Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Unlock JAK Jawbreaker

The JAK Jawbreaker is an Aftermarket Parts Conversion Kit for the KV Broadside in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Check out our guide to learn how to unlock the JAK Jawbreaker, its detailed stats breakdown, and its converted weapon.

How to Unlock JAK Jawbreaker

Complete 5 Week 2 Challenges

Players can get the JAK Jawbreaker by completing 5 Week 2 Challenges in MW3 Multiplayer or Zombies. The JAK Jawbreaker will be added to your available attachments once you have 5 completed challenges from one of game modes.

List of All Weekly Challenges and Rewards

JAK Jawbreaker Converted Gun

Conversion Kit for the KV Broadside

The JAK Jawbreaker is a full conversion kit for the KV Broadside. It transforms this Shotgun into a fully-automatic Battle Rifle with significantly improved bullet range and damage, turning it into a formidable long-ranged weapon.

KV Broadside Best Loadout and Build

JAK Jawbreaker Stats

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Modern Warfare 3 - New Pro FunctionFull-Auto Fire
Modern Warfare 3 - Major ProBullet Velocity and Range
Modern Warfare 3 - Major ProDamage
Modern Warfare 3 - Major ProGun Kick Control
Modern Warfare 3 - Major ConHipfire and Tac Stance Spread
Modern Warfare 3 - Major ConAim Walking Speed
Modern Warfare 3 - Moderate ConMovement Speed
Modern Warfare 3 - Moderate ConSprint Speed

Chevron count determines the effectivesness of the stat change while polygonal arrows indicate a new function being added.

Detailed Stat Adjustments

Headshot Damage 97 (+177%)
Upper Torso Damage 71 (+103%)
Lower Torso Damage 65 (+103%)
Upper Legs Damage 65 (+103%)
Target Flinch 1.5 N
Effective Damage Range 26.7 m (+821%)
Minimum Damage Range 48.3 m (+88%)
Bullet Velocity 790 m/s (+147%)
Fire Rate
Rate of Fire 428.6 rpm (+100%)
Rechamber Time 733 ms (-51%)
Recoil Control
Recoil Gun Kick 24.9 degree/s (-52%)
Horizontal Recoil 9.07 degree/s (-30%)
Vertical Recoil 48.66 degree/s (-30%)
Hipfire Spread Min 7.5 degree/s (+29%)
Hipfire Spread Max 9.1 degree/s (+30%)
Flinch Resistance 0.17 N
Tactical Stance Spread 5.3 degree/s (+29%)
Movement Speed 4.2 m/s (-14%)
Crouch Movement Speed 2.1 m/s
Sprint Speed 5.3 m/s (-10%)
Tactical Sprint Speed 6.3 m/s (-10%)
ADS Movement Speed 2.5 m/s (-19%)
ADS Speed 240 ms
Reload Quickness 3.5 s
Empty Reload Quickness 4.2 s
Sprint to Fire Speed 204 ms (+8%)
Swap Speed 1567 ms

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Attachment Types in MW3

Attachments By Type
Barrel Stock Ammunition Muzzle
Rear Grip Optic Underbarrel Magazine
Receiver Laser Comb Trigger Action
Guard Bolt Arm Rail
Carry Handle Lever Loader Wire
Conversion Kit

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