Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

List of Supplies: All Shop Items

Resident Evil Village All Shop Items 2

This guide lists all of the supplies you can buy from the Duke's Emporium in Resident Evil Village. Find out more about prices and item descriptions below.

List of Supplies

All Recipes

Here is a list of recipes available for purchase from the Duke's Emporium including their prices.

Item Description Earliest Shop Availability:
Recipe: MinesRecipe: Mines Learn how to make mines using the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 4000 Lei
Recipe: Sniper Rifle AmmoRecipe: Sniper Rifle Ammo Learn how to make sniper rifle ammo using the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 4000 Lei
Recipe: Shotgun AmmoRecipe: Shotgun Ammo Learn how to make shotgun ammo using the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 2500 Lei
Recipe: Pipe BombsRecipe: Pipe Bombs Learn how to make pipe bombs using the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 3000 Lei
Altar (after Dimitrescu)
Recipe: Explosive RoundsRecipe: Explosive Rounds Learn how to make explosive rounds using the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 3000 Lei
New Game Plus
Recipe: FlashbangsRecipe: Flashbangs Learn how to make flashbangs from the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 3000 Lei
New Game Plus
Recipe: Rocket Pistol AmmoRecipe: Rocket Pistol Ammo Learn how to make a rocket pistol ammo using the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 10000 Lei
New Game Plus
Recipe: Magnum AmmoRecipe: Magnum Ammo Learn how to make magnum ammo in the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 10000 Lei
New Game Plus
Recipe: Rifle AmmoRecipe: Rifle Ammo Learn how to make rifle ammo from the CRAFTING menu.
Price: 10000 Lei
New Game Plus (after buying a rifle)

All Weapons

These are the weapons available for purchase at the Duke's Emporium including their price. Note that the Knife is already in Ethan's inventory upon starting the Castle Demo.

Item Description Earliest Shop Availability:
M1897M1897 A pump-action shotgun commonly used for hunting. Well known for it's stability and reliability.
Price: 24000 Lei (If bought from the Duke)
Vineyard (if missed)
KnifeKnife A well-used knife with a large blade.
Price: Already Owned (Sold Out)
Vineyard (if missed)
V61 CustomV61 Custom A powerful fully automatic machine pistol. Capable of even greater firepower after customization.
Price: 180000 Lei
Heisenberg's Factory
Samurai Edge - AW Model-01Samurai Edge - AW Model-01 Powerful customized handgun which uses anti-bioweapon technology left by Albert Wesker. (Bonus from the Trauma Pack)
Price: 0 Lei (with Trauma Pack)
Vineyard (with Trauma Pack)
Rocket PistolRocket Pistol A small rocket launcher that can easily fit in one hand. Fires small rockets that explodes on impact.
Price: 80000 CP (1500 Lei from the Duke)
After Beating Village of Shadows Difficulty
Handcannon PZHandcannon PZ A large non-standard revolver. A monster weapon that uses sniper rounds making it more powerful than a magnum.
Price: 60000 CP (1100 Lei from Duke)
After Beating Hardcore Difficulty
DragoonDragoon An easy to handle fully automatic capable rifle with the shortest barrel possible.
Price: 30000 CP (400 Lei from Duke)
New Game Plus
USM-AIUSM-AI A mid-sized semi-automatic gun that Chris has customized for equally high power, accuracy, and firing rate.
Price: 20000 CP (350 Lei from Duke)
New Game Plus
Karambit KnifeKarambit Knife A distinctinve combat knife with a slightly curved blade. Great for close combat.
Price: 10000 CP (100 Lei from Duke)
New Game Plus
WCXWCX A short-barreled assault rifle. Able to fire rapid and powerful shots continuously when holding the trigger.
Price: 30000 CP (200 Lei from Duke)
New Game Plus
GM 79GM 79 A break-action grenade launcher. Uses explosive rounds and flashbangs.
Price: 100000 Lei (If bought from the Duke)
Heisenberg's Factory (If missed)
S.T.A.K.E.S.T.A.K.E. A semi-automatic magnum with incredible fire power and speed. Its destructive power gave it the nickname "Piledriver".
Price: 300000 Lei
New Game Plus
M1851 WolfsbaneM1851 Wolfsbane A revolver that uses magnum rounds. Incredible fire power and piercing ability, said to be effective against werewolves.
Price: 120000 Lei (If bought from the Duke)
Heisenberg's Factory (If missed)
SYG-12SYG-12 A semi-automatic shotgun thats focused shots make it powerful against single enemies. Customizable for even more firepower.
Price: 180000 Lei
Heisenberg's Factory

All Ammo

These are the different ammo types available for purchase at the Duke's Emporium including their price.

