Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

Megamycete Summary | What is the Megamycete?

As questions about Ethan, the Village, and the Four Lords are answered, Resident Evil Village raises new ones for you to ponder. What is the Megamycete? And what is its connection to the Molded, Mother Miranda, and Rosemary?

Warning: This article contains spoilers for both Resident Evil 7 as well as Resident Evil Village.

What is the Megamycete?

The Megamycete is a superorganism that Mother Miranda found after her daughter's death. It is capable of inducing superhuman abilities in its infected hosts, such as Mother Miranda herself, and was used in experiments that would eventually develop into the Cadou.

Resident Evil 7's central infectious "virus", the Molded, was sourced from the Megamycete itself.

Connections to Mother Miranda

Connection to Mother Miranda.png
Almost a century before The Village's start, Mother Miranda lost her child, Eva, to the Spanish Flu. She discovers the Megamycete and from it the Mold.

She experimented on the helpless people of the Village, ultimately developing a fetus-like organism to infect hosts with called the Cadou.

These Cadou were used on villagers until four people took well to it: Lady Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Salvatore Moreau, and Karl Heisenberg.

Megamycete's Role in Resident Evil Village

Role in RE Village
Samples of the Mold were able to be obtained by The Connections, which was the organization Mia used to work for. Eventually, the bioweapon developed from it would escape and cause the incident at the Baker Residence.

These would domino into a Molded construct of Ethan being made, with his and Mia's daughter Rose being a product of a Molded individual which is the reason why Mother Miranda takes an interest in them.

The Megamycete is a network of consciousness that Mother Miranda plans to exploit – using the data stored within the Megamycete to revive her daughter, Eva, with Rosemary as her vessel.

Complete the Root of the Matter Challenge

Challenge Requirements
★The Root of the Matter Reward: Under investigation.
Find the Megamycete in the underground ruins.

Megamycete Destroyed?

Megamycete Destroyed.png
At the end of Resident Evil Village, the Megamycete was destroyed in true Resident Evil fashion – resulting in the death of Ethan himself.

However, we know from files found in Miranda's secret lab that Oswell Spencer, the founder of Umbrella Corporation, visited Mother Miranda once to study her work. It is possible that samples of the Mold still exist, particularly with The Connections, and could perhaps be used to create yet another Megamycete.

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Story Walkthroughs

Story Guides
Story and Plot Summary.pngStory and Plot Summary Megamycete.pngMegamycete Summary
Beginner Guides Banner.jpgBeginner's Guide
Story Walkthrough
Prologue Banner.jpgPrologue Village Part 1 Banner.jpgVillage Part 1
Mines Banner.jpgMines Castle Part 1 Banner.jpgCastle Dimitrescu Part 1
Castle Part 2 Banner.jpgCastle Dimitrescu Part 2 Castle Part 3 Banner.jpgCastle Dimitrescu Part 3
Castle Part 4 Banner.jpgCastle Dimitrescu Part 4 Village Part 2 Banner.jpgVillage Part 2
House Beneviento Banner.jpgHouse Beneviento MoreauMoreau's Reservoir
The Stronghold Banner.jpgThe Stronghold HeisenbergHeisenberg's Factory
Finale Banner.jpgThe Village Finale
Post Game Guides
New Game Plus Postgame Guide

Demo Walkthroughs

Demo Guides
The Village Demo.pngVillage Demo Resident Evil Village Castle Demo.pngCastle Demo RE Village Maiden.JPGMaiden Demo


2 Anonymousover 3 years

My theory is that surviving ndpaya tribes migrated or took knowledge of the science culture of thier civilization and spread to other regions, creating cults. I thing ndpaya dependents tribes traveled from weast africa to Europe and somehow created a new b.o.w the megamycete, and so the megamycete when out and formed tasks for the lesser evolved to carry out,and so one man was lead to the ndpaya civilization,and so became a pawn in this game of biological infection.

1 Anonymousover 3 years

I still dont understand the back story of the megamycete and the stairway to the sun flower,the ndpaya people of ancient west africa civilization stretches 1,000 of years before the events of resedent evil village. Can someone exsplian how this megamycete is somehow older then or predates the starway to the sun flower ? Something just doesn't make any sence


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