Tales of Arise

Best Party and Team Setup

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Tales of Arise - Best Party and Team Setup

This is a guide to team setup and choosing the best party to use in Tales of Arise. Read on to learn the best party by story progression, best team setups, as well as strengths and roles for each character!

Best Party by Story Progression

Best Party Before Ganabelt Fight

Recommended Level: 18-20
Alphen ImageAlphen
Shionne ImageShionne
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Law ImageLaw

Fixed Members

Your party at this point is fixed, which means that the fight is balanced around this fact. It is especially evident during the Indignation phase where he summons clones, and you need as much DPS and healing as possible to counter this attack.

Lord Ganabelt Valkyris Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Party Before Venoflage Fight

Recommended Level 22-24
Alphen ImageAlphen
Shionne ImageShionne
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Law ImageLaw

Use Kisara's Boost Attack as Necessary

Law can be substituted by Kisara, who can use her defensive capabilities to protect her allies and get aggro from Venoflage. If you are confident with your evading skills, you can keep Law in your team. Just make sure to use Kisara's Boost Attack when Venoflage charges.

Venoflage Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Party Before Mesmald Fight

Recommended Level 28-30
Alphen ImageAlphen
Law ImageLaw
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Dohalim ImageDohalim

Shred Mesmald's HP

Because of how tanky Mesmald's HP pool is, it is recommended to bring as many damage-dealers as possible. Dohalim can is a good all-rounder who can both heal and deal damage, which makes him a good substitute for Shionne. Make sure to take Resurrection from his Skill Panel.

Almeidrea & Mesmald Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Party Before Meria Phein

Recommended Level 31-33
Alphen ImageAlphen
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Dohalim ImageDohalim
Kisara ImageKisara
Tank Support

Shionne Unavailable

Shionne is unavailable at this point of the story. As such, you can put Dohalim and Kisara in your party as your healer and support respectively for now. You can replace Kisara for Law if you are fine with your defenses and healing items.

Meria Phein Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Party Before Vholran

Recommended Level 34-36
Alphen ImageAlphen
Dohalim ImageDohalim
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Shionne ImageShionne

Deactivate Dohalim's Healing Artes

Since Shionne will be in this party for more powerful heals, have Dohalim run a full DPS skillset. At this point, Dohalim can learn various Skills that improve his perk, Rod Extension, which will help him deal frequent critical damage.

Vholran Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Party During the Wedge

Recommended Level 39-41
Alphen ImageAlphen
Law ImageLaw
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Shionne ImageShionne

Return to Basics

The boss in the Wedge, Eljarania, may remind you of a familiar boss fight back in Elde Menancia . Have your party formed to deal with this kind of boss and equip Wind-type Artes to exploit its weakness.

The Wedge Walkthrough: Sub-Quests, Owl Locations, and Boss Strategy

Best Party During Berg Volcano

Recommended Level 43-45
Alphen ImageAlphen
Law ImageLaw
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Shionne ImageShionne

Equip Water Elemental Artes

Be sure to be ready with Water-type Artes as most enemies here are Fire-typed.

Berg Volcano Walkthrough: Sub-Quests, Owl Locations, and Boss Strategy

Best Party During Lenegis

Recommended Level 44-47
Alphen ImageAlphen
Law ImageLaw
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Shionne ImageShionne

Rinwell with Light Artes

Most enemies here are weak to Light, so it is better to invest on Rinwell's Light Strike artes and Law's light-type Mystic Artes while in this area.

You may also notice that levels spike from hereon. Make sure to be appropriately levelled and geared.

Berg Volcano Walkthrough: Sub-Quests, Owl Locations, and Boss Strategy

Best Party During Rena

Recommended Level 55-57
Alphen ImageAlphen
Law ImageLaw
Rinwell ImageRinwell
Ranged DPS
Shionne ImageShionne

Huge Jump in Level

You may notice the level of enemies during Rena jumps fast. Before attempting to clear the final sets of bosses, try to level up first and stock up as many items as possible. This is also your chance to do unfinished side quests and get SP to unlock more Skills from the Skill Panel.

Law's Over Limit enhancing skills will greatly help in adding much needed DPS to the party, especially after unlocking his second Mystic Artes, Crimson Skies.

Replace If Necessary

Any characters at this point in time can fit in your team, as all the necessary skills to unlock their full potential can now be acquired. Replace Shionne with Dohalim if necessary, and if you are needing defense use Kisara.

