Tales of Arise

List of Zeugles (Enemies)

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Tales of Arise - List of Zeugles

Zeugles are the main enemies you’ll face in Tales of Arise and come in Normal, Unique, and Gigant variants. Check out our list of enemies by type, element, and trait, as well as their locations and drops!

List of All Zeugles (Enemies)

All Gigant Enemies

Gigant Enemies are high-level zeugles that are among the toughest enemy encounters in the game, boasting higher stats compared to their normal enemy counterparts!

These elite enemies all have a glowing orange weakpoint that you need to destroy to deal as much damage as possible and defeat them!

Zeugle Lvl Enemy
Weakness Resistance
Toxidillo ImageToxidillo 13 Gigant None None
Boisterous Roper ImageBoisterous Roper 15 Gigant Wind Earth
Polycephus ImagePolycephus 21 Gigant None None
Great Dragon ImageGreat Dragon 26 Gigant Water Fire
Flamewrecker ImageFlamewrecker 28 Gigant Water Fire
Relentless Charger ImageRelentless Charger 26 Gigant Wind Earth
Alpha Reaper ImageAlpha Reaper 25 Gigant Earth Wind
Stormbringer ImageStormbringer 42 Gigant Earth Wind
Elemental ImageElemental 42 Gigant Wind Earth
Regent Bee ImageRegent Bee 45 Gigant None None
Agony Keeper ImageAgony Keeper 39 Gigant Wind Earth
Mother Boomy ImageMother Boomy 42 Gigant None None
Ruthless ImageRuthless 43 Gigant None None
Thunderite ImageThunderite 53 Gigant Fire Water
Mantis ImageMantis 43 Gigant Wind Earth
Calamity Arms ImageCalamity Arms 54 Gigant Light Dark
Masher Bull ImageMasher Bull 56 Gigant None None
Masher Mare ImageMasher Mare 56 Gigant None None
Ezamamuk ImageEzamamuk 59 Gigant Dark Light
Sword Dancer ImageSword Dancer 56 Gigant Light Dark

List of All Gigant Enemies

All Unique Enemies

Unique Enemies are rare and often one-time enemy encounters such as bosses in the game that you'll need to defeat to progress the game.

