Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Withering Garden Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero Withering Garden
Withering Garden is the 5th zone of Hollow Zero in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See how to unlock Withering Garden, detailed walkthrough, stage info, best characters, best Resonia, and rewards here!

How to Unlock Withering Garden

Reach Inter-Knot Level 45

Withering Garden Hollow Zero
Withering Garden is considered Zone 5 or Nest of Hollow Zero, and you can unlock it after reaching Inter-Knot Level 45. Complete the Enchanting and Stunning, Withering Commission to access the Withering Garden zone with Ether Activity modifier.

Hollow Zero Guide and Rewards

Withering Garden Details and Walkthrough

Stage Info

Rec. Level Level 50
Total No. of Floors 3 Floors
Best Elements
ZZZ - EtherZZZ - ElectricZZZ - Ice
Elements to Avoid
ZZZ - PhysicalZZZ - Fire

Best Characters



Floor Featured Enemies

Ether Activity

Ether Activity is a modifier that can make the Withering Garden more difficult in exchange for obtaining additional rewards such as Hi-Fi Master Copy, Ether Plating Agent, and Polychromes! Most modifiers are unavailable initially, and you must activate and clear the set before them to unlock them.

Exploration Mode

# Ether Activity
1 Normal and elite enemies' ATK increased by 50%.
2 All items in the store become 50% more expensive.
3 Gain 50 Pressure upon entering a new floor.
4 Elite and boss enemies gain 30% additional Max HP and Anomaly Buildup RES.
5 Bosses gain increased ATK over time, up to 100%.
6 Reduces HP recovery and Pressure reduction by 35%.
7 Bosses have 50% higher max Daze and recover from Stun 100% faster.
8 [Chance Encounter] A series of events entailing unavoidable risks.
9 Agents take 50% more DMG when holding fewer than 1,500 Gear Coins.
10 Attacks from elite and boss enemies reduce characters' Energy and Decibels
11 All enemies are enhanced in all aspects.

Blitz Mode

# Ether Activity
1 Increases ATK of all enemies by 50%.
2 Increases max Daze of all enemies by 30%.
3 Elites no longer display gold or red flash indicators when attacking.
4 Increases Anomaly RES of all enemies by 40%.
5 Energy generation rate for Agents on-field is reduced by 40%.
6 Agents consume one additional Assist Point when triggering Perfect Assists.
7 Bosses gain increased ATK over time, up to 200%.
8 Bosses have 30% higher max Daze and recover from Stun 50% faster.
9 Energy Regen of off-field Agents is reduced by 50%.
10 Normal and elite enemies will be upgraded to their elite forms.
11 All enemy stats have been enhanced.

Withering Garden Walkthrough

Exploration Mode Walkthrough

Floor 1

# Floor 1 Walkthrough
You will start the stage by picking one of the three Research Resonia, which are the [Research] Trigger Instinct, [Research] Overload Distribution, and [Research] Resource Conversion. Choose whichever you think suits your playstyle better.
The suspicious people from each Hollow Zero zone will appear together after picking your Research Resonia, offering a permanent buff and debuff. Try to match your selection based on your Research Resonium to get more value out of it.
You will start the stage on an area similar to Abandoned Skyscraper, which you can only choose one path over the other until you reach the exit and gain access to the next floor.
At the exit, you will fight at least two boss enemies before you can get to the next floor.
Withering Garden Enemies

Floor 2

# Floor 2 Walkthrough
Just like other zones in Hollow Zero, you will begin in a safe area at the start of Floor 2. You will also meet the three suspicious people from the first floor in this area, offering you a service that comes with a "Risk Factor".
The helpful items you can pick are random for each run, but the risk factor in exchange for that is fixed. You can either lose a portion of your Gear Coins, lose some HP, or sustain Corruptions. You can avoid the risk factor for one time, but it's best to save it for the last floor or rest area.
Collect all other rewards before heading to the transmission and then to the next area. You can also get the ones on the right if you cleared the previous floor with an S-rating!
The next area that will appear is random, but you can expect it to be similar to one of the stages you cleared before. Move around the tiles and try to get the most rewards until you reach the exit.
You will fight a boss enemy at the end of the floor. Note that you might fight two or three enemies at once.
Withering Garden Enemies

Floor 3

# Floor 2 Walkthrough
1 Withering Garden Floor 3 First Safe Area
You will end up in a safe area again after getting out of Floor 2. You will reunite with the trio again and offer you the ones you didn't choose in floor 2. However, the risk factor you have to take will increase.
2 Withering Garden Floor 3 First AreaGet all the other items in the area before going to the next area via the transmission. Don't forget to claim the ones on the right if you cleared Floor 2 with an S-rating!
3a Withering Garden Floor 3 Battle Area
Same as Floor 2, the next area will be random but will be the similar with the ones on other zones or stages. Always take the path that is most beneficial for your squad to be strong enough to beat the final boss.
3b Withering Garden Floor 3 Second Safe Area
The next area will be another safe zone. You will meet the trio for the last time and offer you the last item that you didn't pick from the selection before. If you still have the "Can we just skip this part" option, it's best to use it now as the risk factor will be the highest here.
4 Defeat Nineveh
Head to the transmission and move towards the floor exit. Fight and defeat Nineveh and her minions to clear the stage and get its rewards!
How to Beat Nineveh

