Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

How to Obtain Lei (Money) | Lei Farming Guide

Lei Farming Guide

This guide covers how to farm Lei in Resident Evil Village. Learn how to obtain Lei from the environment or enemy drops, and get Lei by exchanging treasures at the Duke's Emporium.

What is Lei?

Currency Used to Buy Items and Upgrades

The Duke

Lei is the currency of Resident Evil Village. You can spend it at the Duke's Emporium, the shop in the game, in exchange for weapons, weapon upgrades, recipes, recovery items, and ammo.

How to Farm Lei

Destroy Crates and Vases

Items such as crates and vases are breakable and will sometimes contain Lei or Ammo. Crates and barrels are typically marked with yellow paint. If you think you can break an object, then try breaking it.

Found in the Environment

You can sometimes find Lei just lying around in the environment. Keep an eye out for easy money. Vampires and werewolves don't care about money, so stealing it shouldn't be a problem.

Sell Treasure to the Duke

Resident Evil Village Crimson Glass.png

A great way of getting Lei is through selling treasures to the Duke. Treasures are valuable items that exist almost exclusively for selling for Lei, so don't hesitate to cash them in. However, some treasures may have a second purpose, like being combined with other items, so be sure to check the item description before selling. Treasures can be found in the environment or dropped from enemies and bosses.

List of Treasures

Sell Combined Treasure for more Lei!

Resident Evil Village Azure Eye Ring.jpg

You can combine some Treasures to produce Treasure of higher value. The price of a Combined Treasure is worth more than twice the price of the individual Treasures.

List of All Combinable Treasure

Dropped by Enemies

Resident Evil Village Dungeon Enemy.png

Lei has a chance to drop from enemies in small amounts, usually around 150~300 or so if you're playing on Casual or Standard. This may not be the most reliable source of Lei, and you're right. But it does provide some extra funds to replenish your stock of ammo and healing items.

Get the Make It Rain! Trophy

Challenge Requirements
★Make It Rain! Reward: 35000 CP
Get a total of 8,100,000 Lei in the story.

Now, if you want to roll in Lei, the best option you have is beating the game once to unlock Village of Shadows difficulty. Enemies in Village of Shadows drop up to 5000 Lei. However, we must warn you, the Village of Shadows is not for the faint of heart.

Village of Shadows:
What to Expect
List of All Challenges

How to Effectively Use Lei

Weapon Purchases and Upgrades

Most items are obtainable as you search throughout the Village. Others, such as First Aid Med and Ammo, can be crafted with the materials found in the Village. It would serve you better to save your Lei for purchasing and upgrading your Weapons.

List of Weapons

Inventory Expansion

You will find that your inventory can fill up faster than you expect. We recommend checking The Duke's Emporium every so often to check if he has another Extra Baggage up for sale.
The Duke's Emporium: Shop Guide

Resident Evil Village Related Guides

Tips and Tricks Partial Banner.png

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