Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

Resident Evil Village VR Support

Resident Evil Village VR Support

This guide covers the availability of VR support in Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8), VR in Resident Evil 4, and Resident Evil 7. If you are interested in experiencing survival horror games in VR on Occulus or PSVR, check out this guide.

Will Resident Evil Village Have VR Support?

Resident Evil Village in VR

Due to the success of Resident Evil 7 in VR, many are wondering if Resident Evil Village will recieve the same treatment. While currently it is still unknown, there is some reason to believe that VR support may be in the works considering the VR present in Resident Evil 7 and the upcoming VR port for Resident Evil 4.

VR Support for Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 in VR
In the showcase on April 15th, 2021, it was announced that Resident Evil 4 would have a new VR port. This shows that developers of the Resident Evil series are experimenting with the idea of VR and how to implement it further into their titles going forward. Resident Evil 4 already has several different versions of the game, so it seems that the main purpose of this port is to see how successful VR survival horror games can be while at the same time breathing new life into a fan favorite.

VR Support in Resident Evil 7

Resident Evil 7 in VR

Part of the reason for Resident Evil 7's massive success was the inclusion of VR. The survival horror aspect of Resident Evil had never been experienced in that way before, and fans loved it. Stepping into the role of the main character of a survival horror game with stunningly horrific visuals did a lot to revive the franchise's popularity.

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