Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

List of Weapons

List of Weapons - Resident Evil Village (RE8).jpg
Looking for some firepower to take out the monsters chasing you? Check here for the complete list of all weapons available in Resident Evil Village. From weapon locations to stats and more, Game8 has got you covered!

Weapons List

Melee Weapons

Weapon Location
KnifeKnife Inside the house between the West and East Old Town in the Village. It's near a lamp on the corridor.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
- - - -
Karambit KnifeKarambit Knife You can get this after beating the game once and buying it using 10000 CP. Or you can get it in the story while playing as Chris, after defeating Heisenberg.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
- - - -
LZ AnswererLZ Answerer It will be available in the Extra Content Shop after clearing all stages in Mercenaries Mode with SS rank.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
- - - -

Handgun Weapons

Weapon Location
LEMILEMI Inside the house between East and West Old Town. Given by an old man during a cutscene.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
100 0.45 2.7 10
V61 CustomV61 Custom Duke's Emporium (After reaching the Factory)
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
120 0.2 3.5 12
M1911M1911 In a locked cabinet in the workshop, located in the southeast part of the village.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
95 0.3 2.9 20
Samurai Edge - AW Model-01Samurai Edge - AW Model-01 Duke's Emporium (Trauma Pack DLC)
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
110 0.4 2.6 9
USM-AIUSM-AI You can get this after beating the game once and buying it using 20000 CP. Or you can get it in the story while playing as Chris, after defeating Heisenberg.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
270 0.13 2.5 17

Customizable Handgun Parts

Shotgun Weapons

Weapon Location
M1897M1897 On top of a table inside the house located on the northwest part of the East Old Town.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
560 1.7 2.8 5
W870 TACW870 TAC Find it inside the house on the south in the Garden, after leaving the House Beneviento.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
760 1.6 2.7 4
SYG-12SYG-12 Duke's Emporium (After reaching the Factory)
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
1160 2.2 3.5 10

Customizable Shotgun Parts

Assault Rifle Weapons

Weapon Location
DragoonDragoon You can get this after beating the game once and buying it using 30000 CP. Or you can get it in the story while playing as Chris, after defeating Heisenberg.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
350 0.11 2.9 30
WCXWCX Available in the Extra Content Shop. You can purchase it using 30000 CP.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
250 0.15 3.2 20

Customizable Assault Rifle Parts

Sniper Rifle Weapons

Weapon Location
F2 RifleF2 Rifle Get this in the attic of Castle Dimitrescu, on top of a chair.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
600 2 3.7 4

Customizable Sniper Rifle Parts

Magnum Weapons

Weapon Location
S.T.A.K.E.S.T.A.K.E. Duke's Emporium (Purchasable in NG+)
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
2000 1.3 2.7 10
M1851 WolfsbaneM1851 Wolfsbane In the Moreau's Hidden Weapon chest, inside the house on the left in the Moreaus' Lab. You can get it after the boss battle against Moreau.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
1700 1.5 2.5 5

Customizable Magnum Parts

Grenade Launcher

Weapon Location
GM 79GM 79 Unlock the building using the Iron Insignia Key on the north part of East Old Town in the Village. Grab it on top of a table once inside.
Power Flash Power Reload Speed Ammo Capacity
1200 0 2.7 1

Unique Weapons

Weapon Location
Rocket PistolRocket Pistol Beat the story once on Village of Shadows Difficulty. After that, it will be purchasable from the Extra Content Shop for 80000 CP.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
500 1.1 3.7 7
Handcannon PZHandcannon PZ Complete the story once on Hardcore Difficulty and buy it in the Extra Content Shop.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
1400 1.6 2.8 5
Target LocatorTarget Locator You can get this when playing as Chris, after defeating Heisenberg.
Power Reload Speed Rate of Fire Ammo Capacity
- - - -

Unlocking Infinite Ammo

Resident Evil Village - How to Unlock Infinite Ammo.jpg
Looking to play the game like a crazed gun-man and laywaste to the Village monsters? We got you covered. Check out our guide below to know how to unlock Infinite Ammo for all weapons in the game.
Infinite Ammo Guide

Best Weapons

Best Weapons List - Resident Evil Village.png
Looking fot the best weapon in Resident Evil Village? Click on this button below and start getting those weapons to finish the game without a hitch!
Best Weapons List

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