Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Lycaon's Dilemma Quest Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Lycaon

Lycaon's Dilemma is a Trust Commission in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 (ZZZ) for Lycaon. See how to unlock Lycaon's Dilemma, a walkthrough on how to complete this Trust Mission, and its rewards here!

Lycaon's Dilemma Quest Information

Lycaon's Dilemma Trust Quest Details

Required Inter-Knot Level 40
Location Sixth Street
Client Lycaon
Time Morning to Evening

Lycaon's Dilemma is a Trust Commission for Lycaon that is available from morning to evening. This commission unlocks after reaching the Friendly trust rank with Lycaon.

As this is a videotape request, Lycaon's Dilemma cannot be replayed once you finish it.

Raises Trust with Lycaon

All Lycaon Trust Commissions
Fluffy Accident Let's Meet Up at the Cinema Impressive Life Skills
Lycaon's Dilemma Attendant's Visit You Can Touch the Wolf's Tail
The Weather's Great Today. Let's Take a Stroll. A Sound Sleep

Trust Commissions increase a certain character's Trust when you complete them. Whenever you get an invite from one of your teammates, be sure to respond and help them with their cause!

Lycaon Trust Event and Best Answers

How to Unlock Lycaon's Dilemma

Reach Friendly Rank With Lycaon


Once you reach the Friendly trust rank with Lycaon, he will message you on the Inter-Knot the next morning asking you about the video tape of Final Punch.

Lycaon Guide and Best Builds

Lycaon's Dilemma Quest Walkthrough

Lycaon's Dilemma Guide

  1. Upgrade Video Store to Level 6
  2. Collect the Video Tape from Heddy
  3. Pass the Time by Doing Commissions
  4. Talk to Lycaon

Upgrade Video Store to Level 6


In order to get the Final Punch video tape from Heddy, you will need to upgrade Video Store to Level 6. In order to do that, you will need to have achieved Inter-Knot Level 40 and complete Black Dance Shoes/Battle Waltz to get your video store up to level 6.

Random Play Video Store Guide

Collect the Video Tape from Heddy


After upgrading the video store to level 6, go inside the Random Play video store and talk to Heddy. Get the Final Punch video tape from her.

Lycaon will message you again to ask for an update about the video tape. He will tell you that he'll visit the store later to collect it.

Pass the Time by Doing Commissions

At this point, you'll have to pass the time until Lycaon comes to your store. Keep yourself busy by doing different commissions and other activities until he comes.

Talk to Lycaon

Talk to Lycaon

Lycaon will eventually come to the front of your store to collect the video tape. Talk to him to complete the commission.

Lycaon's Dilemma All Answers and Results

Lycaon Best Answers for Trust

Lycaon Dialogue

Question Dialogue Choices
Do you perhaps have a moment? I'm here to collect the "Final Punch" videotape that I reserved. Wanna watch it together?
And, what's more, the dessert is rather high in sugar, so I'm not sure it will be to your liking? It's all great!
You sure come prepared.
I confess, I also chose the film "Final Punch" according to my own tastes. I hope it was satisfactory. It's pretty nice...
Why did you pick this one?
But despite my scrutiny, the film provided me with no such answer. That sure is interesting reasoning...
Thank you for watching the movie with me. You're welcome.

The dialogue choices you make in Lycaon's Dilemma don't matter as all will increase trust.

Lycaon's Dilemma Rewards

Lycaon Can Promote the Video Store

Lycaon Promote Video Store

After completing Lycaon's Dilemma Commission, she can now be able to promote the Video Store.

How to Get Promoters for Random Play

Trust Quest Rewards

All Quest Rewards
DennyDenny x12500

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

All Side Commissions

All Lycaon Trust Commissions

All Trust Commissions
Invite Fluffy Accident
Invite Let's Meet Up at the Cinema
Invite Attendant's Visit
Invite The Weather's Great Today. Let's Take a Stroll.
Friendly Impressive Life Skills
Close You Can Touch the Wolf's Tail
Trusted A Sound Sleep
Video Tape Lycaon's Dilemma


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