Tales of Arise

Best Artes and Skills For Each Character

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Tales of Arise - Best Artes and Skills for Each Characters

This is a guide to Best Artes and Skills for each character in Tales of Arise. Read on to find out which Artes and Skills are the best for each playable characters, and by story progression!

Best Artes and Skills by Story Progression

Best Artes and Skills Before Balseph Fight

Character Recommended Skills How to Acquire
Alphen ImageAlphen Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Iron Mask
SP Cost: 200
Mid-Air Evasion Title: Rebellious Spark
SP Cost:170
Increased Max AG Title: Rebellious Spark
SP Cost:170
Shionne ImageShionne KO Prevention Title: Escape Artist
SP Cost:800

Focus on Alphen's Evasion

Balseph's axe attacks may catch you by surprise, so Alphen has to dodge his attacks. This also gives Alphen the perfect opportunity to use Counter Edge afterwards to get in some damage. Be sure to prioritize getting the Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding skill to make dodging and countering a bit easier.

Focus on Shionne's Safety

Shionne has low defensive stats and can easily get KO'd, especially when it comes to Balseph's hard-hitting axe attacks. KO Prevention makes it so that even when hit with a killing blow, she will have 1 HP remaining.

Lord Balseph Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Artes and Skills Before Ganabelt Fight

Character Recommended Skills How to Acquire
Alphen ImageAlphen Increased Max AG Title: Emissary of Liberation
SP Cost: 960
Increased Weak Point Damage Title: Emissary of Liberation
SP Cost: 580
Increased Down Damage Title: Blazing Sword
SP Cost: 340
Shionne ImageShionne Increased Max AG Title: Thorny Woman
SP Cost: 840
Burning Strike Title: Escape Artist
SP Cost: 200
Rinwell ImageRinwell Arte Casting Mobility Title: Silver Sword
SP Cost: 840
Faster Magic Charge Title: Item Scholar
SP Cost: 800
Law ImageLaw 10-hit Boost Gauge Increase Title: Prince of Iron Fists
SP Cost:640
Increased Awakening Attack Title: Mournful Son
SP Cost: 390
Awakening Burst Title: Snake Eye Turncoat
SP Cost: 280

Increase Alphen's Damage

Ganabelt can be a tough boss to fight. As a DPS, prioritize skillls that increase Alphen's damage output, especially Increase Max AG and Increase Down Damage. This will help extend combos and deal extra damage when Ganabelt is down.

Increased Weak Point Damage doesn't apply directly to the Ganabelt fight, as he has no weak point, however it is generally useful for taking down enemies with weakpoints that have high defensive stats this early in the game.

Movement for Rinwell

Rinwell relies on casting Astral Artes to deal damage, so it is highly recommended that you improve her spellcasting by reducing casting times, and giving her mobility while casting.

Focus on Attack and Evasion for Law

Just like Alphen, Law is a DPS that relies on improving both his damage and evasion. Ganabelt is especially tanky while shielded, so giving Law 10-hit Boost Gauge Increase will make it faster for him to Boost Attack.

Prioritizing skills that improve Law's Awakening perk will also help deal more damage to Ganabelt quickly, as this will increase Law's DPS over time as long as he is not taking damage.

Lord Ganabelt Valkyris Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Artes and Skills Before Venoflage Fight

Character Recommended Skills How to Acquire
Alphen ImageAlphen AG Restored By Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Emissary of Liberation
SP Cost: 640
Increased Counterattack Damage Title: Another Day, Another Wall
SP Cost: 840
Increased Critical Damage Title: Iron Mask
SP Cost: 200
Shionne ImageShionne Arte Casting Mobility Title: Loose Cannon
SP Cost: 1540
Faster AG Recovery Title: Bottomless Stomach
SP Cost: 1560
Rinwell ImageRinwell Strengthened Magic Charge Title: Dahnan Mage
SP Cost: 540
Increased Weak Point Damage Title: Dahnan Mage
SP Cost: 360
Increased Boost Gauge from Enemy Downs Title: Item Scholar
SP Cost: 600
Law ImageLaw Increased Counterattack Damage Title: Prince of Iron Fists
SP Cost: 710
Increased Near-Death Attack/Elemental Attack Title: Growing Boy
SP Cost: 440
Kisara ImageKisara Increased Max AG Title: Devout Sister
SP Cost: 840

Increase Your Team's Damage

Setup Alphen, Rinwell, and Law's damage-up skills to shred Venoflage. Taking AG recovery skills is optional, but it will help you as the fight goes on.

