Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

House Beneviento Walkthrough and Maps

House Beneviento Banner.jpg
Here is the complete walkthrough for House Beneviento, an area located in Resident Evil Village. Game8 has you covered for everything you need to know about House Beneviento, including a guide on how to survive, weapon and item locations, treasure locations, enemies found in the area, and more!

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Village Part 2 House Beneviento Moreau's Reservoir

House Beneviento Walkthrough

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Pass through the gate and the forest of dolls, then cross the wooden bridge. Once you pass through the gate at the end, you'll be locked in, so follow the apparition deeper into the forest.
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You will reach a grave at the end of the forest. Behind it is a red door with a mail slot. Insert the Family Photo into the slot to open the door. Ride the elevator up and walk up to House Beneviento.
3 Head through the door and into the living room, then go to the right side of the house, where you'll find an elevator down to the basement. Follow the hallway down and try to pick up the Flask in the Doll Workshop to trigger the next event.
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You will subsequently lose all of your items, so start by examining the doll on the table. Move your hand down the side of its arm and pull off the shoulder plate to receive the Silver Key. Examine its other side to receive the Blood Covered Ring. Pull its left leg off for the Winding Key.
5 Ring Code.png
Use the Silver Key on the door at the back of the room to enter the Medicine Room. Turn the sink on and use it to clean the Blood Covered Ring to obtain the Wedding Ring. Examine the ring, and you will see Ethan and Mia's wedding date, 052911. Use this on the lock that appeared on the doors you first came through.
6 Go back down the hall towards the elevator, and the previously locked door will open. Examine the music box and attach the Winding Key to it. Line up the cylinders so that the scratches match up to play the melody. You will receive the Tweezers. Return to the Doll Workshop.
7 Examine the doll's mouth and use the Tweezers to pull out the Film. Examine its left eye and move it back into place for a clue to unlocking the door down the hall. Leave the Doll Workshop again and follow the ghost of Mia. Enter the Study and put the Film in the Projector. Rearrange the 5 strips of film in order according to the hint on the desk. Once the movie finishes playing, a secret door will open. Go through it to continue.
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In between the walls, pick up the Scissors from the doll and crawl through the gap. Use the scissors on the gauze. Pick up the phone in the next room when it rings. Follow the hallway back to the Medicine Room and into the Doll Workshop, then use the Scissors on the doll's chest to receive the Brass Medallion.
9 Take the Brass Medallion down the hall and insert it into the door. Make sure the other two medallions are the three closed eyes and the flying bird facing right to unlock the door. Go down the dark staircase to find the well from the video. Go down the ladder into the well and pick up the Breaker Box Key.
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Go back up the ladder and staircase towards the elevator until you run into a baby. Avoid the baby by running back around through the Medicine Room and Study, then use the Breaker Box Key on the breaker to receive the Relief of a Child. Go back the way you came and take it to the door with the mother on it in between the Study and the Medicine Room.
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Go down the stairs and through the Kitchen to reach the Bedroom. Take the Fuse from the breaker there, causing the lights to go out. Leave the room for a moment until the baby notices you, then hide under the bed in the Bedroom until you have an opening to run away. Run back through the Medicine Room and Doll Workshop back to the breaker and insert the Fuse. Get on the elevator and smash that up button as soon as you can to escape.
12 Return to the Living Room, and you will now face off against Angie and Donna in a game of hide-and-seek. If you take too long, the dolls will attack and kill you. Angie's first location will always be in the Guest Room upstairs, so head there first. After that, Angie will appear in one of a few random locations that include in the Living Room near the couches or a cabinet, to the right of the entrance, or near the elevator. Successfully find Angie three times to kill her for good.
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Once Donna and Angie are finished off, you will receive the Four-Wing Unborn Key and the Legs Flask. Examine the key to combine it with your previous one. Pick up Angie from the remains to sell off later. Head out of the house and back down the elevator. You can now enter the Garden area to get the W870 TAC, as well as some Lei and the Sun and Moon labyrinth ball. Beware of the Moroaica that will ambush you as you enter the area.
14 Next go north through the gate that's now unlocked to find a well with the Madalina (Head), some Handgun Ammo, and an Outhouse with a Photo of a Strange Bird. Inside the house, you can find the next Labyrinth to use the Sun and Moon Ball in, Luthier's Key, and a file. Complete the Labyrinth for the Onyx Skull then make your way back to the Altar. Use the Legs Flask on the Altar and get ready to head to the south to Moreau's Reservoir.

