Metaphor: ReFantazio

How to Get Empress White Mask

The Empress White Mask is a material you can obtain in Metaphor: ReFantazio to Craft Masks for the Masked Dancer Archetype Lineage. See an overview of the Empress White Mask, where to get it, its effects, and how to use it.

Empress White Mask Availablity and Price

Empress White Mask Item Details

Empress White Mask Basic Information
Type Buy Price Available Day
Mask 25000 Flamesday
Effect A white mask with a serene expression and the latent potential to make something of oneself. Can be used as an ingredient in mask experiments
Used to Craft Summoner's Mask
Devil Summoner's Mask
Mercy Mask

What To Craft With Empress White Mask

Used to Craft Masks at the Akademeia via Special Experiments

Mask Qty.
Summoner's Mask 1
Devil Summoner's Mask 1
Mercy Mask 1

Listed above are the masks that require the Empress White Mask to be crafted. Some of the masks listed are another mask to be crafted before you can craft the one you need.

Additionally, you also need to have unlocked the Archetype on its namesake by raising your Follower Rank with the character associated with it.

List of All Masks and How to Craft

How to Get the Empress White Mask

Can Be Dropped by Certain Enemies

Metaphor ReFantazio - White Mask Drops
The Empress White Mask can be obtained as drops or stolen from enemies. Having the Merchant or Thief Archetype Lineages can help to significantly increase your odds.

Can be Found in Dungeons After Reaching Blyhaven

The White Masks can also be obtained in dungeons that are unlocked after reaching Bryhaven. The White Mask can be found as a sparkling blue items or in treasure chests, so be sure to explore dungeons thoroughly to build your collection.
Dungeon Guides: List of All Dungeons

Can be Bought From Wary Shopkeep at Port Brilehaven

Metaphor ReFantazio - White Mask Wary Shopkeep
If you just need the Empress White Mask but don't want to waste time going into dungeons, there is a merchant who sells it at Seabreeze Street on Port Brilehaven during Flamesday.

How to Get Secret of the Eugief's Stall

Metaphor: ReFantazio Related Guides

Metaphor ReFantazio - Items

List of All Items

All Items by Type

List of All Items
Consumables Exchange Items
Ingredients Informant Notes
Bath Salts Masks
Talismans Vessels
Key Items

List of White Masks

List of Items
Fool White Mask Magician White Mask Priestess White Mask Empress White Mask
Emperor White Mask Hierophant White Mask Lovers White Mask Chariot White Mask
Justice White Mask Hermit White Mask Fortune White Mask Strength White Mask
Hanged Man White Mask Death White Mask Temperance White Mask Devil White Mask
Tower White Mask Star White Mask Moon White Mask Sun White Mask
Judgment White Mask


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