Upgrade Shionne's Mobility

It is recommended to get Arte Casting Mobility as it will give Shionne the ability to move while casting. As she is your primary healer, it is also your job to make sure she stays alive.

Venoflage Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Artes and Skills Before Mesmald Fight

Character Recommended Skills How to Acquire
Alphen ImageAlphen Increased Critical Damage Title: Arms Collector
SP Cost: 1040
Over Limit Extension Title: Comrades in Freedom
SP Cost: 560
Increased Near-Death Defense/Elemental Defense Title: Arms Collector
SP Cost: 520
Shionne ImageShionne Increased Normal Attack Limit Title: Bottomless Stomach
SP Cost: 1150
Increased Mid-Air Damage Title: Sniper
SP Cost: 480
Rinwell ImageRinwell Owl Astral Energy Title: Birdie Bestie
SP Cost: 280
Sharpness Title: Item Scholar
SP Cost: 400
Concentrate Title: Birdie Bestie
SP Cost: 280
Law ImageLaw Increased Maximum AG Title: Unbreakable Fists
SP Cost: 1080
Easier Over Limit Title: Unbreakable Fists
SP Cost: 360
10-hit Boost Gauge Increase Title: Unbreakable Fists
SP Cost: 580
Kisara ImageKisara Increased Guarding Effects Title: Captain Kisara
SP Cost: 560
KO Prevention Title: Skilled Angler
SP Cost: 1080
Increased Aggro While Guarding Title: Unblemished Fighter
SP Cost: 450
Dohalim ImageDohalim Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Architect of Coexistence | Former Lord
SP Cost: 360 each
Resurrection Title: Former Lord
SP Cost: 320
Mid-Air Evasion Title: Undefeated Lord
SP Cost: 230

Improve Kisara's Guarding

Since Mesmald's hard-hitting attacks may possibly one-shot your teammates, you can prioritize Kisara's guarding to reduce damage. Also take Kisara's emnity-increasing skill while guarding to attract aggro.

Improve Dohalim's Evasion

Prioritize Dohalim's evasion to benefit his perk Rod Extension, which will proc on successful Perfect Evades. This gives him a boost to his penetration and attack range.

In addition, if Shionne is not in your party, make Dohalim as your secondary support with Heal and Resurrection.

Mesmald Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Artes and Skills Before Vholran Fight

Character Recommended Skills How to Acquire
Alphen ImageAlphen Increased Near-Death Defense/Elemental Defense Title: Emissary of Liberation
SP Cost: 320
Increased Near-Death Defense/Elemental Defense Title: Blazing Blow
SP Cost: 480
Increased Boost Strike Damage Title: Another Day, Another Wall
SP Cost: 600
Shionne ImageShionne All Escape Artist Skills Title: Escape Artist
SP Cost: 100~1300
All Chic Skills Title: Chic
SP Cost: 320~2240
Rinwell ImageRinwell Faster AG Recovery Title: Bibliophile
SP Cost: 1100
Increased Down Damage Title: Sugar Connoisseur
SP Cost: 400
KO Prevention Title: Sugar Connoisseur
SP Cost: 1440
Law ImageLaw Increased Near-Death Attack/Elemental Attack Title: Intervener
SP Cost: 520
KO Prevention Title: Intervener
SP Cost: 1560
Kisara ImageKisara Increased Near-Death Defense/Elemental Defense Title: Devout Sister
SP Cost: 230
Increased Attack/Elemental Attack After Guarding Title: Idealist
SP Cost: 1300
Dohalim ImageDohalim Mid-Air Evasion Title: Undefeated Lord
SP Cost: 230
Increased Rod Extension Critical Damage Title: Dilettante
SP Cost: 360
Increased Arte Casting Resilience Title: Ivy Master
SP Cost: 1760

Improve Your Defenses

For all characters, it is a good idea to improve their defensive capabilities as Vholran's attacks can be tough to avoid. Therefore, unlocking some defensive skills is important for you to reduce as much damage as possible.

In addition, KO Prevention is one of the best defensive skill in the game as it guarantees survivability from hard-hitting and one-shotting attacks, which Vholran can easily do.