Foyer Items Location

When reaching the House Beneviento, you will notice the Foyer being red on the map, indicating there are items that can be found here. Save your time and don't worry about missing an item when first entering the house. There are items that can be found in the Foyer, but this will be later on when you come back. When you beat Angie and Donna the items, Angie and the Legs Flask will appear in the Foyer.

Doll Workshop Combination Lock Code

Code: 052911

You can find the code that will unlock the door by obtaining the Wedding Ring and inspecting it. To obtain it, you will need to get the Blood Covered Ring and Silver Key from the puppet. Use the Silver Key to open the Medicine Room and use the sink to wash the Blood Covered Ring to obtain the Wedding Ring. The date on the ring will work as the code: 052911.

All Combination Lock Codes

Music Box Puzzle Solution

If you look at the different pieces of the music box, you'll see scratches on it. You want to line these up in the right order to solve the puzzle.

Film Puzzle Solution

A hint for the film puzzle is on a note on the desk next to the projector. Line the film up in the right order to solve the puzzle.

  1. Monkey
  2. Storybook
  3. Rose
  4. Music Box
  5. Wedding Ring

Door Puzzle Solution

If you look at the door, you'll see that each medallion resembles the hints you can find on the Mia doll. Line up the first two to match what you find in the doll's left eye and right arm. The final medallion is in the doll's chest.

Left Eye
Right Arm

Get the W870 TAC from the Southern Shack

On your way back from House Beneviento, go south at the Garden to find a stronger shotgun, the W870 TAC.
W870 TAC Weapon Stats and Upgrades

Use Luthier's Key for Treasure

With Luthier's Key you picked up in the Garden, head back to the village to access the Maestro's Collection for a Steel Hraesvelgr and the F2 Rifle - High Capacity Mag.

How to Access the Maestro's Collection Treasure

Pick Up Treasure Before Going to Moreau's Reservoir

World View Map View

Before you leave House Beneviento make sure to pick up the Angie doll as you won't be able to come back again. While it isn't absolutely necessary, you'll be able to sell it for a hefty sum and get some unique dialogue from the Duke.

Angie Item Guide

House Beneviento Maps and Item Locations

House Beneviento Maps and Treasure Locations


Potter's Field (1st Visit)

Garden (1st Visit)

Potter's Field

Garden (2nd Visit)

House Beneviento 1F

House Beneviento 2F

House Beneviento B1

Map Key

Blue Key Item
Green Valuable
Purple Weapon/Attachment
Red Items
Breakable Icon.png Breakable
Goat.png Goat

List of Items

Key Items
Silver Key Icon.pngSilver Key Winding Key Icon.pngWinding Key
Blood Covered Ring Icon.pngBlood Covered Ring Wedding Ring Icon.pngWedding Ring
Tweezers Icon.pngTweezers Film Icon.pngFilm
Scissors Icon.pngScissors Brass Medallion Icon.pngBrass Medallion
Breaker Box Key Icon.pngBreaker Box Key Fuse Icon.pngFuse
Relief of a Child Icon.pngRelief of a Child Four-Winged Unborn Key Icon.pngFour-Winged Unborn Key
Legs Flask Icon.pngLegs Flask LuthierLuthier's Key
Photo of a Strange Bird Icon.pngPhoto of a Strange Bird Sun and Moon Ball Icon.pngSun and Moon Ball
Treasure and Valuables
Angie Icon.pngAngie Onyx Skull Icon.pngOnyx Skull
Madalina Head Icon.pngMadalina (Head) Large Crystal Icon.pngLarge Crystal
Vivianite Icon.pngVivianite Crystal Skull Icon.pngCrystal Skull
Weapons & Attachments
W870 TAC - Resident Evil Village.pngW870 TAC
Explosive Rounds Icon.pngExplosive Rounds Sniper Rifle Ammo Icon.pngSniper Rifle Ammo
Mine Icon.pngMine
Lockpick Icon.pngLockpick

