Scarlet Nexus

Brain Field Skill Category

The password from Episode 6 of Scarlet Nexus for the password-cracking mini-game has been found! Refer to our page on Scarlet Nexus Musubi Codes for the latest Musubi code update!

Musubi Codes List and Rewards

This is a guide for skills under the Brain Field Skill Category. Read on to know which skills are under this category and how they function!

List of Brain Field Skills

Brain Field Skills are special skills that are extremely useful in all situations and have a multitude of functions.

General Skills

General Skills
Brain Field: Charge Drop Level Up Increases the number of objects that are gathered when holding L2(PS)/LT(XBOX) and the damage the dropped objects deal when brain field is active.
Brain Field: Free Drive Charge If there is a brain field ready icon displayed, a brain field can be activated without consuming a charge when activated during brain drive.
Brain Field: Launch Level Up 1 Increases the number of objects thrown with R2(PS)/RT(XBOX) in ☐☐☐(PS)/XXX(XBOX) or ☐☐☐R2(PS)/XXXRT(XBOX) while you have a Brain Field activated.
Brain Field: Launch Level Up 2 Further increase the number objects thrown with R2(PS)/RT(XBOX) in ☐☐☐R2(PS)/XXXRT(XBOX) while you have a Brain Field active.
Brain Field: Overkill While Brain Field is activated, hitting enemies with a depleted crush gauge increases the EXP bonus. However, this doesn't work against strong foes whose HP has been depleted.
Brain Field: Reduce Damage While the Brain Field is active, you will receive less damage. There are 2 skills with the same name. Learning 1 will halve damage, while learning both will negate it completely.
Brain Field: Swing Level Up Increases the number of objects that can be swung with ☐(PS)/X(XBOX) and expands the area of effect when brain field is active.
Brain Field: Time Extension 1 Prolong brain field active time by five seconds.
Brain Field: Time Extension 2 Prolong brain field active time by five seconds.

Scarlet Nexus Related Skills

List of Skills

List of Skills

Learnable Skills

Brain Map Categories
Brain Drive Banner.jpg Brain Drive Enhance Banner.jpg Enhance
Support Banner.jpg Support Brain Field Banner.jpg Brain Field
Expand Banner.jpg Expand


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