Blitz Mode Walkthrough

Wave 1 Battle Flow

Resonia Selection (1 Resonium)
Normal Enemies Normal Enemy Mob Battle
Resonia Selection (2 Resonia)
Elite Elite Enemy Battle x1
Resonia Selection (2 Resonia)
Gatekeeper BattleGatekeeper Battle
Boss x1 + Elite Enemy x1
Resonium Supply Selection
(1 Catalyzed Resonia Set of a specific specialization)
Next Wave

The first wave will start with a mob of random enemies. Quickly take them out, select your desired Resonia, then move out. The next battle will be against a singular Elite Enemy. Once defeated, select your Resonia again, then proceed to the next area.

The last area will be a Gatekeeper Battle. Defeating Gatekeeper Bosses will allow you to proceed to the next area. Take out any distractions by focusing on the Elite Enemy first, then go all-out on the boss!

Wave 2 Battle Flow

Resonia Selection (1 Resonium)
Elite Elite Enemy Battle x1
Resonia Selection (2 Resonia)
Elite Elite Enemy Battle x2
Resonia Selection (2 Resonia)
Gatekeeper BattleGatekeeper Battle
Boss x1
Resonium Supply Selection
(1 Catalyzed Resonia Set of a specific specialization)
Next Wave
Resonia Selection (1 Resonia)
ZZZ - Nineveh Nineveh
Final Boss

The second wave will consist of one difficult battle after another, pitting you against Elite Enemies. Be sure to select your Resonia after each battle!

The Gatekeeper Boss may be an Expert Challenge boss or a Notorious Hunt boss, so be prepared for anything! Once all of them are done for, it's time to face Nineveh for one final battle.

How to Beat Nineveh

Recommended Resonia

Get Freeze, Electric, or Ether Resonia

Resonia Effects
Cutie Cold Pack Resonia Cutie Cold Pack Agent Ice DMG increases by 15%
Freezing Gun Resonia Freezing Gun Upon triggering Shatter, the Agent inflicts additional Daze equal to 140% of Impact on the target if the target is not Stunned.
Ice Bag Resonia Ice Bag Freezing an enemy increases the Agent's DEF by 5%, stacking up to 4 times.
Ice Bucket Resonia Ice Bucket Launching an EX Special Attack grants the Agent 8 stacks of Ice Mark.
Ice Cube Tray Resonia Ice Cube Tray When an Ultimate hits an enemy and deals Ice DMG, the Agent gains 36 stacks of Ice Mark.
Ice Maker Resonia Ice Maker Freezing an enemy increases all squad members' CRIT DMG by 40% for 15s.
Ice Shaver Resonia Ice Shaver Shatter DMG increases by 50%. When Shatter is triggered, hitting enemies increases the Agent's Ice Anomaly Buildup Rate by 20% for 5s.
Icicle Shooter Resonia Icicle Shooter Triggering Shatter leaves an icy mist that lasts 10s. This effect can trigger once every 10s. Ice DMG against enemies caught in the mist deal 80% more CRIT DMG.
Portable Cooler Resonia Portable Cooler Freeze lasts 2s longer.
Portable Ice Maker Resonia Portable Ice Maker Freezing an enemy grants all squad members 12 stacks of Ice Mark.
Freezing Spray Resonia Freezing Spray Triggering Ice Mark increases the Agent's Ice Anomaly Buildup Rate by 30%.
Amplification Bracelet Resonia Amplification Bracelet Agents with Zap deal 25% more Electric DMG.
Conductive Coil Resonia Conductive Coil Dealing Electric DMG grants all squad members 1 stacks of Zap. This effect can trigger once every 3s.
Electric Baton Resonia Electric Baton Inflicting Shock on an enemy grants all squad members 10 stacks of Zap.
EMP Grenade Resonia EMP Grenade Agent Electric DMG increases by 15%.
Hand Crank Generator Resonia Hand Crank Generator Agents deal 15% more DMG to Shocked enemies.
Lightning Rod Resonia Lightning Rod Dealing Electric DMG triggers Jolt, inflicting Electric DMG equal to 1,200% of ATK.
Lightning Trident Resonia Lightning Trident Hitting an enemy with an EX Special Attack grants all squad members 6 stacks of Zap.
Outdoor Battery Resonia Outdoor Battery Increases the stack limit of Zap from 20 to 30. Dealing Electric DMG grants all squad members 1 stack of Zap. This effect can trigger once every 1s.
Stun Gun Resonia Stun Gun Inflicting Shock on an enemy generates 10 Energy for all squad members. This effect can trigger once every 15s.
Thunder Whip Resonia Thunder Whip Shock lasts 3s longer.
Tesla Sphere Resonia Tesla Sphere Agents generate 3% Decibels upon hitting a Shocked enemy. This effect can trigger once every 10s.
 Resonia Electroboo All squad members' Electric DMG increases by 10%.
 Resonia Devilboo All squad members' Ether DMG increases by 15%.
 Resonia Plugboo All squad members' Electric DMG increases by 15%.
 Resonia Penguinboo All squad members' Ice DMG increases
 Resonia Resonaboo All squad members' Ether DMG increases by 15%.
 Resonia Sharkboo All squad members' Ice DMG increases by 15%.
Scrap Amplifier Resonia Scrap Amplifier Each point of Anomaly Proficiency increases the Agent's Ether DMG by 0.2%, up to a maximum increase of 30%.
Rusty W-Engine Resonia Rusty W-Engine Corruption DMG increases by 40%
Net Launcher Resonia Net Launcher Agents deal 30% more DMG to Corrupted enemies.
Trashed Harpoon Gun Resonia Trashed Harpoon Gun Inflicting Corruption on an enemy grants 1 stack of Activity to all squad members. Corrupted enemies have their Ether Res reduced by 20%.
Unstable Tranquilizer Resonia Unstable Tranquilizer Dealing Ether DMG to an enemy increases Attribute Anomaly DMG 50% against the target for 10s.
Collective Emblem Resonia Collective Emblem Increases the chance for [Ether] Resonia to appear.
Frozen Timer Resonia Frozen Timer Agent Ether DMG increases by 15%.
Depleted Battery Resonia Depleted Battery Agent Ether Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 15%.
Broken Chip Resonia Broken Chip Launching a Chain Attack increases all squad members' Anomaly Proficiency by 25 for 15s.
Faulty Jammer Resonia Faulty Jammer Corrupted enemies have their ATK reduced by 15%.
Deteriorating Filter Resonia Deteriorating Filter Dealing Ether DMG grants all squad members 1 stack of Activity. This effect can trigger once every 10s.
Suppressive Bracelet Resonia Suppressive Bracelet Launching an EX Special Attack grants 1 stack of Activity to all squad members.
Cracked Drive Resonia Cracked Drive Corruption lasts 2s longer.
Invalid Adapter Resonia Invalid Adapter Each Standard Ether type Resonium owned increases Agent Ether Anomaly Buildup Rate by 4%, up to a maximum increase of 32%.

