Metaphor: ReFantazio

Phantom Tracer Effect, Archetypes, and Requirements

Phantom Tracer is a Slash Synthesis Skill that can be used in Metaphor: ReFantazio. Read on to know Phantom Tracer's effects, which Archetypes can use it, and which Skill and Archetypes are needed to use it.

Phantom Tracer Effect and Cost

Effect, Cost, and Type

Type Cost/Ally Turn Cost
12 MP 2
Deals extreme physical Slash damage to one enemy and removes buff effects.

Archetypes Needed for Phantom Tracer

Archetypes That Can Use Phantom Tracer

Archetype Rank

Only Synthesis Skills Need Allies

Metaphor ReFantazio Synthesis Skills Meaning.png
Some Synthesis Skills can be learned by Advanced Archetypes in their main kit. For these cases, you just need to Rank up that Archetype instead.
Synthesis Skills Explained

Synthesis Skill Needs an Ally Archetype

This Synthesis Skill requires an ally to be any of the following Archetypes listed below to be used.

Required Allied Archetypes
Warrior Thief Masked Dancer
Swordmaster Assassin Samurai
Ninja Persona Master Prince
Royal Warrior Royal Thief Royal Masked Dancer

Metaphor: ReFantazio Related Guides

Metaphor ReFantazio - Skills Partial
List of All Skills

All Skills

List of All Skills
Metaphor ReFantazio - Slash Type Icon.png Slash Metaphor ReFantazio - Pierce Type Icon.png Pierce Metaphor ReFantazio - Strike Type Icon.png Strike Metaphor ReFantazio - Fire Type Icon.png Fire
Metaphor ReFantazio - Ice Type Icon.png Ice Metaphor ReFantazio - Wind Type Icon.png Wind Metaphor ReFantazio - Electric Type Icon.png Electric Metaphor ReFantazio - Light Type Icon.png Light
Metaphor ReFantazio - Dark Type Icon.png Dark Metaphor ReFantazio - Almighty Type Icon.png Almighty Metaphor ReFantazio - Support Type Icon.png Support Metaphor ReFantazio - Recovery Type Icon.png Recovery
Metaphor ReFantazio - Passive Type Icon.png Passive Metaphor ReFantazio - Hero Passive Type Icon.png Hero Passive Metaphor ReFantazio - Ailment Type Icon.png Ailment Metaphor ReFantazio - Igniter Type Icon.png Igniter
Synthesis Skills

List of All Slash Skills

List of Skills
Sweeping Slash Diagonal Slash Slicer Critical Strike
Slash Boost Round Slash Bamboo Splitter Peerless Stonecleaver
Rising Slash Raging Edge Vorpal Blade Phantom Swordsarm
Dark Sword Phantom Tracer Rampage Slash Giant Slice
Crimson Moon Sword Art Illusive Dream Lucky Slash Brave Blade
Hassou Tobi Plasma Nightblade Bloodrain Twin Ninpo Heroic Slash
Hazy Moon Nightblade Summon Goblin King Summon Duskbone Knight

List of All Slash Skills

All Slash Synthesis Skills

List of Skills
Round Slash Bamboo Splitter Peerless Stonecleaver Vorpal Blade
Phantom Swordsarm Phantom Tracer Rampage Slash Crimson Moon Sword Art
Bloodrain Twin Ninpo

List of All Synthesis Skills


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