Vholran Boss Guide: Recommended Setup and How to Beat

Best Artes and Skills During The Wedge

Character Recommended Skills How to Acquire
Alphen ImageAlphen Easier Over Limit Title: Undefeated Swordsman
SP Cost: 440
Increased Mid-Air Damage Title: Undefeated Swordsman
SP Cost: 880
Faster AG Recovery Title: Undefeated Swordsman
SP Cost: 1320
Shionne ImageShionne Over Limit Extension Title: Healer
SP Cost: 400
Faster AG Recovery Title: Bottomless Stomach
SP Cost: 1560
Rinwell ImageRinwell AG Restored From Critical Hits Title: Dahnan Mage
SP Cost: 480
AG Restored From Critical Hits Title: Sugar Connoisseur
SP Cost: 720
Law ImageLaw Reduced Awakening Requirements Title: Bounty Hunter
SP Cost: 480
Reduced Awakening Requirements Title: Armor Breaker
SP Cost: 640
Kisara ImageKisara Strengthened Guard Ignition Title: Chief Chef
SP Cost: 640
Increased Attack/Elemental Attack After Guarding Title: Chief Chef
SP Cost: 1600
Dohalim ImageDohalim Increased Rod Extension Atttack Title: Treasure Hunter
SP Cost: 770
Increased Normal Attack Limit Title: Treasure Hunter
SP Cost: 1060

The Wedge Walkthrough: Sub-Quests, Owl Locations, and Boss Strategy

Best Artes and Skills During Berg Volcano

Character Recommended Skills How to Acquire
Alphen ImageAlphen Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Arms Sommelier
SP Cost: 1020
Increased Weak Point Damage Title: Arms Sommelier
SP Cost: 1190
Shionne ImageShionne Revitalize Title: Latest Maiden
SP Cost: 600
Increased Arte Casting Resilience Title: Latest Maiden
SP Cost: 1800
Rinwell ImageRinwell Increased Mid-Air Damage Title: Sugar Connoisseur
SP Cost: 260
Strengthened Magic Charge Title: Attuned Mage
SP Cost: 1260
Law ImageLaw AG Restored By Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Silver Wolf Reawakened
SP Cost: 560
Increased Critical Damage Title: Bumbling Fighter Extraordinaire
SP Cost: 1120
Kisara ImageKisara Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: All-Pulverizing Hammer
SP Cost: 720
Increased Attack/Elemental Attack When Surrounded Title: Heartfelt Shield
SP Cost: 1230
Dohalim ImageDohalim Increased Rod Extension Critical Damage Title: Dark Sorcerer
SP Cost: 600
Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Renan Leader
SP Cost: 680
AG Restored By Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Treasure Hunter
SP Cost: 1200

Berg Volcano Walkthrough: Sub-Quests, Owl Locations, and Boss Strategy

Best Artes and Skills During Lenegis and Rena

Character Recommended Skills How to Acquire
Alphen ImageAlphen Incineration Wave Title: Unrelenting Blaze
SP Cost: 1520
KO Prevention Title: Enlightening Bond
SP Cost: 2240
Shionne ImageShionne Improved Healing Artes Title: Goddess of Kindness
SP Cost: 1120
Dispel Title: Fashionista
SP Cost: 760
Rinwell ImageRinwell Increased Weak Point Damage Title: Gusty Girl
SP Cost: 960
Strengthened Magic Charge Title: Torrential Mage
SP Cost: 1620
Law ImageLaw All Awakening-related Skills Title: Armor Breaker, Bounty Hunter, Calves of Steel, Torch Bearer
SP Cost: 560+
Increased Critical Damage Title: Space Champion
SP Cost: 1140
Kisara ImageKisara Guard Vengeance Title: Migalpedia
SP Cost: 2400
Strengthened Guard Ignition Title: Rock Buster Shield
SP Cost: 1230
Dohalim ImageDohalim Reduced Arte Casting Time During Combos Title: Dark Sorcerer
SP Cost: 1200
Cure Title: Fateful Matchmaker
SP Cost: 520
Ground Dasher Title: Renan Leader
SP Cost: 680
Improved Healing Artes Title: Renan Leader
SP Cost: 520

