Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Sentry Guns

MW3 Sentry Guns

Sentry Guns can be bought in the Medium Threat Zone in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Read on to learn where to find Sentry Guns, how to get Sentry Guns fast, and how to kill enemies with Sentry Guns!

Where to Get Sentry Guns

Purchase at Buying Station in the Medium Threat Zone

You can purchase Sentry Guns for 2,000 Essence at Buy Stations in the Medium Threat Zone only (yellow zone on map). This is the easiest and quickest way of acquiring and using Sentry Guns, as the alternative is using Circuits to power up the Sentry Guns on the map.

There is an infinite supply of Sentry Guns at Buy Stations in the yellow zone too, so this method is repeatable for when the Sentry Gun breaks, for future objectives, or if you die and lose the killstreak too.

How to Farm Essence

Look for shopping cart icon to find Buy Stations

Buy StationsBuy Stations Icon

When deploying onto the map, do a couple Contracts to earn Essence then head to the nearest Buy Station in the yellow Medium Threat Zone to collect your Sentry Gun. It's recommended to take a vehicle, head to the Buy Station, then quickly head back out, in order to not risk your life in this Medium Threat Zone.

How to Move Sentry Guns

After Purchase, You Can Place Sentry Gun in Valid Locations

MW3 Sentry Gun How to Move

After purchasing the Sentry Gun, you can now place it on valid locations (leveled and open spaces). This'll allow you to place it in strategic places to get more kills quickly before it breaks, as the Sentry Gun will break after some time.

You can pick the Sentry Gun back up again if you want to reposition it.

How to Get Sentry Gun Kills

Get Zombie Kills in Exfils and Mercenary Kills in Contracts

MW3 Sentry Gun How to Kill

To get Mercenary kills, take the Sentry Gun you bought and place it on the ground when doing either Defend Ground Station or Aether Extractors contracts, as these Contracts involve fighting Mercenaries.

If you want a more challenging but surefire way of killing Mercenaries with the Sentrry Gun: you could take on Mercenary Strongholds, but you'll need to acquire a Stronghold Keycard first.

To get Zombies kill with the Sentry Gun, place the Sentry Gun on the ground when you're doing an Exfil, as lots of Zombies swarm you while you're waiting for the helicopter.

How to Complete Contracts

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