Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Mangler Location: How to Kill Manglers

MW3 Zombies - Mangler Locations How to Kill Manglers
Manglers can be located in Eliminate the Bounty Contracts in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Read on to learn more about Mangler locations and how to kill Manglers.

Mangler Locations

Eliminate the Bounty Contracts

Manglers are found in Eliminate the Bounty contract missions. This contract can target other Elite Zombies, but often times it would direct you to a Mangler. Keep accepting these contracts and you're bound to come across one.

Escort Contracts

MW3 Zombies - Completing Escort Contract
One of the best ways to spawn Special Zombies is through Escort contracts. Although random, Manglers have a high chance of spawning while you're escorting the ACV. In our experience, we were able to fight a total of 5 Manglers in a single Escort contract!

Best Contracts to Complete

Random Spawns

MW3 Zombies - Random Mangler
Manglers can also randomly spawn on the map and often times it would be during contracts. To have a high chance of a Mangler spawn, it's recommended to accept contracts in the medium or high threat zones.

How to Kill Manglers

Tips on Dealing with Manglers

Use Shatter Blast or Napalm Burst Ammo Mods

MW3 Zombies - Using Scattered Blast Ammo Mod
You can destroy a Mangler's armor by shooting it using a weapon with the Shatter Blast or Napalm Burst Ammo Mods. This will significantly increase the damage you deal to a Mangler, as you can directly hit its flesh.

List of All Zombies Ammo Mods

Aim for the Head

MW3 Zombies - Aiming for Mangler
Every zombie has a critical spot that acts as their weak point; for Manglers, it's their heads that serve as a critical spot. Always try to aim for this spot to deal more damage to them.

Use Energy Mine Field Upgrade

MW3 Zombies - Planting Energy Mine
The Energy Mine Field Upgrade can deal significant damage to Elite Zombies, and Manglers are no exception. To use it, make sure that you have the Energy Mine Field Upgrade equipped in your loadout before heading to Urzikstan.

Once you've accumulated enough charge, click on (Rb + Lb) on your controller or (X) on your keyboard to plant it on the ground. Once it is planted, lure the Mangler close to make it explode.

Best Zombies Field Upgrades Tier List

Keep Your Distance

MW3 Zombies - Keep Distance from Manglers
Attacks from Manglers are fairly easy to dodge; even their range attack can be avoided by simply running backing up a bit. Make sure to avoid confronting Manglers in tight spaces, as they can get to you before you manage to deplete their health.

What are Manglers?

Humanoid Elite Zombies

MW3 Zombies - Mangler
Manglers are human-type zombies covered in metallic armor that almost makes them look robotic. This type of elite zombie is known to be extremely durable and adept at attacking melee or midrange with an explosive weapon.

How to Get Special and Elite Zombie Kills

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All Zombies Challenges and Enemies

All Zombies Enemy Types
Hellhounds Disciple
Mangler Mimic
Warlords Stormcaller
Harvester Orb Mega Abomination
The Bishop The Rook
The Knight Orcus
All Zombies Challenges
Big Bounty HVTs Critical Kills
Frost Damage Kills Fire Damage Kills
Toxic Damage Kills Electric Damage Kills


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