Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

The Duke's Purse | List of All Sellable Items

List of All Sellable Items

This is a guide to all sellable items in Resident Evil Village. Learn more about item selling prices at the Duke's Emporium for treasures, recovery items, ingredients, weapons, explosives, ammo, and customizable parts in this walkthrough.

List of All Sellable Items


Treasures are by far the most valuable sellable items and can be obtained by finding them in the environment or by getting them as drops from enemies.

Item Description
Resident Evil Village - AngieAngie Donna's creepy-ass doll. It doesn't move anymore. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 28000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Antique CoinAntique Coin Intricately designed coin. It looks like one from the Baker house... (Valuable)
Selling Price: 8000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Azure EyeAzure Eye A blue gemstone that looks like an eye. (Valuable/ Combineable)
Selling Price: 1200 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Azure Eye RingAzure Eye Ring A silver ring with an azure gemstone. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 12000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - BerengarioBerengario's Chalice An antique chalice that was treasured by Berengario, one of the four founders. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 18000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Bister SkullBister Skull Crystallized human remains found in the labyrinth in Heisenberg's Factory. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 30000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - CesareCesare's Goblet An antique goblet that was treasured by Cesare, one of the four founders.
Selling Price: 19000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Chartreuse SkullChartreuse Skull Crystallized human remains found in the labyrinth by the Windmills. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 20000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - CigarCigar Cigar made in Cuba. It's really damp. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 3000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Complex Mechanical HeartComplex Mechanical Heart Crystallized remains of a powerful mechanical creature. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 45000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crimson GlassCrimson Glass Dimitrescu's blood-red wine glass. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 3500 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crimson SkullCrimson Skull Crystallized human remains found in the labyrinth in Castle Dimitrescu.
Selling Price: 8000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal Ancient BeastCrystal Ancient Beast Crystallized remains of a prehistoric looking creature. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 80000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal BeastCrystal Beast Crystallized remains of a wolf-like creature. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 20000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal DimitrescuCrystal Dimitrescu Dimitrescu's crystallized remains. Elegant yet horrifying. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 25000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal FragmentCrystal Fragment White mineral found in this region. Could probably sell it. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 2000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal HammerCrystal Hammer Crystallized remains of a creature and its massive hammer. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 35000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal HeisenbergCrystal Heisenberg Heisenburg's crystallized remains. What a twisted guy. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 70000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal Mechanical HeartCrystal Mechanical Heart Crystallized remains of a mechanical creature made of metal and flesh. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 5000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal MoreauCrystal Moreau Moreau's crystallized remains. Feels like it's looking at me... (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 40000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal SkullCrystal Skull Crystallized remains of a sharp fanged creature. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 900 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal TorsoCrystal Torso Dimitrescu's daughter's crystallized remains.
Selling Price: 5000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Crystal WingCrystal Wing Crystallized remains of a winged creature. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 2400 Lei
Resident Evil Village - DimitrescuDimitrescu's Necklace An ornate necklace made of pure gold and two rubies. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 50000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Father NicolaFather Nicola's Angel Antique angel statue that was treasured by Nichola, one of the four founders. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 22000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Giant  Crystal AxeGiant Crystal Axe Crystallized remains of a creature and its axe. It's too big to use. (Very Valuable).
Selling Price: 30000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Giant Crystal MaceGiant Crystal Mace Crystallized remains of a creature and its mace. It's too big to use. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 60000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Golden Lady StatueGolden Lady Statue Statue based on Dimitrescu. That's narcissistic. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 20000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - GuglielmoGuglielmo's Plate An antique plate that was treasured by Guglielmo, one of the four founders. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 25000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - HeisenbergHeisenberg's Hammer A giant hammer made from machine parts. It's too heavy to use. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 45000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - IngridIngrid's Necklace Necklace of animal bones used to ward against evil. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 2000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - LadyLady's Lipstick Large tube of red lipstick found in Castle Dimitrescu. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 6000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Large CrystalLarge Crystal A large white crystal found in this region
Selling Price: 3000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Large Crystal Mechanical HeartLarge Crystal Mechanical Heart Crystallized remains of a large mechanical creature made of metal and flesh.
Selling Price: 9000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Large Pigeon Blood RubyLarge Pigeon Blood Ruby A large ruby that's red as blood. Looks like it can be inserted into something. (Valuable/ Combinable)
Selling Price: 5500 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Madalina (Body)Madalina (Body) Part of a doll that's based on a local legend. (Valuable/ Combinable)
Selling Price: 3000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Madalina (Head)Madalina (Head) Part of a doll that's based on a local legend.
Selling Price: 2000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Mechanical Part (Cylinder)Mechanical Part (Cylinder) A junk piece of steel. Looks like something used to be attached to it. (Valuable/ Combinable)
Selling Price: 7000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Mechanical Part (Shaft)Mechanical Part (Shaft) A junk rod of iron. Looks like something used to be attached to it.
Selling Price: 4000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Miss MadalinaMiss Madalina A complete antique doll of a young witch based on a local legend. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 20000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Necklace StoneNecklace Stone Precious stone that fell from Luiza's necklace.
Selling Price: 8000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Necklace with Two HolesNecklace with Two Holes An ornate necklace made of pure gold. Something could fit in the depression. (Valuable/ Combinable)
Selling Price: 2000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Onyx SkullOnyx Skull Crystallized human remains found in the labyrinth near House Beneviento
Selling Price: 15000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Perfect Crystal Mechanical HeartPerfect Crystal Mechanical Heart The perfectly crystallized remains of a large mechanical creature (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 25000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Perfect Crystal SkullPerfect Crystal Skull Perfectly reserved crystallized remains of a lycan.
Selling Price: 10000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Pigeon Blood RubyPigeon Blood Ruby A small ruby that is red as blood. It looks like it can be inserted into something. (Valuable/ Combinable)
Selling Price: 3000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Polycrystal SkullPolycrystal Skull Crystallized remains of a powerful creature. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 3500 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Silver Angel StatueSilver Angel Statue Angel statue made from pure silver. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 10000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Silver RingSilver Ring A silver ring with a depression. Looks like something could fit in it. (Valuable/Combinable)
Selling Price: 1800 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Steel HraesvelgrSteel Hraesvelgr A steel statue based on a legendary giant Norse eagle. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 14000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Teddy BearTeddy Bear A slightly dirty teddy bear. The Duke will probably buy it... (Valuable)
Selling Price: 4000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - VivianiteVivianite Green mineral mined from this region. Might be worth something. (Valuable)
Selling Price: 5000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Wooden Angel StatueWooden Angel Statue Angel statue carefully carved from wood.
Selling Price: 3000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Wooden Animal (Body)Wooden Animal (Body) Part of a wooden toy. (Valuable/Combinable)
Selling Price: 2000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Wooden Animal (Head)Wooden Animal (Head) Part of a wooden toy. (Valuable/Combinable)
Selling Price: 1750 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Wooden GoatWooden Goat A wooden figure of a goat. Looks like it was used in rituals. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 15000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Yellow QuartzYellow Quartz Yellow mineral found in this region. Looks pricey. (Very Valuable)
Selling Price: 10000 Lei