Rena Walkthrough: Sub-Quests, Owl Locations, and Boss Strategy

Best Party Setups

Best Early Game Party

Alphen ImageAlphen
Shionne ImageShionne
Kisara ImageKisara
Rinwell ImageRinwell

This is the overall best balanced composition for your party in the early game, as they are balanced in all roles and in almost all situations, and guarantees the smoothest experience in battle.

Alphen and Rinwell as Best DPS

Tales of Arise - Alphen and Rinwell Boost Strike.png
Alphen is best at being your player-controlled character because his hard-hitting melee attacks are easy to use, and his powerful Flaming Edge perk also makes him the best DPS in the game.

Rinwell complements Alphen as she can buff Alphen or her other teammates with offensive buffs like Concentrate and Sharpness thanks to her perk, all while casting powerful AoE ranged spells

Shionne and Kisara as Best Supports

Tales of Arise - Shionne and Kisara Boost Strike.png
Shionne and Kisara are the best support in the game, with Shionne's powerful single-target and AoE heals as well as the ability to use Resurrection, and Kisara's defensive Artes and big shield to protect allies.

Dohalim can substitute Shionne, and Kisara for Law if you want to add more damage to the table.

Best Late Game Party

Alphen ImageAlphen
Shionne ImageShionne
Law ImageLaw
Rinwell ImageRinwell

This is the overall best party composition at late-game, based on the amount of damage they can bring in a short amount of time.

All Powerful Skills are Unlocked

Tales of Arise - Late Game Law Skill Panel

At this point, these characters' strongest titles and skills are unlockable.

These unlock the much-needed Awakening-related skills for Law, improved healing and healing artes for Shionne, and the strongest possible improvement for Alphen's Flaming Edge.

In particular, Law becomes the highest DPS later in the game, as he can easily enter Over Limit mode especially while in Awakening status. Rinwell can also learn at least six devastating Advanced spell artes in late game.

Best Party Against Zeugles Traits

Tales of Arise -  Zeugle Traits
In situations where you are faced with Zeugles with specific traits, it is best to have characters who have Boost Attacks that counter these traits. For example Kisara's Boost attack is effective against charging enemies and Law's Boost Attack is effective against Armored Enemies.

Best Party vs. Aerial Zeugles

Shionne ImageShionne Rinwell ImageRinwell

Shionne in particular is the best in handling Aerial Zeugles, as her Boost Attack Wing Clip outright downs them to the ground. Moreover, Shionne and Rinwell's attacks are ranged, and have the potential to Break Boost flying enemies.

On the other hand, Rinwell can cast massive AoE Artes such as Cyclone or Tidal Wave that can reach wide areas of enemies even if they are mid-air.

Best Party vs. Charging Zeugles

Kisara ImageKisara Alphen ImageAlphen

Charging Zeugles are best dealt by Kisara, who can use her Boost Attack Fierce Guardian to instantly halt and down their charge. Moreover, using Fierce Guardian will boost your defensive stats, which may come in handy against multiple Charging Zeugles.

Alphen can sometimes withstand charging attacks, especially when using his Flaming Edge Artes, which prevent hitstun during the animation.

Best Party vs. Fleet-Footed Zeugles

Dohalim ImageDohalim Law ImageLaw

Zeugles with the Fleet-Footed trait can be annoying to deal with as they are very agile. Luckily, Dohalim works best in immobilizing these foes with his Boost Attack Prehendere.

Law is very agile, and can go against fleet-footed foes that are just as fast as him. Because of his perk, players who use Law will need to evade constantly to power up and trigger their Awakening perk.

Best Party vs. Armored Zeugles

Law ImageLaw Alphen ImageAlphen

Law is best in dealing with Armored Zeugles, as his Boost Attack Breaker Fist will swiftly break their defenses, and downs them. Moreover, Law has a high penetration stat that can pierce through Zeugles with high defensive stats.

Alphen's hard-hitting attacks combined with boost attack Blazing Sword works second best in shattering weakpoints from sturdy foes, allowing you to barrage them with attacks after they have been downed.