Item Description Earliest Shop Availability:
Shotgun AmmoShotgun Ammo 12-gauge shotshells. Each shell has a wide burst, packing a powerful punch.
Price: 1000 Lei
Handgun AmmoHandgun Ammo 9mm parahellum rounds for a handgun. Generic rounds that have little stopping power, but are easy to handle.
Price: 150 Lei
Sniper Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle Ammo Large-caliber cartridges for long-range shots. Significantly heavier than regular bullets so they fly straight and can pierce most armor.
Price: 1000 Lei
Altar (after Dimitrescu)
Magnum AmmoMagnum Ammo Fifty-caliber magnum cartridges. Packed with powder for a powerful shot that can pierce most armor.
Price: 10000 Lei
New Game Plus

All Customizable Parts

These are the customizable parts available for purchase at the Duke's Emporium including their price. Note that they are weapon-specific items.

Item Description Earliest Shop Availability:
LEMI - High-Capacity Mag.LEMI - High-Capacity Mag. Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly increases ammo capacity. Ammo Capacity is increased by 6.
Price: 9000 Lei
M1897 - Hair TriggerM1897 - Hair Trigger Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly increases rate of fire. Increases rate of fire by 0.2.
Price: 8000 Lei
Mr. Everywhere Weapon CharmMr. Everywhere Weapon Charm Customizable part for a handgun. Equip for a dangly charm. (Bonus from the Trauma Pack)
Price: -
Vineyard (with Trauma Pack)
Mr. Raccoon Weapon CharmMr. Raccoon Weapon Charm Customizable part for a shotgun. Equip for a dangly charm. (Limited item).
Price: -
Vineyard (with Trauma Pack)
F2 Rifle - High Magnification ScopeF2 Rifle - High Magnification Scope Customizable part for a sniper rifle. Increases the scope's range.
Price: 15000 Lei
Altar (after Dimitrescu)
F2 Rifle - Cheek RestF2 Rifle - Cheek Rest Customizable part for a sniper rifle. Reduces weapon sway while aiming.
Price: 20000 Lei
Altar (after Dimitrescu)
WCX - ForegripWCX - Foregrip Customizable part for a rifle. Greatly reduces recoil.
Price: 80000 Lei
New Game Plus
WCX - Red Dot SightWCX - Red Dot Sight Customizable part for a rifle. Increases fire power and rate of fire.
Price: 140000 Lei
New Game Plus
V61 Custom - Drum MagazineV61 Custom - Drum Magazine Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly increases ammo capacity.
Price: 70000 Lei
Heisenberg's Factory
SYG-12 - Long BarrelSYG-12 - Long Barrel Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly increases fire power.
Price: 64000 Lei
New Game Plus
M1851 Wolfsbane - Increased Capacity CylinderM1851 Wolfsbane - Increased Capacity Cylinder Customizable part for a special magnum. Increases ammo capacity.
Price: 100000 Lei
Heisenberg's Factory
SYG-12 - Drum MagazineSYG-12 - Drum Magazine Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly increases ammo capacity.
Price: 88000 Lei
New Game Plus
V61 Custom - GunstockV61 Custom - Gunstock Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly reduces recoil.
Price: 35000 Lei
Heisenberg's Factory
V61 Custom - Long BarrelV61 Custom - Long Barrel Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly increases fire power.
Price: 56000 Lei
Heisenberg's Factory
M1911 - Improved GripM1911 - Improved Grip Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly reduces recoil.
Price: 12000 Lei
Reservoir Gate House
W870 TAC - Improved GunstockW870 TAC - Improved Gunstock Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly reduces recoil.
Price: 22000 Lei
Altar (after Beneviento House)
SYG-12 - Red Dot SightSYG-12 - Red Dot Sight Customizable part for a shotgun. Increases fire power and rate of fire.
Price: 42000 Lei
Heisenberg's Factory
S.T.A.K.E. - High-Capacity Mag.S.T.A.K.E. - High-Capacity Mag. Customizable part for a special magnum. Increases ammo capacity.
Price: 180000 Lei
New Game Plus
S.T.A.K.E. - Improved GripS.T.A.K.E. - Improved Grip Customizable part for a special magnum. Greatly reduces recoil.
Price: 120000 Lei
New Game Plus

Recovery Items

These are the recovery items available for purchase at the Duke's Emporium. Currently only the First Aid Med is available in the shop.

Item Description Earliest Shop Availability:
First Aid MedFirst Aid Med Medicine that fully heals all wounds. Closes gashes and acts as a clotting agent while restoring function to damaged systems.
Price: 1000 Lei


Extra Baggage is a unique item available for purchase at the Duke's Emporium. This will allow the player more inventory slots.

Item Description Earliest Shop Availability:
Extra BaggageExtra Baggage Increases the number of item slots available in your inventory.
Price: 10000 Lei
LockpickLockpick A tool for opening simple locks. Each one can only be used once.
Price: 0 Lei (with Deluxe Edition)
Vineyard (with Trauma Pack)

Resident Evil Village Related Guides

The Duke

The Duke's Emporium: Shop Guide

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