Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

List of Ammo Types

This guide lists all ammo types in Resident Evil Village. For more information on each ammo type, how to craft, and buying and selling prices, read on!

List of Ammo Types

This is a list of the ammo types in Resident Evil Village. More information will be coming soon!

Item Description
Shotgun AmmoShotgun Ammo 12-gauge shotshells. Each shell has a wide burst, packing a powerful punch.
Price: 1000 Lei
Handgun AmmoHandgun Ammo 9mm parahellum rounds for a handgun. Generic rounds that have little stopping power, but are easy to handle.
Price: 150 Lei
Sniper Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle Ammo Large-caliber cartridges for long-range shots. Significantly heavier than regular bullets so they fly straight and can pierce most armor.
Price: 1000 Lei
FlashbangFlashbang Projectile for grenade launchers. Releases a powerful light that dazes enemies.
Price: 5000 Lei
Explosive RoundsExplosive Rounds Projectile for grenade launchers. Explosive power that damages a wide area.
Price: 5000 Lei
Rifle AmmoRifle Ammo Small-caliber cartridges for assault rifles that use less powder for reduced recoil. Tighter spray when fired full auto.
Price: -
Rocket Pistol AmmoRocket Pistol Ammo 13mm rockets for a Rocket Pistol. Small but powerful as each projectile cotains its own rocket engine for stabilization.
Price: -
Magnum AmmoMagnum Ammo Fifty-caliber magnum cartridges. Packed with powder for a powerful shot that can pierce most armor.
Price: 10000 Lei

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Items Front Page

Items Types
Iron Insignia Key Icon.pngKey Items Handgun Ammo Icon.pngAmmo BerengarioTreasure
Pipe Bomb Icon.pngExplosives First Aid Med.pngRecovery Items Explosive Rounds Recipe icon.pngRecipes
Quality Meat Icon.pngIngredients LEMI - High Capacity Mag Icon.pngCustomizable Parts Gunpowder Icon.pngCrafting Materials


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