Agents by 25% and Anomaly Mastery by 15.
Elastic Kneepads Resonia Elastic Kneepads Hitting an enemy with an EX Special Attack generates Shield equal to 10% of the Agent's Max HP. This effect can trigger once every 10s.
Exoskeleton Armor Resonia Exoskeleton Armor Each Standard Shield Resonium owned increases Agent DEF by 3%.
Flak Jacket Resonia Flak Jacket Increases Agent DEF by 15%.
Riot Helmet Resonia Riot Helmet Generates Shield for all squad members equal to 150% of their DEF upon entering the battlefield.
Tactical Mask Resonia Tactical Mask Triggering Perfect Dodge grants the Agent Shield equal to 8% of Max HP for 5s. This effect can trigger once every 5s.
Tactical Rucksack Resonia Tactical Rucksack Shielded Agents deal 35% more DMG and won't take DMG that exceeds their Shield. This effect can trigger once every 12s.
War Boots Resonia War Boots Defeating an enemy generates Shield equal to 8% of Max HP for all squad members, lasting 10s. This effect can trigger once every 15s.
Punk Belt Resonia Punk Belt Shielded Agents deal 20% more DMG to enemies within 6m.
Blast Shield Resonia Blast Shield Agents take 10% less DMG.
Warm Bracers Resonia Warm Bracers When attacked, if the Agent's HP is below 25%, Immediately generate Shield equal to 15% of Max HP for 10s. (This effect can only be triggered once by each Agent in each combat.)
Anti-Riot Fork
 Resonia Anti-Riot Fork Agents deal additional DMG equal to 40% of their current Shield.
Fingerless Gloves
 Resonia Fingerless Gloves Shielded Agents' Anti-interrupt level increases, and they receive 20% less DMG.

Consider Getting Assist, Dodge, Duel Resonia

Abandoned Skyscraper Dodge Resonia
Assist and Dodge Resonia are worth getting in this zone for counter-attacking, especially against the bosses. You can also get Duel Resonia with Daze and Stun effects to punish the bosses more frequently and stop the Twin Marionettes from reviving each other!