Team Setup and Roles

Strengths and Roles for Each Character

Character Strengths and Roles
Alphen ImageAlphen Main DPS
・ Melee Artes damage dealer
・ Main source of damage in the party
・ Easy to use
Shionne ImageShionne Healer Support
・ Powerful healer support for early to mid-game
・ Good against Aerial-type enemies
Rinwell ImageRinwell Caster DPS
・ Ranged elemental Artes spellcaster
・ Can support by buffing offensive stats
・ Good against Artes-casting enemies
Law ImageLaw Main DPS
・ Melee Artes damage dealer
・ Massive self-buffs for his attacks, can work as a substitute for Alphen
・ Good against Shield-type enemies
Kisara ImageKisara Tank Support
・ Can attract aggro from enemies
・ Defensive capabilities rewards her offense
・ Good against Charging-type enemies
Dohalim ImageDohalim All-Rounder
・All-purpose type who can deal damage and support
・ Can use both melee and spell Artes
・ Good mid-late game damage-dealer-support
・ Good against Fleet-footed enemies

Battle Members

Tales of Arise - Change Party Formation.png

The party of Tales of Arise can be have a maximum of 4 Active Battle Members and two support members. The Active Members will take the reins in fighting the enemies with their Artes and abilities. They can also use items if your selected strategy allows for it.

The player can choose one of these four Battle Members as their player-controlled character, while the others are AI controlled based on your strategy.

Support Members

Tales of Arise - Switching From Support Members

Characters that are not part of your current Battle Members are your Support Members. They serve as your backup for when you need to switch party members.

While Support Members cannot take part in battle, the player can still trigger their Boost Attacks for support.

Team Roles

Tales of Arise - Demo Story.jpg

Roles in Tales of Arise can be summarised into two roles: DPS and Support. These roles are not mutually exclusive to a character, as characters like Dohalim can work as both. Their roles are often determined by the Artes they can learn.

Best Artes and Skills For Each Character

DPS (Damage Per Second)

Tales of Arise - Alphen Perk.png

Characters that output high DPS (or Damage Per Second) are characters with Artes that deal damage quickly and efficiently. These characters will be your main attackers, and it is recommended that they be the player-controlled character in most situations.

Additionally, individual character perks can also provide offensive buffs to Artes to deal even more damage.


Tales of Arise - Rinwell Perk.png

Support Characters in Tales of Arise are the backbone of the party, as they can either provide offensive, defensive, and supportive benefits to the party.

These characters can turn the tides of battle with buffs and heals, as well as having the ability to crowd control by downing or immobilizing foes.

Tales of Arise Tips and Tricks

Tales of Arise - Tips and Tricks Partial

Tips and Tricks

Beyond the Dawn Tips and Tricks

Beyond the Dawn Tips and Tricks
How to Use Photo Mode How to Start Beyond the Dawn DLC
How Long to Beat the DLC Beyond the Dawn DLC Trophy Guide
How to Migrate From PS4 to PS5 Training Grounds Beyond the Dawn DLC Guide
All Nazamil Drawings Location How to Get the Best Weapons in Beyond the Dawn DLC
Hero of the Summit Trophy Guide How to Get Sovereign Armor
How to Get Maiden Armor Beyond the Dawn Save Data Bonuses

Game Mechanics

Game Mechanics
Controls and Best Settings How to Switch Characters
How to Save How to Use Camps
How to Use Items How to Heal
How to Use and Restore CP How to Revive Party Members
How to Cure Physical Ailments Manual vs. Semi-Auto
Cooking Guide Fishing Guide
Difficulty Mode Differences How to Raise Affinity Between Characters
How to Increase Combat Points Stats and Parameters Explained
Map Icons: Explained List of Cinematics and How to Unlock
Crafting Guide: How to Craft Accessories How to Watch Skits
How to Get All Trophies and Achievements How to Fast Travel
How to Flee (Run) From Enemies Battle Chain Bonuses Explained
Ranch Guide: How to Raise Livestock Post Game Contents
Zeugle Types and Effects Training Grounds Guide
List of All Campsites Penetration Effects and How to Raise
Best Food to Cook -

Tier Lists

Tier Lists
Character Tier List Best Strategy Setup: How to Customize Strategies
Best Part and Team Setup Best Artes and Skills For Each Character

Farming Guides

Farming Guides
Best Way to Level Up Artes How to Farm Money
How to Level Up Fast SP Farming Guide
Ore Farming Guide -

Combat Guides

Combat Guides
Combat System: Explained Combat Tips and Tricks
How to Use Boost Attacks How to Use Boost Strikes
Perfect Evades and Counter Edges How to Lock On and Change Targets
How to Use Artes How to Use Mystic Artes
Over Limit Mode: How to Enter and Effects How to Restore AG (Artes Gauge)
How To Do Break Boosts and Effects What Happens When All Allies Die?
How Do Encounters Work? Demo Secret Boss


All Dahnan Owl Locations and Rewards


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