Item Description
Resident Evil Village - MeatMeat Meat gathered from animals in this region. Common ingredient. Cannot be eaten as is.
Used to Make: Bird and Beast Pilaf, Three-Flavored Mititei, Tochitura de Pui, and Ciorba de Porc.
Selling Price: 1200 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Quality MeatQuality Meat Meat gathered from a white pig that can only be found in this region. Rare ingredient. Cannot be eaten as is.
Used to Make: Ciorba de Porc.
Selling Price: 8800 Lei
Resident Evil Village - PoultryPoultry Meat gathered from birds of this region. Common ingredient. Cannot be eaten as is.
Used to Make: Herbed Fish, Bird and Beast Pilaf, Three-Flavored Mititei, and Tochitura de Pui.
Selling Price: 600 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Juicy GameJuicy Game Meat gathered from a rare blue bird that can only be found in this region. Rare ingredient. Cannot be eaten as is.
Used to Make: Tochitura de Pui.
Selling Price: 7200 Lei
Resident Evil Village - FishFish Meat gathered from fish of this region. Common ingredient. Cannot be eaten as is.
Used to Make: Herbed Fish, Three-Flavored Mititei, Ciorba de Porc, and Sarmale de Peste.
Selling Price: 800 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Finest FishFinest Fish Meat gathered from a golden fish that can only be found in this region. Rare ingredient. Cannot be eaten as is.
Used to Make: Sarmale de Peste.
Selling Price: 6500 Lei


