Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

How to Beat The Giant Baby Monster | Boss Fight Guide

How to Beat Baby.png

This is a guide on how to beat the Giant Baby Monster, a boss in Resident Evil Village. This Giant Baby Monster Boss Guide will explain its attack patterns, weaknesses, and include tips and tricks on how you can defeat it!

Giant Baby Basic Information

Baby Icon.png
Drops None
Weaknesses None

Giant Baby Boss Fight Tips

Boss Fight Tips
No weapons available for this "fight".
Use obstacles to keep Baby away from you.
Hide in Tall Closets whenever you can, but do not let Baby see you entering it.
Remember all pathways that lead to the Fuse Box.

Giant Baby Location

Map Image World View

After retrieving the Breaker Box Key from the well underground, you will be faced with the monstrous Baby as you try to make it back to the Breaker Box.

Attack Patterns

Baby - Attack.png
Baby is fast for its size, so you must take care not to get caught by it, as it swallows you whole killing you instantly if it reaches you. Most importantly, do not panic – you can easily maneuver around it if you keep your wits about you.

How to Beat the Giant Baby

Get to the Breaker Box

Resident Evil Village Relief of a Child Location
As mentioned above, after getting the Breaker Box Key from the bottom of the well and making it back to the hallway, Baby will start chasing you. Go back through the Medicine Room and continue to the crawl space where you got the Scissors earlier. Continue through the Study to the Breaker Box and use the Breaker Box Key to obtain the Relief of a Child.

View House Beneviento Walkthrough

Get to the Bedroom

Resident Evil Village Fuse Location.jpg
After getting the Relief of a Child go back through the Study and into the crawl space. Be careful, if you are too quick Baby might be right in front of the crawl space's exit. Wait until Baby leaves and continue to the door with a depression in it. Place the Relief of a Child in it to access the Bedroom. You will find the Fuse in the back and the lights will go out.

Get Back to the Breaker Box

Resident Evil Village Hide Under the Bed
After you have the Fuse, exit the Bedroom. Once you approach the stairs, Baby will block your path, forcing you to run back to the Bedroom. Hide under the bed and wait for Baby to pass you. As soon as it has passed, sprint for the Breaker Box. The path to the crawl space is now blocked by bookshelves, so you must go through the Medicine Room and then continue down the hallway. Place the Fuse in the Breaker Box. Baby will now be close behind you, so run into the study. Circle around the desk, and when Baby is positioned just past the desk, run to activate the elevator to escape. Be sure to press the up button in the elevator as well.

Use Obstacles

Baby - Use Obstacles.png

To keep yourself apart from Baby, use whatever obstacle you can to act as a barrier between the two of you. The examination table where you found the mannequin of Mia is perfect for this role, as you can circle it until you can break into a run into the corridor leading to the Breaker Box.

Hide In Tall Closets

Baby - Hide in Tall Cabinets.png

When you're backed into a corner with Baby close by, search for tall closets you can enter and hide in, or hide under the bed in the bedroom. The monster will not be able to find you as long as it doesn't see you enter, so wait until it passes right in front of you, then run for the Breaker Box!

Recommended Weapons

Weapons are unavailable for this "fight", as you mostly just run away from Baby while trying to get to the Breaker Box.

Resident Evil Village Related Guides

Resident Evil 8 Bosses Partials .png
List of Bosses

Main Bosses

Main Story Bosses
Dimitrescu Daughters Icon.pngDaughters of Dimitrescu Dimitrescu Boss Icon.pngLady Dimitrescu
Baby Icon.pngBaby Donna Beneviento Icon.pngDonna Beneviento
Moreau Icon.pngSalvatore Moreau Urias Icon.pngUrias
Sturm Icon.pngSturm Heisenberg Icon.pngKarl Heisenberg
Urias Icon2.pngUrias Strajer Mother Miranda Icon.pngMother Miranda

Optional Bosses

List of Optional Bosses

Optional Bosses
Beneviento Treasure Giant Icon.pngBeneviento Treasure Giant How to Beat the Waterwheel Treasure Varcolac.pngWaterwheel Treasure Varcolac
Moreau Treasure Varcolac Cannibal Plunder Giant Icon.pngCannibal's Plunder Treasure Giant
How to Beat Varcolac Alfa Icon.pngVarcolac Alfa


2 Anonymousover 3 years

running is also a way to fight. not just by killing

1 Anonymousover 3 years

it isn't really a boss fight since you have no way to kill it.


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