Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Inferno Reap Guide and How to Beat

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Zenless Zone Zero Inferno Reap Guide

Inferno Reap in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) is a Hollow Zero Mode that requires Proxies to deal as much damage to Nineveh as possible in exchange for rewards. Check out how to beat Inferno Reap, how to unlock it, rewards, and its release date here!

How to Beat Inferno Reap

Deal as Much DMG as Possible to Nineveh

Deal as Much DMG to Nineveh as Possible

In Inferno Reap, you must face one enemy and one enemy alone—Nineveh. Your task is to deal as much DMG as possible to her within a small time period.

Unlike her version in the Withering Garden, Nineveh's resistances and stats in Inferno Reap will remain the same as there will be no Ether Activity to make this fight more difficult than it already is.

Destroy Vines and Hornets to Prolong the Challenge

Destroy Constricting Vines and Hornets

Since you will only be given a small window of opportunity to dish out DMG, you must take all the chances you can get to extend it. Destroy Nineveh's Constricting Vines and Hornets to increase your time limit by a small amount!

How to Beat Nineveh

Use Resonia Kits

Resonium Kits

Resonia Kits will make a significant difference in making this difficult fight much more manageable. Always be sure to have appropriate Resonia Kits equipped based on your party composition and your playstyle.

Recommended Resonia

Resonia Effects
Hypnotic Pocket Watch Resonia Hypnotic Pocket Watch For 2 combats, enemy Stun duration decreases by 40%
Resolved Effect: Once reconstructed, enemy Stun duration increases by 20%
Doombringer Resonia Doombringer Increases Agent CRIT DMG by 20%.
Catalyzed Effect: Increases Agent CRIT DMG by 35%.
High-Explosive grenade Resonia High-Explosive grenade Agent CRIT DMG increases by 36%. Critical Hits may execute normal enemies with less than 75% HP. This effect can trigger once every 6s.
Laser Scope Resonia Laser Scope Each non-critical hit increases the Agent's CRIT Rate by 3%. This effect is reset after the Agent triggers a critical hit.
Catalyzed Effect: Each non-critical hit increases the Agent's CRIT Rate by 6%. This effect is reset after the Agent triggers a critical hit.
Ceramic Vase Resonia Ceramic Vase Increases enemy Stun DMG Multiplier by 40%. When your squad is full, Agents can additionally trigger 1 Chain Attacks on Stunned enemies.
Tonfa Resonia Tonfa Enemies are stunned for 10% longer.
Catalyzed Effect: Enemies are stunned for 15% longer.
Mr. Bright Mr. Bright's Probiotics Launching an EX Special Attack increases the Agent's CRIT DMG by 20% for 15s.
Catalyzed Effect: Launching an EX Special Attack increases the Agent's CRIT DMG by 30% for 15s.
Riot Helmet Resonia Riot Helmet Generates Shield for all squad members equal to 150% of their DEF upon entering the battlefield.
Catalyzed Effect: Generates Shield for all squad members equal to 200% of their DEF upon entering the battlefield.
Ornate Cane Resonia Ornate Cane For 0 combats, Agent CRIT Rate decreases by 40%.
Resolved Effect: Once reconstructed, Agent CRIT DMG instead increases by 40%.

Build Resonia Kits in the Withering Garden

Saving Resonium Kits

Resonia Kits can be built by going through runs in the Withering Garden stage of Hollow Zero. After your run, you will receive a prompt asking you if you wish to have your most recent set of Resonia as a Kit in Inferno Reap.

Simply agree and you will be able to equip a new Resonia Kit!

Withering Garden Guide

Beware of Ineffective Resonia

Ineffective Resonium

In light of this, always be sure to select the best and most effective Resonia during your run in the Withering Garden.

Resonia such as the Pitch Dark Cape Artifice Resonium, which negates all Pressure when traversing Hollow Zero, will be ineffective in Inferno Reap as there will be no exploration involved.

List of All Resonia

Take Advantage of Overload Activations

Overload Activation

During the challenge, Overload Activation will occur whenever you reach the 1-minute, 2-minute, and 30-second marks, increasing the DMG dealt and taken by both sides by 30%, 60%, and 90%, respectively.

Use these moments as opportunities to really dish out as much DMG as you can in record time. Resonia that extend stun duration paired with those that increase your Agents' DMG will do wonders for scoring big!

Accumulate DMG for Rewards

Inferno Reap Rewards

All of the DMG you have dealt to Nineveh throughout all your runs in Inferno Reap will be recorded, as well as other tasks like destroying Constricting Vines.

Reaching milestones in these categories will net you rewards such as Polychromes, Drive Disc Master Copies, and W-Engine Modification Materials. Additionally, all lost items under the Here It Once Swayed category can be acquired here!

How to Unlock Inferno Reap

Complete Withering Garden and Foliage Hunt Commission

How to Unlock Inferno Reap
Inferno Reap in Hollow Zero
Unlock Prerequisites • Reach Inter-Knot LVL 45
• Complete Withering Garden - Core
• Complete the Foliage Hunt Commission

To unlock Inferno Reap, Proxies must first complete the Withering Garden - Core stage of Hollow Zero, which can only be unlocked and challenged upon reaching Inter-Knot LVL 45.

After doing so, the commission Foliage Hunt will automatically be available to undertake. Complete this commission to fully unlock Inferno Reap in Hollow Zero.

Foliage Hunt Quest Guide

Inferno Reap Rewards

Knives Out Rewards

Objective Rewards
Play Inferno Reap 1 time
Denny Denny x15000
Defeat a total of 9 Hornets
Denny Denny x10000
Defeat a total of 16 Constricting Vines
Gorgeous Fabric Gorgeous Fabric x1
Defeat a total of 32 Constricting Vines
Denny Denny x10000
Defeat a total of 15 Hornets
Denny Denny x10000

Forged in Battle Rewards

Objective Rewards
Deal a total of 15,000,000 DMG to Nineveh
Matchbox Matchbox x1
Deal a total of 30,000,000 DMG to Nineveh
Denny Denny x15000
Deal a total of 50,000,000 DMG to Nineveh
Pottery FragmentPottery Fragment x1
Deal a total of 70,000,000 DMG to Nineveh
Denny Denny x15000
Deal a total of 100,000,000 DMG to Nineveh
FlowerFlower x1
Deal a total of 130,000,000 DMG to Nineveh
Denny Denny x20000
Deal a total of 160,000,000 DMG to Nineveh
Denny Denny x20000
Deal a total of 200,000,000 DMG to Nineveh
Denny Denny x20000

Bullets to Petals Rewards

Objective Rewards
Deal 5,000,000 DMG to Nineveh in a single Inferno Reap
Denny Denny x10000
Deal 10,000,000 DMG to Nineveh in a single Inferno Reap
Damaged DiaryDamaged Diary x1
Deal 15,000,000 DMG to Nineveh in a single Inferno Reap
Denny Denny x10000
Deal 20,000,000 DMG to Nineveh in a single Inferno Reap
Denny Denny x20000
Deal 25,000,000 DMG to Nineveh in a single Inferno Reap
Denny Denny x20000

Inferno Reap Release Date

Released on Version 1.1

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) 1.1 Release Date
Undercover RnB
Release Date August 14, 2024

Inferno Reap was one of the newest content released in Version 1.1 of Zenless Zone Zero, which hit the live servers on August 14, 2024!

Version 1.1 Release Date and Banners

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All Hollow Zero Zones
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Resonia Corruption


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