Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

Mr. Everywhere Weapon Charm Item Guide

This guide gives specific information on the Mr. Everywhere Weapon Charm item in Resident Evil Village. To learn more about this item's location, buying and selling prices, and item description, read on.

Mr. Everywhere Weapon Charm Overview

Resident Evil 8 - Mr. Everywhere Weapon Charm
Mr. Everywhere Weapon Charm
Description Customizable part for a handgun. Equip for a dangly charm. (Bonus from the Trauma Pack)
Type Customizable Part
Buying Price -
Selling Price 0 Lei
Location Deluxe Edition Bonus

Trauma Pack DLC Content: Everything Included

Compatible Weapons

V61 CustomV61 Custom
M1851 WolfsbaneM1851 Wolfsbane

Resident Evil Village Related Guides

Items Front Page

Items Types
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Pipe Bomb Icon.pngExplosives First Aid Med.pngRecovery Items Explosive Rounds Recipe icon.pngRecipes
Quality Meat Icon.pngIngredients LEMI - High Capacity Mag Icon.pngCustomizable Parts Gunpowder Icon.pngCrafting Materials


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