Metaphor: ReFantazio

How to Get Fortune God's Abacus

Fortune God's Abacus is a weapon exclusive to the Merchant Archetype Lineage classified under Abacus in Metaphor: ReFantazio. Learn more about Fortune God's Abacus's stats, effects, price, and how to get them.

Fortune God's Abacus Stats and Effects

ATK, HIT, and Bonus Effects

Metaphor ReFantazio - Abacus Fortune God's Abacus Equipment Type
410 96
Effect Bonus Effect
Strike, Triples the cost and strength of attacks that expend money. Greatly increases the cost and strength of money skills.
Compatible Archetypes
Merchant Archetype Lineage Only
An abacus blessed by the god of prosperity.

Exclusive to the Merchant Archetype Lineage

List of Archetypes
Merchant Merchant Tycoon Tycoon

This weapon cannot be equipped by anyone unless they have the correct Archetype or any of its corresponding Lineage equipped.
All Archetypes and How to Unlock

How to Get Fortune God's Abacus

Defeat Jin

Jin the Charlatan
Fortune God's Abacus can be obtained by either defeating Jin or stealing it from him. You can encounter Jin during the Petty Thief quest, which is part of Neuras' bond. As this is a rare drop, be sure to include an Archetype from the Thief or Merchant lineage to increase your chances of getting it.

Jin the Charlatan Boss Guide: Weakness and Resistances

Metaphor: ReFantazio Related Guides

Metaphor Refantazio - Weapons

List of All Weapons

All Weapons by Type

All Weapons
Metaphor ReFantazio - Swords Swords Metaphor ReFantazio - Greatswords Greatswords Metaphor ReFantazio - Maces Maces
Metaphor ReFantazio - Staves Staves Metaphor ReFantazio - Lances Lances Metaphor ReFantazio - Knuckles Knuckles
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Metaphor ReFantazio - Khakkaras Khakkaras Metaphor ReFantazio - Signals Signals

Abacus List

List of Equipment
Fortune Abacus Hero King's Abacus Fortune God's Abacus Golden Wing Abacus
Medici Abacus Comet Abacus Proletariat Abacus Melodious Abacus
Magla Abacus Celestial Abacus Obsidian Abacus All-In Abacus
Coral Abacus Discerning Abacus Bourgeois Abacus Thrifty Abacus
Investor's Abacus Apprentice's Abacus Ebony Abacus Silver Abacus
Iron Abacus


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