Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

New and Returning Features

New and Returning Features - Resident Evil Village (RE8) .png
This is a page dedicated to showing off all the new features and changes in Resident Evil Village.

New and Returning Features

Each Resident Evil game in the series has introduced new features and mechanics as well as removing others. In Resident Evil Village, many features from previous games in the series that wasn't in Resident Evil VII are present alongside new ones.

Weapons and Items Can be Purchased from a Merchant

A merchant known as the Duke can be found in various locations around the Village and the Castle who will sell you a variety of items and weapons. The Duke is similar to the Merchant from Resident Evil 4, however, the Duke can also sell you ammo for weapons.

The Duke's Emporium: Shop Guide

Weapons Can be Upgraded


Upgradeable Stats
Power Rate of Fire
Reload Speed Ammo Capacity

Another feature of the Duke's Emporium is the ability to upgrade your weapons. Using Lei, you can power up each weapon's stats, similar to in Resident Evil 4 and 5.

Treasures Can be Found and Sold

Another similarity to Resident Evil 4 is the valuable Treasures that are scattered around the map. They can be in hard-to-spot places but will help you a ton if you do find them. The only thing you can do with Treasure is to sell them to the Duke for Lei! The amount will depend on the treasure you find, any Treasure you find is going to be free Lei when sold!
List of Treasures

Enemies Drop Items

Enemies Drop Items - Resident Evil Village.jpg
In Resident Evil 4 enemies would have a chance to drop a random item upon death. Resident Evil Village has brought back that same feature! Now when you kill enemies they will drop a random item. If Village will also have the hidden difficulty system RE 4 had, then these item drops will usually be something you need!

You Can Rearrange Your Inventory

Inventory management is a staple gameplay feature in every Resident Evil game. Similarly to Resident Evil 4, not only will you need to make sure you have space for your items and weapons, but you will need to rearrange them to fit in your inventory. This is because your inventory is made out of many cells with each item taking up a different sized block of cells. You arrange your items to optimize your space to carry as much as you can. Time for your Tetris skills to shine!

Enemies Can be Knocked Back After a Successful Guard

Enemies Can be Knocked Back After a Successful Guard  - Resident Evil Village.jpg
A new feature that is a mix of old and new is the ability to knock enemies back! This combined the ability to guard that is unique to Resident Evil 7 and the ability to do a melee move that knocks enemies down in Resident Evil 4. This gives you a new defensive option that gives you breathing room when you need it!

Looking at the Map or Items Menu Pauses the Game

Looking at the Map or Items Menu Pauses the Game - Resident Evil Village.jpg
A feature that changes from game to game is whether or not the game pauses when you open your map or inventory. In Resident Evil 7 the game did not pause, but in Village, the game will pause whenever your map or inventory open! Don't worry about enemies when rearranging your inventory!

The Mercenaries Game Mode Returns

The Mercenaries mode is a frequently requested returning game mode to the Resident Evil franchise! It is a game mode that focuses on fast arcade-style combat to get high scores and earn prizes. In this game mode, you will fight several enemies in a level, trying to kill a specific amount before the timer runs out! Learn more about this game mode in the Mercenaries guide below!

The Mercenaries

Resident Evil Village Related Guides

Resident Evil 8 Partials Banner News and Game Info.png
News and Game Info

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Re:Verse Information New and Returing Features
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Will Resident Evil Village Have DLC? How Long is RE8?
Controls and Camera Settings Guide Time Limited Demo
Does Resident Evil Village Have a Secret Ending? How to Upgrade to PS5


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