Resonia Effects
Activity Transfer Device Resonia Activity Transfer Device Triggering Perfect Assist increases all squad memers' CRIT DMG by 15% for 10s.
Backup Shield Generator Resonia Backup Shield Generator Triggering Perfect Assist grants the Agent a Shield equal to 6% of their Max HP for 10s.
Dynamic Calibration Device Resonia Dynamic Calibration Device Triggering Perfect Assist grants all squad members 1 stack of Insight.
Dynamic Sensors Resonia Dynamic Sensors Triggering Perfect Assist increases all squad members' CRIT DMG by 48% for 30s. All squad members gain 1 stack of Acuity.
Emergency Enhancement Device Resonia Emergency Enhancement Device Triggering Perfect Assist increases all squad members' CRIT DMG by 20% for 10s.
Ether Reaction Device Resonia Ether Reaction Device Triggering a Perfect Assist increases all squad members' Anomaly Buildup Rate by 20% for 10s.
Hand Operated Generator Resonia Hand Operated Generator Triggering Perfect Assist generates 5 Energy for the Agent. This effect can trigger once every 5s.
HF Communicator Resonia HF Communicator Triggering Perfect Assist generates 5% Decibels.
Holographic Decoy Resonia Holographic Decoy Hitting enemies with an Assist Follow-Up increases all squad members' PEN Ratio by 10% for 15s.
Hydraulic Buffer Resonia Hydraulic Buffer Assist Follow-Up DMG increases by 70%.
Impact Feedback Device Resonia Impact Feedback Device Triggering Perfect Assist grants all squad members 1 stack of Rush
Gate Breaker Resonia Gate Breaker Vital View triggered by Evasive Assist lasts 5s. Defensive Assist inflicts 30% more Daze.
Hard Hat Resonia Hard Hat Using Dodge increases the Agent's DEF by 20% for 5s.
Rugby Ball Resonia Rugby Ball On triggering a Perfect Dodge, all squad members gain 1 stack of Agility, and DMG dealt is increased by 30 for 15s.
Shuttlecock Resonia Shuttlecock On triggering Perfect Dodge, Agents gain 1 stack of Agility and enter Vital View for 4s This effect can trigger once every 10s.
Skate Shoes Resonia Skate Shoes Dodge Counter DMG increases by 35%
Skateboard Resonia Skateboard When in the Counter state, Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 20% and CRIT DMG increases by 40%.
Skis Resonia Skis Triggering a Dodge Counter generates 5 Energy for the Agent.
Sneakers Resonia Sneakers Perfect Dodge is easier to trigger
Yoga Ball Resonia Yoga Ball The post-Dodge Dash Attack is replaced by Dodge Counter. This effect can trigger once every 5s. Triggering this effect grants the Agent 1 stack of Agility.
Tennis Racket Resonia Tennis Racket When entering Vital View by triggering Perfect Dodge, the post-Dodge Dash Attack is replaced by Dodge Counter that can be used repeatedly up to 4 times.
Fencing Sword Resonia Fencing Sword Extends the duration of the Counter state by 5s.
Killer Paddle Resonia Killer Paddle Upon being attacked, quickly press Dodge to immediately break free and recover 50% of the DMG taken as HP. This effect can trigger once every 6s.
Magnetic Dart Resonia Magnetic Dart When in the Counter state, Agent EX Special Attacks and Dodge Counter Interrupt level is increased, and all Agents' DMG increases by 50%.
Baseball Bat Resonia Baseball Bat Basic Attacks inflict 10% more Daze.
Bench Resonia Bench When an enemy is Stunned, Agents gain 10% Decibels, and all squad members gain 2 stacks of Rush. Can trigger once every 10s.
Brass Knuckles Resonia Brass Knuckles Triggering Perfect Dodge increases Daze inflicted by the Agent by 15% for 5s.
Ceramic Vase Resonia Ceramic Vase Increases enemy Stun DMG Multiplier by 40%. When your squad is full, Agents can additionally trigger 1 Chain Attacks on Stunned enemies.
Ergonomic Brick Resonia Ergonomic Brick Chain Attacks deal 30% more DMG.
Gong of Jubilation Resonia Gong of Jubilation Upon Stun recovery, the enemy's ATK is reduced by 15% for 30s.
Homemade Spike Mace Resonia Homemade Spike Mace When triggering a Chain Attack, all squad members receive 1 stack of Rush, and the Stun DMG Multiplier of enemies hit is increased by 10%, up to a max of 30%.
Inflatable Hammer Resonia Inflatable Hammer Increases the stack limit of Rush from 4 to 8. Stunned enemies' Stun DMG Multiplier increases by 50%.
Joiner Joiner's Hammer When an enemy is inflicted with an Attribute Anomaly, all squad members gain a stack of Rush. If the target is not Stunned, its Daze increases by 10%.
Nunchucks Resonia Nunchucks EX Special Attacks inflict 10% more Daze.
Shock Gloves Resonia Shock Gloves Launching a Chain Attack generates 6% Decibels.
Tonfa Resonia Tonfa Enemies are stunned for 10% longer.
Chain Mace Resonia Chain Mace For each stack of Rush, Agents' Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 10% when hitting a Stunned enemy.
Tactical Analyzer
 Resonia Tactical Analyzer Triggering Perfect Dodge or Chain Attack additionally restores 1 Assist Point and increases the Agent's DMG by 45% for 128.
Sports Shades
 Resonia Sports Shades Dodge Counter DMG increases by 50% and Daze inflicted increases by 30%.

Most Resonia That Will Appear is Random

Random Resonia
Most of the Resonia you will get are random unless they are indicated in the Shop or special event tiles. It means you won't have full control on which Resonia will appear, but you can always refresh it if you have unlocked Resonium Converters from the Combat Configuration!

List of All Resonia

Abandoned Skyscraper Rewards

First Clear Rewards

Abandoned Skyscraper: Interior

First Clear Rewards

Abandoned Skyscraper: Heartland

First Clear Rewards

Abandoned Skyscraper: Core

First Clear Rewards

Regular Rewards

Abandoned Skyscraper: Interior

Regular Rewards
Denny Denny x2000

Abandoned Skyscraper: Heartland

Regular Rewards
Denny Denny x2815

Abandoned Skyscraper: Core

Regular Rewards
Denny Denny x3380

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Resonia Corruption


1 Anonymous8 months

Why repeating the level don't drop the rewards?


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