Zenless Zone Zero Walkthrough Comments

Astra Yao Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-20 of 28 entries


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    28 Anonymous30 daysReport

    mid character just like you, come back when you do floor 10k with billy

    27 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    dont forget that if you use miyabi with astra, miyabi will be practically invinsible, everytime you do a quickswitch or assist miyabi will start from her basic attack 4, and she has iframes on basic attack 4,5,6, managed to get to floor 417 using astra,miyabi, i benched ceasar and started using yanagi after that

    26 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    someone probably copied and pasted a chunk from caesar article

    25 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    the miyabi of supports

    24 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    Astra+Koleda = Invincible pyro assist meta! XD

    23 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    Jesus, i do NOT regret pulling for her. She's literally a game changer. I am more of a quick assists type so she's perfect for me. She provied healing which is so useful for harder modes and stuff and the buffs, CHEF KISS. My best team rn is Miyabi, Lighter and Astra, literally such a good team.

    22 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    Best support so far, (as expected of a S-tier) the damage that she gives to the dps is insane

    21 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    omg what a mid character when you already have nicole saving it all for evelyn and more dps

    20 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    Miyabi + Astra + random anomaly Congrat on beating 99% of game content

    19 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    troll use to be better…

    18 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    the healing is useful for first tower alongside avocaboo and you dont get one shot in first tower but i still think caesar is the best for tower

    17 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    "Provides healing, which can be helpful against enemies that can one shot you" If you get one shot you're dead and can't be healed

    16 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    peak tier cope, did you lose 50/50?

    15 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    piper. Even though people say shes bad. oh trust me SHE IS NOT!!

    14 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    yeah i alr voted c tier shes never replacing my bae nicole she doesnt even have a play style does nothing but just stands there whenever you press skill real slop character

    13 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    i don't have yanagi either so I've been using lycaon instead and it's a huge upgrade to my previous miyabi–lycaon–soukaku team somehow but that's probably because I've been using soukaku wrong lol idk 😭

    12 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    what do u mean off fielder? she's clearly support. she's comfy version of nicole and lucy. Astra just need EX special 1 time, while nicole and lucy have to EX special in every combo. less field time means more dmg for 2 DPS

    11 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    Just press skill and voila

    10 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    astral yawn 🥱 mid ass character nicole and lucy clears any time of day imagine pulling for an off fielder slop that just stands like a statue

    9 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    I would really like to have Yanagi to have the Astra Yao, Miyabi and Yanagi team, unfortunately it won't be possible. Can you recommend another agent instead of Yanagi for the previously mentioned team?

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