Item Description
LEMILEMI A small, easy-to-use semi-automatic pistol with average firing power.
Selling Price: 3150 Lei
M1897M1897 A pump-action shotgun commonly used for hunting. Well known for it's stability and reliability.
Selling Price: 13000 Lei
KnifeKnife A well-used knife with a large blade.
Selling Price: -
V61 CustomV61 Custom A powerful fully automatic machine pistol. Capable of even greater firepower after customization.
Selling Price: 92000 Lei
M1911M1911 A comfortable fully automatic handgun. Hold down the trigger to fire a continuous string of bullets.
Selling Price: 25105 Lei
Samurai Edge - AW Model-01Samurai Edge - AW Model-01 Powerful customized handgun which uses anti-bioweapon technology left by Albert Wesker. (Bonus from the Trauma Pack)
Selling Price: 185 Lei
Rocket PistolRocket Pistol A small rocket launcher that can easily fit in one hand. Fires small rockets that explodes on impact.
Selling Price: 1500 Lei
Handcannon PZHandcannon PZ A large non-standard revolver. A monster weapon that uses sniper rounds making it more powerful than a magnum.
Selling Price: 1100 Lei
DragoonDragoon An easy to handle fully automatic capable rifle with the shortest barrel possible.
Selling Price: 350 Lei
USM-AIUSM-AI A mid-sized semi-automatic gun that Chris has customized for equally high power, accuracy, and firing rate.
Selling Price: 305 Lei
Karambit KnifeKarambit Knife A distinctinve combat knife with a slightly curved blade. Great for close combat.
Selling Price: 100 Lei
WCXWCX A short-barreled assault rifle. Able to fire rapid and powerful shots continuously when holding the trigger.
Selling Price: 190 Lei
GM 79GM 79 A break-action grenade launcher. Uses explosive rounds and flashbangs.
Selling Price: 50250 Lei
S.T.A.K.E.S.T.A.K.E. A semi-automatic magnum with incredible fire power and speed. Its destructive power gave it the nickname "Piledriver".
Selling Price: 157000 Lei
M1851 WolfsbaneM1851 Wolfsbane A revolver that uses magnum rounds. Incredible fire power and piercing ability, said to be effective against werewolves.
Selling Price: 63500 Lei
F2 RifleF2 Rifle A bolt-action sniper rifle. Specialized for taking out long-range targets.
Selling Price: 20800 Lei
W870 TACW870 TAC A pump-action combat shotgun. Has a wide spray that's good for suppressing groups of enemies.
Selling Price: 34800 Lei
SYG-12SYG-12 A semi-automatic shotgun thats focused shots make it powerful against single enemies. Customizable for even more firepower.
Selling Price: 92000 Lei
LZ AnswererLZ Answerer A next-generation weapon in development by BSAA with a blade made of charged particles that can slice through anything! Hold Aim to activate double blade mode!
Selling Price: 200 Lei


Item Description
Resident Evil Village - MineMine A handmade mine. Explodes violently when stepped on.
Selling Price: 300 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Pipe BombPipe Bomb A handmade pipe bomb. When thrown, it explodes violently upon impact or after a set amount of time.
Selling Price: 300 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Flash GrenadeFlash Grenade A hand-thrown grenade that releases a bright blinding light upon impact.
Selling Price: -


Item Description
Resident Evil Village - Shotgun AmmoShotgun Ammo 12-gauge shotshells. Each shell has a wide burst, packing a powerful punch.
Selling Price: 200 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Handgun AmmoHandgun Ammo 9mm parahellum rounds for a handgun. Generic rounds that have little stopping power, but are easy to handle.
Selling Price: 15 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Sniper Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle Ammo Large-caliber cartridges for long-range shots. Significantly heavier than regular bullets so they fly straight and can pierce most armor.
Selling Price: 200 Lei
Resident Evil Village - FlashbangFlashbang Projectile for grenade launchers. Releases a powerful light that dazes enemies.
Selling Price: 250 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Explosive RoundsExplosive Rounds Projectile for grenade launchers. Explosive power that damages a wide area.
Selling Price: 250 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Rifle AmmoRifle Ammo Small-caliber cartridges for assault rifles that use less powder for reduced recoil. Tighter spray when fired full auto.
Selling Price: 7 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Rocket Pistol AmmoRocket Pistol Ammo 13mm rockets for a Rocket Pistol. Small but powerful as each projectile cotains its own rocket engine for stabilization.
Selling Price: 200 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Magnum AmmoMagnum Ammo Fifty-caliber magnum cartridges. Packed with powder for a powerful shot that can pierce most armor.
Selling Price: 700 Lei

