Metaphor: ReFantazio

How to Get Beastkiller's Wrath

Beastkiller's Wrath is a weapon exclusive to the Berserker Archetype Lineage classified under Axe in Metaphor: ReFantazio. Learn more about Beastkiller's Wrath's stats, effects, price, and how to get them.

Beastkiller's Wrath Stats and Effects

ATK, HIT, and Bonus Effects

Metaphor ReFantazio - Axe Beastkiller's Wrath Equipment Type
390 95
Effect Bonus Effect
Slash Increases damage against beast-type monsters.
Compatible Archetypes
Berserker Archetype Lineage Only
An axe used to get revenge on the beasts that killed a warrior's wife.

Exclusive to the Berserker Archetype Lineage

List of Archetypes
Berserker Berserker Destroyer Destroyer Royal Berserker Royal Berserker

This weapon cannot be equipped by anyone unless they have the correct Archetype or any of its corresponding Lineage equipped.
All Archetypes and How to Unlock

How to Get Beastkiller's Wrath

Location Currently Unknown

Metaphor ReFantazio - Gallica FullNote! This Equipment's location is still under Research! Comment below if you have information on this equipment's whereabouts!

Metaphor: ReFantazio Related Guides

Metaphor Refantazio - Weapons

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All Weapons by Type

All Weapons
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Axe List

List of Equipment
Axe of the Old God Edge of Calamity Annihilator King's Axe Murderer's Axe
Flamekiss Axe Frostbite Axe Burning Axe Beastkiller's Wrath
Destroyer's Edge Comet Axe Crystal Axe Hunter's Hatchet
Flying Anchor Axe


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