Rena Walkthrough: Sub-Quests, Owl Locations, and Boss Strategy

Alphen Best Artes and Skills

Tales of Arise - Alphen

Alphen Best Artes

Artes How to Get
Severing Wind Title: Rebellion Spark
SP Cost: 240
Stardust Title: Rebellious Spark
SP Cost: 240
Vacuum Blades Title: The Power of a Sovereign
SP Cost: 720
Void Flash Title: Undefeated Swordsman
SP Cost: 440
Rising Phoenix Title: Blazing Sword
SP Cost: 560
Incineration Wave Title: Unrelenting Blaze
SP Cost: 1520
Luna Rondo Raise Aerial Strike arte proficiency to 700 or more
Double Demon Fang Raise Sword Strike arte proficiency to 1000 or more
Dragon Swarm Raise Sword Strike arte proficiency to 1200 or more
Eternal Devastation Raise Sword Strike arte proficiency to 2000 or more

Combo With Different Flaming Edge Artes

All of Alphen Artes can proc an additional Flaming Edge afterwards. Try to play around multiple Flaming Edges Artes to maximize his potential.

Elemental Artes are Recommended

Since Alphen is your main DPS in your party, it is recommended to acquire various Artes that can exploit enemies' elemental weaknesses, such as Severing Gale against Earth-type enemies.

In addition, short and fast attacks work better against boss fights, as being stuck in animation-lock when attacking with long-winded Artes can be detrimental for you.

List of All Alphen’s Artes

Alphen Best Skills

Skill How to Get
Increased Max AG Titles: Rebellious Spark, Iron Mask, Arms Collector, Comrades in Freedom, Unrelenting Blaze, Enlightening Bond
SP Cost: Acquired at Title Unlock
Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Iron Mask
SP Cost: 200
Increased Weak Point Damage Title: Emissary of Liberation
SP Cost: 560
Increase Near-Death Defense/Elemental Defense Title: Emissary of Liberation
SP Cost: 320
Increased Counterattack Damage Title: Another Day, Another Wall
SP Cost: 840
Faster AG Recovery Title: Undefeated Swordsman
SP Cost: 1320
KO Prevention Title: Infernal Tongue
SP Cost: 1260

Prioritize Increasing AG and Evasion

Alphen needs to deal as much damage as he can while also staying alive. His Flaming Edge perk is powerful but it comes at a cost of your HP, making enemy hits more dangerous. Therefore, it is recommended to give him more evasion skills for his own survivability.
Best Skills for Alphen | Alphen Skill Panel

Shionne Best Artes and Skills

Tales of Arise - Shionne

Shionne Best Artes

Artes How to Get
Healing Circle Title: Healer
SP Cost: 400
Burning Strike Title: Escape Artist
SP Cost: 200
Explosion Title: Explosive Gunslinger
SP Cost: 720
Recover Raise Astral Arte proficiency to 50 or more
Revitalize Title: Latest Maiden
SP Cost: 600
Dispel Title: Fashionista
SP Cost: 760

Healing Artes Recommended

Shionne is your main support and healer whenever she is in your party. Healing Circle is one of the best Artes in the game as it is an AoE heal to all characters inside its radius.

Shionne will also learn Recover early in the game, which will cure a party member's physical ailments.

Learn More Elemental Artes

In addition, learning elemental Artes such as Burning Strike is helpful to exploit enemies' elemental weaknesses.

List of All Shionne's Artes

Shionne Best Skills

Skill How to Get
Increased Max AG Titles: Escape Artist, Loose Cannon, Chic, Insect Disposer, Explosive Gunslinger, Latest Maiden
SP Cost: Acquired at Title Unlock
KO Prevention Title: Escape Artist
SP Cost: 800
Increased Arte Casting Resilience Title: Thorny Woman
SP Cost: 840
Improved Healing Artes Title: Healer
SP Cost: Acquired at Title Unlock
Faster AG Recovery Title: Healer
SP Cost: 1200
Arte Casting Mobility Title: Loose Cannon
SP Cost: 1540
CP Restoration When Full Title: Bottomless Stomach
SP Cost: 1560

Prioritize Increasing AG and Improved Healing Skills

Shionne uses both CP and AG for her to use her healing artes. Therefore, it is recommended to give her more AG, as well as improved healing skills to make the most of your CP.

In addition, improve her Artes casting by giving her mobility and resistance to staggering. This will help her heals to not get interrupted.

