Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Stormender Loadout and Build

Modern Warfare 3 - Stormender

The Stormender is a type of Launcher in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the Stormender, including its camo challenges, attachments, stats, and how to unlock.

Stormender Best Loadout and Build

Stormender Loadout Setup

Weapon Loadout
Primary Stormender
Tactical Flash Grenade
Tactical 2 Flash Grenade
Lethal None
Field Equipment Trophy System
Vest Engineer Vest
Gloves Scavenger Gloves
Boots Lightweight Boots
Gear EOD Padding
Gear 2 Signal Jammer
Conversion Kit

How to Play Stormender

Unlike other Launchers, the Stormender is purely used as a support and technical weapon. You mostly play this for destroying opponent's Equipment and Field Upgrades. You can also EMP the opponent by shooting directly or close to them (but mind its its minimum AoE).

With the Signal Jammer Gear and Trophy System Field Equipment, this loadout can support you and your team by buying time to get lethal and non-lethal droppable upgrades and equipments on the battlefield. Mostly hang back or at the mid-range while using this weapon.

How to Get Stormender

Complete Its Armory Unlock Challenge

Modern Warfare 3 - Stormender Armory Unlock
The Stormender can be unlocked by completing its Armory Unlock Challenge. Mark it as your active Armory Unlock and complete 3 Daily Challenges to unlock the weapon.

Note: Armory Unlock challenges are only accessible upon reaching account level 25. Failing to meet this requirement will prevent you from crediting daily challenge completions towards unlocking the Stormender.

Armory Unlocks Explained

Originally Released During Season 1

During Season 1 the Stormender can be obtained by reaching and completing the A12 Sector of the Season 1 Battle Pass. This weapon can be obtained from the Free Rewards Track, and this does not require you to purchase the Premium Battle Pass to get the Stormender.

Season 1 Battle Pass Contents and End Date

Stormender Camo Challenges

All Stormender MW3 Camos

Camo Challenge
Spectral Overload Destroy 25 Enemy Equipment with the Stormender
Gilded Stormender Destroy 10 Enemy Killstreaks with the Stormender
Forged Stormender Destroy 25 Enemy Killstreaks, Equipment, or Vehicles with the Stormender
Priceless Stormender Affect 25 enemies with the Stormender EMP
Interstellar Stormender Complete 36 Priceless Camo Challenges
Deformed In Zombies, Get 250 Kills with the Stormender
Golden Enigma Stormender In Zombies, Get 100 Kills and Successfully Extract with the Stormender in a Single Deployment
Zircon Scale Stormender In Zombies, Get 300 Kills with the Stormender while it's Pack-A-Punched
Serpentinite Stormender In Zombies, Get 10 Special or Elite Zombie Kills with the Stormender
Borealis Stormender Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges

All Stormender Attachments

Stormender Has No Attachments

The Stormender is a Launcher and cannot be equipped with attachments. At the Gunsmith, it can only be customized with various decals and stickers, as well as camo.

List of All Launchers

Stormender Stats Overview

Stormender Max Level and Class

Class Launcher Rounds 2
Max Level N/A Reserve 0
Fire Modes Semi-Auto
This state-of-the-art weapon system fires a localized EMP on a slight delay. Destroys tactical and lethal equipment and temporarily disables other electronic devices.

Stormender Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Handling

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