Most Resonia That Will Appear is Random

Random Resonia
Most of the Resonia you will get are random unless they are indicated in the Shop or special event tiles. It means you won't have full control on which Resonia will appear, but you can always refresh it if you have unlocked Resonium Converters from the Combat Configuration!

Resonia in Blitz Mode

Blitz Mode Resonia

The Resonia in Blitz Mode are highly likely going to be aligned with the Agents you have selected. Though they may be random, the game will try and pair you up with your Agents' playstyles.

Should you have an Agent that excels in Dodge Counters, Dodge Resonia will be in the mix. If you have characters that rely on inflicting Assault, Onslaught Resonia will be offered to you.

List of All Resonia

Collect Inferno Reap Resonia Kit in Exploration Mode

When it comes to collecting Resonia for Inferno Reap, it's recommended that Proxies do so in Exploration Mode as opposed to Blitz Mode. The reason for this is that at most, you can only get 16-18 Resonia in the latter.

However, when exploring the Withering Garden manually, you will have access to multiple sources of Resonia, from Bangboo Merchants to event tiles. You may even keep Artifice Resonia in your kits, which can come in quite handy!

Inferno Reap Guide

Withering Garden Rewards

First Clear Rewards

Regular Rewards

The First Clear Rewards are the same for both Exploration Mode and Blitz Mode.

Regular Rewards

Regular Rewards
Denny Denny x4500

Ether Activity Exploration Mode Rewards

Ether Activity 1
Ether Activity 2
Ether Activity 3
Ether Activity 4
Ether Activity 5
Ether Activity 6
Ether Activity 7
Ether Activity 8
Ether Activity 9
Ether Activity 10
Ether Activity 11

Ether Activity Blitz Mode Rewards

Ether Activity 1
Ether Activity 2
Ether Activity 3
Ether Activity 4
Ether Activity 5
Ether Activity 6
Ether Activity 7
Ether Activity 8
Ether Activity 9
Ether Activity 10
Ether Activity 11

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero - Hollow Zero

Hollow Zero Guide

List of Hollow Zero Zones

All Hollow Zero Zones
Qualification Assessment Old Capital Metro
Construction Ruins Abandoned Skyscraper
Withering Garden Guide Inferno Reap
Lost Void Shadow Operation

List of Hollow Zero Upgrades and Mechanics

Hollow Zero Upgrades and Mechanics
Resonia Corruption


10 Anonymous6 months

I'm f2p and dont have good S rank agents, i beat this only using billy (worst agent according to this site, but my favorite one!), rina, and anby, and everyone at lv 50. Quite hard but doable, far from. And got S rank on first try. Perhaps you're just bad at this game? This thing is nowhere as hard as consort radahn pre nerf if you know who is this.

9 Anonymous7 months

I just beat it that was intense but I cleared it with Jane btw. She carried me though delt most of the dmg and dodged most of the dmg. There no way my zhu yuan could carry this boss!


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