Best Skills for Shionne | Shionne Skill Panel

Rinwell Best Artes and Skills

Tales of Arise - Shionne

Rinwell Best Artes

Artes How to Get
Thunder Blade Title: Dahnan Mage
SP Cost: 240
Sharpness Title: Item Scholar
SP Cost: 400
Concentrate Title: Birdie Bestie
SP Cost: 280
Freeze Lancer Title: Bibliophile
SP Cost: 440
Holy Lance Title: Retired Avenger
SP Cost: 520
Cross Blade Title: Attuned Mage
SP Cost: 560
Cyclone Title: Gusty Girl
SP Cost: 640
Divine Saber Title: Lightning Princess
SP Cost: 600
Tidal Wave Title: Torrential Mage
SP Cost: 720

Buffing Artes are Recommended

In addition to Rinwell's powerful skills, she can also learn Sharpness and Concentrate to buff her teammates' attributes. If you wish her to be an offensive support, definitely take these two skills.

Artes with Magic Charging are Recommended

Artes that proc more powerful spells after using Rinwell's Magic Charging are recommended to get, especially those that can combine into the most powerful Hidden Artes.
List of All Rinwell's Artes

Rinwell Best Skills

Skill How to Get
Increased Max AG Titles: Dahnan Mage, Birdie Bestie, Silver Sword, Item Professor, Retired Avenger, Bibliophile, Lightning Princess
SP Cost: Acquired at Title Unlock
Arte Casting Mobility Titles: Silver Sword
SP Cost: 840
Reduced Arte Casting Time During Combos Title: Silver Sword
SP Cost: 960
Strengthened Magic Charge Title: Dahnan Mage
SP Cost: 540
Faster Magic Charge Title: Item Scholar
SP Cost: 800
Increased Boost Gauge from Enemy Downs Title: Item Scholar
SP Cost: 600
Owl Astral Energy Title: Birdie Bestie
SP Cost: 280
Faster AG Recovery Title: Bibliophile
SP Cost: 1100
AG Restored From Critical Hits Title: Sugar Connoisseur
SP Cost: 720
KO Prevention Title: Sugar Connoisseur
SP Cost: 1140

Prioritize Improving Casting and Damage

Rinwell's ranged spell Artes come at a cost of long spellcast times. It is generally recommended to improve Rinwell's mobility and casting.

In addition, taking Owl Astral Energy will increase her damage.

Best Skills for Rinwell | Rinwell Skill Panel

Law Best Artes and Skills

Tales of Arise - Law.jpg

Law Best Artes

Artes How to Get
Tectonic Punch Title: Mournful Son
SP Cost: 240
Whirlwind Snap Title: Silver Wolf Reawakened
SP Cost: 280
Inspiration Title: Intervener
SP Cost: 520
Inferno Punch Title: Bumbling FIghter Extraordinaire
SP Cost: 280
Super Swallow Dance Title: Calves of Steel
SP Cost: 600
Mirage Blitz Title: Space Champion
SP Cost: 760
Death Blossom Raise Leg Strike arte proficiency to 600 or more
Eagle Assault Raise Leg Strike arte proficiency to 1200 or more

Learn Elemental-type Artes

Law is a strong DPS that can exploit enemy weaknesses with his myriad of melee Artes. Make sure to get Artes that Law can use in all situations.

Learn Inspiration as well for his own survivability, as he is rather squishy in comparison with his other teammates.

List of All Law's Artes

Law Best Skills

Skill How to Get
Increased Max AG Titles: Mournful Son, Bounty Hunter, Intervener, Bumbling FIghter Extraordinaire, Calves of Steel
SP Cost: Acquired at Title Unlock
Increased Evasion Distance Titles: Mournful Son
SP Cost: 360
Increased Awakening Attack Title: Mournful Son
SP Cost: 390
Awakening Burst Title: Snake Eye Turncoat
SP Cost: 280
10-hit Boost Gauge Increase Title: Prince of Iron Fists
SP Cost: 640
Increased Counterattack Damage Title: Prince of Iron Fists
SP Cost: 710
AG Restored by Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Silver Wolf Reawakened
SP Cost: 560
Reduced Awakening Requirements Title: Bounty Hunter
SP Cost: 480
Increased Near-Death Attack/Elemental Attack Title: Intervener
SP Cost: 520
KO Prevention Title: Intervener
SP Cost: 1560

Take Awakening and Damage-Up Skills

Law's perk Awakening is a huge boost to his overall DPS, and as he is most likely your secondary DPS after Alphen, it is recommended to take skills that improve this perk.

In addition, because of how his perk works, take evasion-related skills to make proccing easier.

