Scarlet Nexus

Kyoka Eden Abilities and Profile

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Kyoka Eden Banner

This a profile summary about Kyoka Eden, a character in Scarlet Nexus for the PS4, PS5, Steam, and Xbox. Read on to learn Kyoka Eden's Character Profile, Kinetic Abilities, Bonding Scenarios, and Best Combo Breakdowns.

Kyoka Eden Character Profile

Kyoka Eden Portrait

Name Kyoka Eden
Gender Female
Birthday November 30
Height 168cm
Power Duplication
OSF Division 538th Class
ID KEK538232
OSF Service Record 29 Years
JP Voice Actor Yumi Hara

Kyoka Eden Biography

Kyoka is widely known as the OSF Major, the perfect amalgamation of brains and beauty. She is great at looking after her units and frequently oversees platoons as a result.

She treats her team as family, and is usually a kind and loving person who transforms when danger comes knocking.

She and Arashi joined the OSF the same year and have remained good friends throughout.

Story Role

WARNING: This section contains major spoilers!

Platoon Commander

Yuito Route Kyoka

Kyoka Eden is the leader of her own OSF platoon. Under her command are Kasane, Naomi, Shiden., Arashi, Kagero, and Haruka. This platoon lineup remains mostly constant throughout Kasane's story (even with Kasane taking over. Her mature leadership gives the platoon a motherly figure that they can rely on.


Kyoka Eden Bond Episode 5 End

During Phase 8, it is revealed that Kyoka is a spy from Togetsu and is a clone of Dr. Pope, one of their foremost scientists.This leads to a confrontation with Kasane where she gets defeated and decides to join her platoon. Despite her initial alliance with Togetsu and the Design Children, she decides to turn away from them and help Kasane uncover their intentions, and stop Karen's plan to travel back to time.

She also goes back to Hieno Mountain during her Bond Episode and confront the Design Children once more.

How to Beat Kyoka Eden


In the ending, Kyoka decides to move away from her Togetsu connections and start a new life free from her past. She also decides to join the Lunar Surface Survey project

Kyoka Eden Powers and Abilities

Ability List

Ability Levels
Level Effect
1 Duplication
2 Increase SAS Recovery Speed & Guardian Vision
3 Duplication & Combo Vision
4 Assault Vision
5 Prolong SAS Effect & Extra Duplication
6 Enhance Duplication

Enhance Duplication

The highest level of this SAS Skill creates another copy of an object when using Psychokinesis.

Combat Tips

Increase Damage with Duplication

Scarlet Nexus - Duplication

Duplication enhances your attack by creating copies of Psychokinesis objects. This adds more damage to your attacks, enabling you to break shells easier and knock enemies faster.

Kyoka Eden Bonding Scenarios

Kyoka Eden Thumbnail Kyoka Eden Bond Episode 1 Bond Episode 4
Bond Episode 2 Bond Episode 5
Bond Episode 3

Best Gifts for Kyoka

Below is a list of all gifts you can give to Kyoka to raise your Bond Level with her:

Gift Materials Needed
First Aid Kit Mizuhagawa Environment B
Pendu-type Suppression
Sturdy Pot and Ladle Rummy-type Suppression
Arahabaki Environment C
Plug-In Parallelization Program V Pool-type Suppression
Other Ecology A
Vase Paws Analysis
Plug-in Parallelization Program H Other Ecology A
Paws-type Suppression
Base Paws Analysis
Tea Set Rummy-type Suppression +
Research Facility Environment S
Fun Snack Set Rummy-type Suppression +
Mizuhagawa Environment A
Brain Model Vision Kikuchiba Environment C
Pendu-type Suppression
Luck-Bringing Crystal Ball Pendu-type Suppression +
Abandoned Subway Environment A
Neurology Essay Collection Mizuhagawa Environment B
Paws-type Suppression
Fortune Telling Playing Cards Vase Paws Analysis
Research Facility Environment B
Flower Aroma Candle Kikuchiba Environment C
Rut-type Suppression
Healing Music: Earth and Sea Pound-type Suppression +
Arahabaki Environment A
Healing Music: Four Seasons Rut-type Suppression
Hieno Mountain Environment B
Exorcist Crystal Ball Chinery-type Suppression +
Hieno Mountain Environment B
Phonograph-shaped Player BABE Environment B
Spawn Yawn Analysis
Treatments for the Head Pound-type Suppression
Hieno Mountain Environment C
Room Fragrance Pendu-type Suppression
Research Facility Environment S
Red Quartz (blue base) Mizuhagawa Environment B
Pendu-type Suppression

Scarlet Nexus Related Characters

Characters Banner

List of Characters

List of Main Characters

Scarlet Nexus Main Characters
Yuito Sumeragi Thumbnail.png Yuito Sumeragi Kasane Randall Thumbnail.png Kasane Randall

List of Party Members

Scarlet Nexus Party Members
Hanabi Ichijo Thumbnail.png Hanabi Ichijo Kyoka Eden Thumbnail.png Kyoka Eden Gemma Garrison Thumbnail.png Gemma Garrison Kagero Donne Thumbnail.png Kagero Donne
Luka Travers Thumbnail.png Luka Travers Tsugumi Nazar Thumbnail.png Tsugumi Nazar Shiden Ritter Thumbnail.png Shiden Ritter Arashi Spring Thumbnail.png Arashi Spring

Other Major Characters

Scarlet Nexus Other Major Characters
Karen Travers IconKaren Travers Fubuki Spring Thumbnail.png Fubuki Spring Scarlet Nexus - Seto Thumbnail Seto Narukami Nagi Karman Thumbnail.png Nagi Karman
Scarlet Nexus - Kodama ThumbnailKodama Melone Scarlet Nexus - Yuta ThumbnailYuta Melone Scarlet Nexus - Haruka ThumbnailHaruka Frazer Scarlet Nexus - Wataru ThumbnailWataru Frazer
Scarlet Nexus - Naomi ThumbnailNaomi Randall Scarlet Nexus - Alice ThumbnailAlice Ichijo


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