Zeugle Lvl Enemy
Weakness Resistance
Lord Balseph ImageLord Balseph 15 Unique None None
Fire Avatar ImageFire Avatar 34 Unique Water Fire
Bureau Agent Law ImageBureau Agent Law 14 Unique None None
Ice Wolf Leader ImageIce Wolf Leader 16 Unique Fire Water
Ooze Hive ImageOoze Hive 17 Unique Fire Water
Lord Ganabelt Valkyris ImageLord Ganabelt Valkyris 19 Unique None None
Zacarania ImageZacarania 23 Unique Wind Earth
Menancia Guard Captain Kisara ImageMenancia Guard Captain Kisara 23 Unique None None
Lord Dohalim il Qaras ImageLord Dohalim il Qaras 24 Unique None None
Venoflage ImageVenoflage 24 Unique None None
Mysterious Swordsman ImageMysterious Swordsman 28 Unique None None
Temararus ImageTemararus 28 Unique None None
Grinymuk ImageGrinymuk 29 Unique Earth Wind
Lord Almeidrea & Mesmald ImageLord Almeidrea & Mesmald 30 Unique None None
Meria Phein ImageMeria Phein 33 Unique Earth Wind
Thorns ImageThorns 32 Unique Light Dark
Kalmarzel ImageKalmarzel 34 Unique Dark Light
Kaldinzel ImageKaldinzel 34 Unique Fire Water
Lord Vholran Igniseri ImageLord Vholran Igniseri 36 Unique None None
Sovereign Vholran Igniseri ImageSovereign Vholran Igniseri 35 Unique None None
Eljarania ImageEljarania 41 Unique Wind Earth
Efreet Malum ImageEfreet Malum 47 Unique Water Fire
Tormented Limbs ImageTormented Limbs 45 Unique Light Dark
Red Woman ImageRed Woman 48 Unique Light Dark
Valclynimus ImageValclynimus 55 Unique Light Dark
Great Astral Spirit ImageGreat Astral Spirit 58 Unique Light Dark
Subsumer ImageSubsumer 61 Unique Light Dark
Vholran Igniseri ImageVholran Igniseri 61 Unique None None
Meneiys ImageMeneiys 54 Unique None None
Mesmald ImageMesmald 59 Unique None None
Undine Drop ImageUndine Drop 56 Unique Fire Water
Luo Undine  ImageLuo Undine 60 Unique Fire Water
Vas Phein ImageVas Phein 62 Unique Wind Earth
Grand Gnome ImageGrand Gnome 65 Unique Wind Earth
Sylph Zloa ImageSylph Zloa 68 Unique Earth Wind
Procella Sylph ImageProcella Sylph 70 Unique Earth Wind
Edna ImageEdna 63 Unique Wind Earth
Nimus Origin ImageNimus Origin 69 Unique None None
Dulneiys ImageDulneiys 75 Unique Light Dark
Maleiys ImageMaleiys 75 Unique Dark Light
Vasneiys ImageVasneiys 75 Unique Water Fire
Eizen ImageEizen 81 Unique Wind Earth
Chronos ImageChronos 95 Unique None None
Sword Ranker ImageSword Ranker 99 Unique Light Dark
Phantom Balseph ImagePhantom Balseph 95 Unique None None
Phantom Fire Avatar ImagePhantom Fire Avatar 95 Unique Water Fire
Phantom Ganabelt ImagePhantom Ganabelt 96 Unique None None
Phantom Dohalim ImagePhantom Dohalim 97 Unique None None
Phantom Almeidrea & Mesmald ImagePhantom Almeidrea & Mesmald 98 Unique None None
Phantom Vholran ImagePhantom Vholran 99 Unique None None
Phantom Zephyr ImagePhantom Zephyr 100 Unique None None

List of All Unique Enemies

All Normal Enemies

Normal Enemies are the most common enemy encounters in the game that you'll need to defeat to level up or farm ingredients and materials for crafting!

