Resident Evil Village (Resident Evil 8)

The Castle Demo Walkthrough: 8 Hours in Village

Resident Evil Village Castle Demo

This is a guide on how to clear the Castle Demo for Resident Evil Village. Learn how to get past Cassandra, the location of the Duke's Emporium Shop, and how to deal with enemies in this step-by-step walkthrough.

Castle Demo Walkthrough Video

Castle Demo Walkthrough

Pick up the Crimson Glass from the nearby table. You can sell this at the shop later for Lei.
Go through the doors to the next room. The door to the right side is locked. Open the doors to the fireplace and go through the opening.
After crawling through the passageway, there will be some Rusted Scrap on a crate to your left. Proceed forward and interact with the statue to get the Maroon Eye Ring.
The statue will turn, opening the way to the main hall through the doors to your left. You will see 4 statues rise from the floor but, you can't do anything with them right now.
Directly across from the doors you entered from is the Duke's Emporium. You will have 5000 Lei to spend, but you can gain more Lei by selling the Crimson Glass or from pots found throughout the halls of the castle.
After stocking up on supplies at the Duke's Emporium, go back to the main hall and go up the stairs to enter this room. Continue up the stairs on the left side.
7 After reaching the top of the stairs, turn right and proceed down the hall. To the left will be a door that depicts a person missing one eye.
Examine the Maroon Eye Ring to get the Maroon Eye. Place the Maroon Eye into the door to open it.
Go through the door, and you will encounter Cassandra. Shooting her doesn't deal damage, but it disperses the bugs. When you have an opening, run through to the next doorway.
In the back of the next room to the right, there is a passageway covered by planks. Clear the way and drop down the hole to escape Cassandra.
After dropping down, there will be a small passageway to crawl through to the left. You'll get a glimpse of Lady Dimitrescu exiting the room.
12 Resident Evil Village Torch Puzzle
In the next room, you'll find two unlit torches and one lit one hanging from the ceiling. Run at the hanging torch to knock it into the other two to light them and open the way forward.
Continue forward through the dungeon, checking the cells for items along the way. After a certain point, you will encounter several enemies.
14 Optional: It's recommended that you pick up the pipe bomb from a crate to take out a few enemies. You will come across this crate shortly after the enemies start attacking you.
Make your way forward, and you'll see light coming streaming down and stairs leading up.
Straight ahead, you will see a locked door. Ignore it, and turn right. Here you will have an encounter with Bela.
There is a path to the right of where Bela appears. Follow this path to the stairs to escape.
At the top of the stairs, turn right and then take a left. Remove the wooden planks from the doorway to finish the demo.

Castle Demo Maps and Item Locations

Castle Maps

Castle 1F

Castle 2F

Castle B1

Map Key

Blue Key Item
Green Valuable
Red Items
Breakable Icon.png Breakable

How to Download 8 Hours in Village - The Village Demo

Early access to these demos is exclusive to PS4 and PS5 and can be downloaded from PSN. However, all systems will be able to access these demos when the full demo is released. For more information on the demo schedule, check out the guide below.
Early Access 8 Hours in Village

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