Metaphor: ReFantazio

How to Get Heirloom Greatsword

Heirloom Greatsword is a weapon exclusive to the Warrior Archetype Lineage classified under Greatsword in Metaphor: ReFantazio. Learn more about Heirloom Greatsword's stats, effects, price, and how to get them.

Heirloom Greatsword Stats and Effects

ATK, HIT, and Bonus Effects

Metaphor ReFantazio - Greatsword Heirloom Greatsword Equipment Type
50 95
Effect Bonus Effect
Slash None
Compatible Archetypes
Warrior Archetype Lineage Only
A sword that adorned the walls of Strohl's home in Halia. Fairly old and originally intended as decoration.

Exclusive to the Warrior Archetype Lineage

List of Archetypes
Warrior Warrior Swordmaster Swordmaster Samurai Samurai
Royal Warrior Royal Warrior

This weapon cannot be equipped by anyone unless they have the correct Archetype or any of its corresponding Lineage equipped.
All Archetypes and How to Unlock

How to Get Heirloom Greatsword

Obtained as Starting Equipment

Heirloom Greatsword is one of the starting equipment already equipped as soon as you access the related character. This initial equipment has meager stats, and you should replace it once you get better ones.
List of Characters

Metaphor: ReFantazio Related Guides

Metaphor Refantazio - Weapons

List of All Weapons

All Weapons by Type

All Weapons
Metaphor ReFantazio - Swords Swords Metaphor ReFantazio - Greatswords Greatswords Metaphor ReFantazio - Maces Maces
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Metaphor ReFantazio - Khakkaras Khakkaras Metaphor ReFantazio - Signals Signals

Greatsword List

List of Equipment
Heirloom Greatsword Innocent Greatsword Bastard Sword Dragon's Indignation
Iron Greatsword Dynastic Blade Ame-no-Habakiri War King's Claymore
Cursed Blade Nihil Beloved Greatsword Ancient God's Lava Blade Blade of Totsuka
Comet Greatsword Ancient God's Fang Giant Slayer Rebel's Greatsword
Kusanagi Serpent Greatsword Nameless Guillotine Blade
Zweihander Steel Slab Beast Slayer Scrapmetal Slab
Dragon's Judgement Damascus Shamshir Silver Claymore


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