Zeugle Lvl Enemy
Weakness Resistance
Armadillo ImageArmadillo 7 Normal None None
Crystamadillo ImageCrystamadillo 27 Normal None None
Rokmadillo ImageRokmadillo 40 Normal None None
Jewelmadillo ImageJewelmadillo 76 Normal None None
Bee ImageBee 8 Normal None None
Assault Bee ImageAssault Bee 43 Normal None None
Blast Bee ImageBlast Bee 52 Normal Dark Light
Bee Prisma ImageBee Prisma 64 Normal Wind Earth
Wolf ImageWolf 7 Normal None None
Ice Wolf ImageIce Wolf 12 Normal Fire Water
Alpha Ice Wolf ImageAlpha Ice Wolf 14 Normal Fire Water
Withered Wolf ImageWithered Wolf 25 Normal None None
Alpha Withered Wolf ImageAlpha Withered Wolf 27 Normal None None
Scaled Wolf ImageScaled Wolf 31 Normal None None
Alpha Scaled Wolf ImageAlpha Scaled Wolf 32 Normal None None
Force Wolf ImageForce Wolf 42 Normal Light Dark
Alpha Force Wolf ImageAlpha Force Wolf 44 Normal Light Dark
Livid Wolf ImageLivid Wolf 50 Normal Light Dark
Alpha Livid Wolf ImageAlpha Livid Wolf 50 Normal Light Dark
Hunter Wolf ImageHunter Wolf 64 Normal None None
Alpha Hunter Wolf ImageAlpha Hunter Wolf 66 Normal None None
Hail Wolf ImageHail Wolf 70 Normal Fire Water
Alpha Hail Wolf ImageAlpha Hail Wolf 70 Normal Fire Water
Hawk ImageHawk 13 Normal Earth Wind
Archer Hawk ImageArcher Hawk 23 Normal Earth Wind
Astral Famine ImageAstral Famine 52 Normal Light Dark
Sylph Feather ImageSylph Feather 66 Normal Earth Wind
Glasruda ImageGlasruda 70 Normal Fire Water
Rayhawk ImageRayhawk 76 Normal Water Fire
Roper ImageRoper 14 Normal Wind Earth
Forest Roper ImageForest Roper 21 Normal Wind Earth
Blooming Roper ImageBlooming Roper 23 Normal Wind Earth
Illuminated Roper ImageIlluminated Roper 60 Normal Wind Earth
Treant Roper ImageTreant Roper 65 Normal Wind Earth
Golem ImageGolem 9 Normal Wind Earth
Granilem ImageGranilem 23 Normal Wind Earth
Magmalem ImageMagmalem 40 Normal Water Fire
Gnome Guarder ImageGnome Guarder 62 Normal Wind Earth
Lavalem ImageLavalem 84 Normal Wind Earth
Berserker ImageBerserker 15 Normal None None
Rioter Claw ImageRioter Claw 26 Normal None None
Dual Blades ImageDual Blades 39 Normal None None
Force Duster ImageForce Duster 44 Normal Light Dark
Executor ImageExecutor 83 Normal Water Fire
Boar ImageBoar 20 Normal None None
Wild Boar ImageWild Boar 32 Normal None None
Furious Boar ImageFurious Boar 83 Normal Water Fire
Ape ImageApe 21 Normal None None
Terrapin Fists ImageTerrapin Fists 32 Normal Fire Water
Armored Ape ImageArmored Ape 71 Normal Water Fire
Force Mantis ImageForce Mantis 44 Normal Light Dark
Rending Mantis ImageRending Mantis 50 Normal Light Dark
Creepzilla ImageCreepzilla 27 Normal Wind Earth
Chrome Gazer ImageChrome Gazer 50 Normal Light Dark
Astral Agony ImageAstral Agony 51 Normal Light Dark
Vandal Dragon ImageVandal Dragon 27 Normal Water Fire
Astral Isolation ImageAstral Isolation 52 Normal Light Dark
Ignite Dragon ImageIgnite Dragon 78 Normal None None
Polymentus ImagePolymentus 34 Normal None None
Polycontrus ImagePolycontrus 53 Normal Light Dark
Deceptive Effigy ImageDeceptive Effigy 14 Normal Wind Earth
Killer Effigy ImageKiller Effigy 32 Normal Wind Earth
Chaotic Figure ImageChaotic Figure 38 Normal Wind Earth
Immortal Figure ImageImmortal Figure 60 Normal Fire Water
Armatus Bos ImageArmatus Bos 39 Normal None None
Armatus Equus ImageArmatus Equus 39 Normal None None
Astral Fury ImageAstral Fury 52 Normal Light Dark
Astral Hatred ImageAstral Hatred 52 Normal Light Dark
Astral Doubt ImageAstral Doubt 55 Normal Light Dark
Punisher ImagePunisher 62 Normal Light Dark
Boomy ImageBoomy 19 Normal None None
Wild Boomy ImageWild Boomy 31 Normal None None
Void Boomy ImageVoid Boomy 37 Normal None None
Astral Sloth ImageAstral Sloth 52 Normal Light Dark
Mash Boomy ImageMash Boomy 82 Normal None None
Earthen Mass ImageEarthen Mass 19 Normal Wind Earth
Tempestuous Mass ImageTempestuous Mass 26 Normal Wind Earth
Viscous Mass ImageViscous Mass 32 Normal Fire Water
Flaming Mass ImageFlaming Mass 38 Normal Water Fire
Astral Lament ImageAstral Lament 54 Normal Light Dark
Shellshocker ImageShellshocker 19 Normal Fire Water
Mossel ImageMossel 31 Normal Water Fire
Agate Shell ImageAgate Shell 60 Normal Fire Water
Calaglia Armored Swordsman ImageCalaglia Armored Swordsman 10 Normal None None
Calaglia Armored Swordsman ImageCalaglia Armored Swordsman 6 Normal None None
Menancia Armored Swordsman ImageMenancia Armored Swordsman 21 Normal None None
Mahag Saar Armored Swordsman ImageMahag Saar Armored Swordsman 26 Normal None None
Lenegis Fortified Swordsman ImageLenegis Fortified Swordsman 44 Normal None None
Civil Observation Bureau Agent ImageCivil Observation Bureau Agent 13 Normal None None
Cyslodia Armored Marksman ImageCyslodia Armored Marksman 14 Normal None None
Menancia Armored Marksman ImageMenancia Armored Marksman 21 Normal None None
Mahag Saar Armored Marksman ImageMahag Saar Armored Marksman 26 Normal None None
Mahag Saar Chief Marksman ImageMahag Saar Chief Marksman 26 Normal None None
Lenegis Forified Spearman ImageLenegis Forified Spearman 44 Normal None None
Cyslodia Heavy Spearman ImageCyslodia Heavy Spearman 14 Normal None None
Cyslodia Chief Spearman ImageCyslodia Chief Spearman 16 Normal None None
Menancia Heavy Spearman ImageMenancia Heavy Spearman 22 Normal None None
Mahag Saar Heavy Spearman ImageMahag Saar Heavy Spearman 26 Normal None None
Lenegis Fortified Marksman ImageLenegis Fortified Marksman 44 Normal None None
Vholran Guardsman ImageVholran Guardsman 33 Normal None None
Ooze ImageOoze 14 Normal Fire Water
Slime ImageSlime 54 Normal Fire Water
Helganquil ImageHelganquil 53 Normal Light Dark
Enflamed Rage ImageEnflamed Rage 54 Normal Water Fire
Darkened Envy ImageDarkened Envy 55 Normal Dark Light
Earthen Delusion ImageEarthen Delusion 56 Normal Wind Earth
Tempestuous Greed ImageTempestuous Greed 57 Normal Wind Earth
Watery Ego ImageWatery Ego 58 Normal Fire Water
Gnome Jammer ImageGnome Jammer 60 Normal Wind Earth
Gnome Gunner ImageGnome Gunner 61 Normal Wind Earth