House Beneviento Treasures

Madalina Head

Treasure Components

Resident Evil Village Madalina (Head).jpgMadalina (Head) (2000 Lei)

Treasure Locations

Madalina (Head)
The Madalina (Head) can be found in the same location as Luthier's Key as you come back from House Beneviento.

List of All Combinable Treasure

House Beneviento Goats of Warding

Goat 10

World View Map View

The tenth Goat of Warding is on a hanging bridge. As you approach the hanging bridge to House Beneviento, pay close attention to the other hanging bridge to your left. If you are on your way back from House Beneviento, the goat will be on your right.

Goat 11

World View Map View

Just before you enter House Beneviento, go alongside the porch. Go to the left side until you find a small staircase going down. The eleventh Goat of Warding is outside the fence.

List of All Goats of Warding and Where to Find Them

House of Beneviento Files and Locations

Gardener's Diary

Once you complete House Beneviento, the Gardener's house will unlock. The file is located on top of a table as you enter the house.

List of All Files and Where to Find Them

Enemies Encountered in House Beneviento

Regular Enemies

Ghouls Icon.png

The Baby

Near the end of House Beneviento, you will encounter a large Baby. Getting caught by it is an instant game over so you will want to find a place to hide. In your first encounter, you can simply run away from it by going through the door unlocked by the Relief of a Child, but for your second time, you will need to hide in one of two places before making your escape.

Second Encounter Hiding Spots

Under the bed In the closet

Donna and Angie

Donna - Search for Angie.png

This fight is a deadly game of hide-and-seek. Rather than directly attack Angie, you will have to successfully find her around the house three times to put her down. The house is small, but if you take too much time, the dolls will attack you. Angie's starting position will always be the same: upstairs in the Guest Room. After that, there are a few locations that she has a chance to appear in. One by the blocked door to the left of the entrance when coming in, another by the elevator, and two possible locations in the Dining Room: either near a cabinet or on the other side of the room next to the larger couch. After finding Angie a third time, Donna will be literal dust in the wind.

How to Beat Donna Beneviento and Angie

Resident Evil Village Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Partial banner.png
Story Walkthrough Top Page

Story Walkthroughs

Story Guides
Story and Plot Summary.pngStory and Plot Summary Megamycete.pngMegamycete Summary
Beginner Guides Banner.jpgBeginner's Guide
Story Walkthrough
Prologue Banner.jpgPrologue Village Part 1 Banner.jpgVillage Part 1
Mines Banner.jpgMines Castle Part 1 Banner.jpgCastle Dimitrescu Part 1
Castle Part 2 Banner.jpgCastle Dimitrescu Part 2 Castle Part 3 Banner.jpgCastle Dimitrescu Part 3
Castle Part 4 Banner.jpgCastle Dimitrescu Part 4 Village Part 2 Banner.jpgVillage Part 2
House Beneviento Banner.jpgHouse Beneviento MoreauMoreau's Reservoir
The Stronghold Banner.jpgThe Stronghold HeisenbergHeisenberg's Factory
Finale Banner.jpgThe Village Finale
Post Game Guides
New Game Plus Postgame Guide

Demo Walkthroughs

Demo Guides
The Village Demo.pngVillage Demo Resident Evil Village Castle Demo.pngCastle Demo RE Village Maiden.JPGMaiden Demo


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