Once Human

How to Get Corn

Once Human - How to Get Corn

Corn in Once Human can be found in Citrus County, or by growing it from Corn Seeds. See how to get Corn, as well as how to use it in this guide!

All Corn Guides
How to Get Corn How to Get Corn in Way of Winter

How to Get Corn

List of Methods For Acquiring Corn

Harvest in Citrus County

Once Human - Corn in Citrus County

Players can get Corn by harvesting Corn Plants in the overworld. One of the better places to look for Corn is in Citrus County, in the Dayton Wetlands region.

Interactive Map and All Locations Guide

Grow Corn in Planter Boxes

Once Human - Corn Growing in Planter Box

Alternatively, if the player has obtained Corn Seeds, they can choose to grow these in their base in a patch of Loamy Soil or a Planter Box. Once fully grown, players can harvest the Corn Plant for Corn and more seeds.

How to Farm Crops

How to Use Corn

List of Corn Uses

Consumed as Food

Once Human - Corn Description

Corn can be used directly from the Backpack as food for the player character, although consuming it in this manner does not restore a lot of Energy.

Ingredient in Recipes

Once Human - Cornbread in a Stove

Corn can also be used at any Stove as an ingredient in various recipes, such as Corn Oil or Corn Bread.

As these items restore more Hunger than just eating Grilled Corn, it is recommended to try and make these recipes instead to get more out of the crop.

How to Get Stove

Material For Fish Bait

Once Human - Crafting Dough Fish Bait

Players can use Corn to make Dough Fish Bait, a basic bait used in Fishing. Bait is necessary to fish, and Dough Fish Bait is a low-cost option that can be easily crafted.

How to Fish

Fermented Into Corn Ale

Once Human - Corn Ale Description

Players can also use a Brewing Barrel to make Corn Ale by using Corn and Pure Water. Corn Ale is a consumable that halts the decay of Sanity for 30 minutes when consumed, while also restoring Hydration and Sanity.

This item is helpful for exploring highly-Stardust polluted areas, as these areas normally lower Sanity by a large amount, causing a massive drop in HP. By preventing Sanity decay, players preserve their HP total instead of losing it.

How to Restore Sanity

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