Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

The Castle Stage Guide | Mercenaries Mode

The Castle Stage Guide.png
This is a stage guide for the level The Castle in Resident Evil Village's Mercenaries Mode. Read on to find out where time bonuses can be found, where abilities can be gained, how to defeat all enemies, and how to complete each area!

The Castle Stage Guide

Jump to Section
First Area Second Area Third Area
Fourth Area

First Area

Castle Area 1

Enemies to Defeat 6 (Minimum)
19 (Maximum)
Ability Pickups 2
Time Bonuses 1
You will spawn at the start of the Dungeons beneath Dimitrescu Castle. Head on and ignore the empty cells until you come across a cell containing a Soldat Panzer.
Ignore the Panzer and head left where you'll find a Time Bonus. Continue ignoring it until you come across a cell to your left with a prone Moroaica. Shoot it, and make sure it follows you out of the cell.
Continue moving until you come across a cell with an Ability pick up. The cell is right next to the red barrel.
Do not kill anything yet, and wait for the Panzer to catch up. Shoot at the red barrel afterwards to kill the Moroaicas, leaving the Panzer for you to finish off without its armor.
Beware of the Moroaica that spawns in this room however, as it will remain face down until you shoot it. An Armored Lycan will come down along with a few Lycans. Kill them and head upstairs.
Be wary of the Moroaicas that are laying down in this section, as they're pretty easy to miss. Kill them outright while they're face down, and just before you reach the stairs, you'll spot another Ability pickup in a cell.
Kill the remaining Lycans, including an Armored one, until you reach the room where you fight Bela in during the main story.
Eliminate the remaining Lycans and touch the Goal to finish this area.

Second Area

The Castle Area 2

Enemies to Defeat 20 (Minimum)
40 (Maximum)
Ability Pickups 3
Time Bonuses 2
From the elevator room near the main entrance to Dimitrescu Castle, run forwards and down the hall. Take a right where the bust is to enter the hall with the stairs. Take the Ability near the door and kill the Moroaicas.
Run down the stairs leading into the next hall, take the Time Bonus here and kill the enemies. Use the hall next to the entrance to the Merchant's Room to race back to the hall leading to the elevator room.
Continue killing enemies as you make it back to the main entrance. Exit out and follow the path until you see a Time Bonus.
Blow a barrel right next to some Samcas. Eliminate the Soldat Eins that spawn as well as the Lycans.
The last few Moroaicas will spawn back at the main entrance, eliminate them and run back down the path to the vineyard where an Ability pickup awaits. Touch the Goal to finish this area.

Third Area

Castle Area 3.png

Enemies to Defeat 40 (Minimum)
48 (Maximum)
Ability Pickups 3
Time Bonuses 2
Exit the kitchen and kill every Moroaica here. Head out to the dining room for an Ability pickup.
Head out into the main hall and kill the enemies here. Pick up the Time Bonus at the far end and turn around to kill one of the Dimitrescu Sisters. Clear this area of hostiles before proceeding out into the courtyard through the dining room.
At the courtyard, one of the sisters, Lycans and Samcas will attack you. Stay near where you exit from the dining room and kill them, then head down the stairs and turn left for an Ability.
Enter the open door next to the ability, and take care of the rising Moroaica at the stairs. Go towards the piano and shoot the Moroaicas.
A Soldat Panzer will appear here. Plant a mine near the piano and let it trigger it. When it kneels, shoot at its weak spot.
Get the Ability next to the stairs and head up, killing enemies along the way, and head to the opposite side of the landing. You'll find a Time Bonus behind where the archers are firing from.
Finally, enter the Library and kill the last sister, and the last few enemies, before touching the Goal to end this area.

Fourth Area

The Castle Area 4.png

Enemies to Defeat 20 (Minimum)
54 (Maximum)
Ability Pickups 1
Time Bonuses 2
You'll spawn in the guestroom with the stairs, and almost immediately Moroaicas as well as a Soldat Eins will spawn to head towards you. Do not kill anything yet, and instead head down the stairs. Shoot at Angie the doll's head, turn around and avoid the enemies and climb the stairs.
Turn left at the landing and shoot at Angie at the very end of that landing to get her to move again. Head back to the stairs and start killing enemeis.
Continue down the stairs and down the second set of stairs. Kill every enemy here and use the corridor beside the Merchant's Room to get to the main entrance hall.
Turn right and kill everything in your path, where two Armored Lycans will drop down. Kill them both, and, if you have a sniper rifle equipped, shoot at the Blue Birds in the distance. Pick up the Ability right next to the main entrance.
Head down the path and eliminate everything. A Soldat Panzer will spawn, but before you kill it, shoot at Angie first. Kill everything in that area but do not touch the Goal yet. There is also a Time Bonus at the end of the cave the Panzer comes out of.
Return instead to the Castle and shoot at Angie a final time in the elevator room. There is also a Time Bonus here to pick up. Eliminate every enemy that spawns both upstairs and on the ground floor in the reception hall, as well as the hall outside the Merchant's Room.
Run as fast as you can back to the Goal and touch it to finish The Castle.

The Castle Enemies

Lycan.pngLycans Armored Lycans Icon.pngArmored Lycans Moroaica Icon.pngMoroaica
Samca Icon.pngSamca Soldat Icon.pngSoldat Eins Soldat Panzer Icon.pngSoldat Panzer
Bela Dimitrescu.jpegDimitrescu Daughters - -

The Castle Rank Rewards

Rank Points Needed Rewards
S 1,470,000 Execution Ability
A 980,000 The Factory Stage
B 392,000 5000 Lei

How to Get SSS Rank

Complete the Storming The Castle Challenge

Challenge Requirements
★Storming the Castle Reward: 8000 CP
Complete The Castle stage in The Mercenaries once.

List of Challenges

Recommended Abilities and Weapons

Recommended Abilities

Agile.png Agile Corpse Combustor.pngCorpse Combustor Break Shot.pngBreak Shot

The Corpse Combustor and the Agile Abilities here are essential, so when you have the opportunity to pick them up, do so.

The Castle contains plenty of areas that you have to run back to in order to get all the enemies, which stacked Agile Abilities will help you do. The narrow spaces that get you from one large area to another is a perfect funnel situation for the Corpse Combustor, where groups of enemies can be taken down with one hit.

List of Abilities and Effects

Recommended Weapons

LEMI - Resident Evil Village.pngLEMI SYG-12 - Resident Evil Village.pngSYG-12
F2 Rifle - Resident Evil Village.pngF2 Rifle

Similar to The Village, the Sniper Rifle here is essentially a one-hit machine, particularly when upgraded and when hitting enemy weak spots. Although it's recommended that you can use the Shotgun as an alternate, several of the areas for The Castle feature open areas where long-distance shooting will pay off, making the rifle your best choice.

The narrow areas where enemies pile in lets you line up enemies for clean strings of kills, while also possessing the ability to cause insane damage against some of the tougher opponents that spawn for this stage.

Resident Evil Village Related Guides

Mercenaries Mode Partial banner.png

Back to Mercenaries Top Page

All Guides
List of Abilities and Effects How to Get SSS Rank

Stage Guides

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The Village Area.pngThe Village The Castle Area.pngThe Castle
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The Factory II Stage.pngThe Factory II The Mad Village II StageThe Mad Village II


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