Customizable Parts

Item Description
Resident Evil Village - LEMI - High-Capacity Mag.LEMI - High-Capacity Mag. Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly increases ammo capacity. Ammo Capacity is increased by 6.
Selling Price: 4500 Lei
Resident Evil Village - M1897 - Hair TriggerM1897 - Hair Trigger Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly increases rate of fire. Increases rate of fire by 0.2.
Selling Price: 4000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Mr. Everywhere Weapon CharmMr. Everywhere Weapon Charm Customizable part for a handgun. Equip for a dangly charm. (Bonus from the Trauma Pack)
Selling Price: 0 Lei
Resident Evil Village - Mr. Raccoon Weapon CharmMr. Raccoon Weapon Charm Customizable part for a shotgun. Equip for a dangly charm. (Limited item).
Selling Price: 0 Lei
Resident Evil Village - LEMI - Recoil CompensatorLEMI - Recoil Compensator Customizable part for increased fire power. Increases Power by 30.
Selling Price: 5000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - F2 Rifle - High Magnification ScopeF2 Rifle - High Magnification Scope Customizable part for a sniper rifle. Increases the scope's range.
Selling Price: 7500 Lei
Resident Evil Village - F2 Rifle - Cheek RestF2 Rifle - Cheek Rest Customizable part for a sniper rifle. Reduces weapon sway while aiming.
Selling Price: 10000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - WCX - ForegripWCX - Foregrip Customizable part for a rifle. Greatly reduces recoil.
Selling Price: 40000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - WCX - Red Dot SightWCX - Red Dot Sight Customizable part for a rifle. Increases fire power and rate of fire.
Selling Price: 70000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - V61 Custom - Drum MagazineV61 Custom - Drum Magazine Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly increases ammo capacity.
Selling Price: 35000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - SYG-12 - Long BarrelSYG-12 - Long Barrel Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly increases fire power.
Selling Price: 32000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - M1851 Wolfsbane - Increased Capacity CylinderM1851 Wolfsbane - Increased Capacity Cylinder Customizable part for a special magnum. Increases ammo capacity.
Selling Price: 50000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - SYG-12 - Drum MagazineSYG-12 - Drum Magazine Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly increases ammo capacity.
Selling Price: 44000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - W870 TAC - ForegripW870 TAC - Foregrip Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly increases rate of fire.
Selling Price: 7000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - V61 Custom - GunstockV61 Custom - Gunstock Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly reduces recoil.
Selling Price: 17500 Lei
Resident Evil Village - V61 Custom - Long BarrelV61 Custom - Long Barrel Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly increases fire power.
Selling Price: 28000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - M1851 Wolfsbane - Long BarrelM1851 Wolfsbane - Long Barrel Customizable part for increased fire power.
Selling Price: 36000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - F2 Rifle - High-Capacity Mag.F2 Rifle - High-Capacity Mag. Customizable part for a sniper rifle. Greatly increases ammo capacity.
Selling Price: 8000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - M1911 - Improved GripM1911 - Improved Grip Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly reduces recoil.
Selling Price: 6000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - W870 TAC - Improved GunstockW870 TAC - Improved Gunstock Customizable part for a shotgun. Greatly reduces recoil.
Selling Price: 11000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - SYG-12 - Red Dot SightSYG-12 - Red Dot Sight Customizable part for a shotgun. Increases fire power and rate of fire.
Selling Price: 21000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - M1911 - High-Capacity Mag.M1911 - High-Capacity Mag. Customizable part for a handgun. Greatly increases ammo capacity.
Selling Price: Coming Soon!
Resident Evil Village - S.T.A.K.E. - High-Capacity Mag.S.T.A.K.E. - High-Capacity Mag. Customizable part for a special magnum. Increases ammo capacity.
Selling Price: 90000 Lei
Resident Evil Village - S.T.A.K.E. - Improved GripS.T.A.K.E. - Improved Grip Customizable part for a special magnum. Greatly reduces recoil.
Selling Price: 60000 Lei

Recovery Items

Item Description
Resident Evil Village - First Aid MedFirst Aid Med Medicine that fully heals all wounds. Closes gashes and acts as a clotting agent while restoring function to damaged systems.
Selling Price: 800 Lei


Item Description
Resident Evil Village - LockpickLockpick A tool for opening simple locks. Each one can only be used once.
Selling Price: 1000 Lei

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