List of All Normal Enemies

Zeugles (Enemies) Completion Rewards

Big Game Hunter

bronze trophy.pngBronze Big Game Hunter
Slay 20 gigants. No good adventurer can resist the temptation of fighting a great beast.

The Big Game Hunter is a Bronze Trophy that requires you to slay all 20 gigants in the game.

Encyclopedia Zeuglica

bronze trophy.pngBronze Encyclopedia Zeuglica
Encounter 120 types of non-DLC enemies. Careful observation is sure to reveal their weaknesses.

The Encyclopedia Zeuglica is a Bronze Trophy that requires to encounter all 120 types of non-DLC enemies in the game, and includes all normal, unique, and gigant zeugles.

All Trophies and Platinum Trophy Guide

All Zeugles (Enemies) Lists

List of Enemies by Type

Enemies by Type
Normal Zeugle IconNormal Unique Zeugle IconUnique Gigant Zeugle IconGigant

List of Enemies by Element

Enemies by Element
Element - Fire Icon HD.pngFire Element - Water Icon 2HD.pngWater Element - Earth Icon HD.pngEarth Element - Wind Icon HD.pngWind
Element - Light Icon HD.pngLight Element - Dark Icon HD.pngDark Element - Dark Icon HD.pngNon-Elemental

List of Enemies by Trait

Enemies by Trait
Element - Aerial Icon HD.pngAerial Element - Armored Icon 2HD.pngArmored Element - Charging Icon HD.pngCharging Element - Fleet-footed Icon HD.pngFleet-footed

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