Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

Best Gameplay Settings

Are your gameplay settings not to your liking? Check here for steps on how to adjust your gameplay settings for the best possible experience for playing RE:Verse!

Display Settings

One setting that you may want to immediately change upon loading up the game is your display settings. The game starts with a comic book-style cell shading filter. If you do not prefer the stylized setting, turn it off for a more realistic view.

Sensitivity Settings

Upon downloading the demo version, you may find that your aiming sensitivity is high. In order to lower this, head to the camera settings under options. You will want to lower the Camera Speed setting to slow down your camera to a comfortable level.

Resident Evil RE:Verse Related Guides

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RE:Verse Tips and Tricks

RE:Verse Tips and Tricks
Beginner's Guide to RE:Verse List of Trailers
Beta Information and How to Register How to Download and Play RE:Verse
Best Gameplay Settings How to Play With Friends
Best Survivor Tier List Best Weapons
Map and Item Locations -


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