Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

What is the Hound Wolf Squad? | Hound Wolf Squad Profile

What is the Hound Wolf Squad.png

The Hound Wolf Squad, whose insignia is that of a scarred wolf with jagged claw marks at its background, is the elite group which Chris Redfield leads. Read on to know more about this shadowy organization and their role in the story!

Hound Wolf Squad: Basic Information

Hound Wolf Squad.png

Name Hound Wolf Squad
Role Elite group under Chris Redfield's command.

The Hound Wolf Squad is an elite squad that Chris Redfield leads in the upcoming Resident Evil: Village.

Hound Wolf Squad Profile and Backstory

Warning: This section may contain spoilers!

Chris' Squad

Hound Wolf Squad Antagonist.png
Not much is known about what exactly the Hound Wolf Squad is or what their objectives are, apart from it being an elite squad that Chris Redfield leads.

They make their appearance in Resident Evil: Village, the first time they are known to appear within the Resident Evil franchise as a whole.

BSAA Squad

The Hound Wolf Squad plays a role in the apparent murder of Mia, who turns out to be Mother Miranda all along, mimicking the woman in order to get closer to the Winters and their daughter Rosemary.

They leave behind evidence of their infiltration all over the Village, from notes to laptops filled with intel reports on the incidents that have been occuring in Mother Miranda's domain.

It is implied that the Hound Wolf Squad is separate from the BSAA itself, as when agents from the BSAA interfere with the events surrounding the Village, they seem to question the organizations presence there.

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List of Characters

Character Profiles

Main Characters
Ethan Winters Icon.pngEthan Winters Mia Winters Icon.pngMia Winters Rosemary Winters Icon.pngRosemary Winters
Chris Redfield Icon.pngChris Redfield Wolf Squad Icon.pngHound Wolf Squad
Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 15.08.05.pngMother Miranda Lady Dimitrescu Icon.pngAlcina Dimitrescu Heisenberg Icon (1).pngHeisenberg
Salvatore Icon.pngSalvatore Moreau Donna Icon.pngDonna Beneviento Dimitrescu Daughters Icon.pngDimitrescu Daughters
The Duke Icon.pngThe Duke Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 18.44.34.pngElena Old Hag Icon.pngThe Old Hag
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