Best Skills for Law | Law Skill Panel

Kisara Best Artes and SKills

Tales of Arise - Kisara

Kisara Best Artes

Artes How to Get
Crescent Moon Titles: Unbreakable Wall
SP Cost: 400
Inferno Crossing Titles: Idealist
SP Cost: 520
Tempest Wyvern Titles: Queen Angler
SP Cost: 480
Glacial Pyre Raise Shield Strike arte proficiency to 700 or more
Sadistic Descent Raise Shield Strike arte proficiency to 1500 or more
Lacerating Tempest Raise Shield Strike arte proficiency

Take Artes Related to Guarding

Kisara's main strength is centered around using her shield to proc Guard Ignition. Artes that proc Guard Ignition are recommended, as they become stronger after guarding successfullly.

List of All Kisara's Artes

Kisara Best Skills

Skill How to Get
Increased Max AG Titles: Captain Kisara, Idealist, All-Pulverizing Hammer
SP Cost: Acquired at Title Unlock
Increased Max AG Titles: Devout Sister
SP Cost: 840
Increased Guarding Effects Title: Captain Kisara
SP Cost: 560
Guard Mobility Title: Captain Kisara
SP Cost: 280
KO Prevention Title: Skilled Angler
SP Cost: 1080
Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: All-Pulverizing Hammer
SP Cost: 720
Increased Aggro While Guarding Title: Unblemished Fighter
SP Cost: 450
Strengthened Guard Ignition Title: Chief Chef
SP Cost: 640
Increased Attack/Elemental Attack After Guarding Title: Chief Chef
SP Cost: 1600

Take Guarding-related Skills

Use Kisara's perk Guard Ignition to improve the damage of her Artes. Acquire guarding-related skills to further improve this perk. This will simulatenously increase her offensive and defensive capabilities as well.

Best Skills for Kisara | Kisara Skill Panel

Dohalim Best Artes and Skills

Tales of Arise - Dohalim.jpg

Dohalim Best Artes

Artes How to Get
Catapult Title: Architect of Coexistence
SP Cost: 320
Solitary Captivity Title: Ivy Master
SP Cost: 440
Demon's Lance Title: Dark Sorcerer
SP Cost: 600
Resurrection Title: Former Lord
SP Cost: 320
Cure Title: Fateful Matchmaker
SP Cost: 520
Regenerate Title: Eternal Protector
SP Cost: 560
Ground Dasher Title: Renan Leader
SP Cost: 680
Execution Raise Demon Strike arte proficiency to 1000 or more
Crescent Flash Raise Staff Strike arte proficiency to 600 or more

Focus More on Rod-Related Artes

Taking advantage of Dohalim's perk Rod Extension will greatly increase his Penetration temporarily, making him land critical hits more often. Prioritize melee Artes that can fully benefit from this perk.

Take Resurrection and Other Healing Artes

Dohalim is a good all-around damage dealer, caster, and support. In terms of support, if Shionne is not in your party, it is a good idea to make sure Dohalim has Resurrection to fill this spot.

List of All Dohalim's Artes

Dohalim Best Skills

Skill How to Get
Increased Max AG Titles: Architect of Coexistence, Undefeated Lord, Ivy Master, Dark Sorcerer, Renan Leader
SP Cost: Acquired at Title Unlock
Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Titles: Architect of Coexistence
SP Cost: 360
Easier Perfect Evading/Guarding Title: Former Lord
SP Cost: 360
Mid-Air Evasion Title: Undefeated Lord
SP Cost: 230
10-hit Boost Gauge Increase Title: Eternal Protector
SP Cost: 790
Increased Rod Extension Critical Rate Title: Dilettante
SP Cost: 500
Increased Rod Extension Critical Damage Title: Dark Sorcerer
SP Cost: 600
Increased Rod Extension Attack Title: Treasure Hunter
SP Cost: 770
Increased Rod Time Limit Title: Treasure Hunter
SP Cost: 480
Increased Rod Length Title: Rare Food Connoisseur
SP Cost: Acquired at Title Unlock

Prioritize Evasion and Rod-Extension-improving Skills

Dohalim's perk Rod Extension can only proc by doing a Perfect Evade, so priorize getting skills that improve his dodge. Also improve his Rod Extension perk itself, as it will increase his damage output the more he evades.

Best Skills for Dohalim | Dohalim Skill Panel

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