Scarlet Nexus

Kasane Route | Phase 8: They Speak of the Hidden Past Walkthrough

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Scarlet Nexus - Kasane Phase 8 Banner

This is a story walkthrough for Phase 8: They Speak of the Hidden Past in Scarlet Nexus for the Xbox, Playstation, and PC. Here you'll find a guide on how to complete this area, story section, boss strategies, a list of enemies, and a list of items that can be found.

Previous Next
Phase 7 Phase 9

Phase 8 Maps

Hieno Mountain: Trailhead ~Togetsu Area
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Church Headquarters
Hieno Mountain: Trailhead ~Togetsu Area (Return)
Part 1
Part 2

Phase 8: They Speak of the Hidden Past Story Walkthrough

Phase 8

1 Proceed to Hieno Mountain to begin the phase.
2 Continue forward while breaking the ice walls.
3 After Proceeding to further, you will face the Coil Moil
Boss Fight
Boss Battle: Coil Moil
4 After defeating the Coil Moil, move to the next area to face another set of enemies. You will reach another save point before entering a new area.
5 After a cutscene, you will be joined by Kagero and proceed to another section of the Togetsu Complex
6 After reaching BABE, your next task is to find Arashi and Shiden.
7 The next objective is to reach the next marker and face Kyoka.
Boss Fight Kyoka Eden Thumbnail
Boss Battle: Kyoka Eden
8 After beating Kyoka, meet up with Yuito Platoon. Head back to the hideout and end the phase.

Phase 8: Standby Phase Available Bonds

Standby Phase 8: Kagero Donne Bond Episode 3

Kagero Donne Bond Episode 3 Screen

After returning to the Hideout, Standby Phase 8 will begin. Speak to Kagero Donne to begin his Bond Episode 3.

Shiden Ritter Bond Episode 3

Standby Phase 8: Arashi Spring Bond Episode 3

Arashi Spring Bond Episode 3 Screen

After returning to the Hideout, Standby Phase 8 will begin.Speak to Arashi Spring to begin her Bond Episode 3.

Arashi Spring Bond Episode 3

Standby Phase 8: Gemma Garrison Bond Episode 3

Gemma Garrison Bond Episode 3 Screen

After returning to the Hideout, Standby Phase 8 will begin. Reply to Gemma Garrison's Brain Message to begin his Bond Episode 3.

Gemma Garrison Bond Episode 3

Standby Phase 8: Tsugumi Nazar Bond Episode 2

Tsugumi Nazar Bond Episode 3 Screen

After returning to the Hideout, Standby Phase 8 will begin. Reply to Tsugumi Nazar's Brain Message to begin her Bond Episode 3.

Tsugumi Nazar Bond Episode 3

Phase 8 Boss Fights

Coil Moil

coil moil

Level 36
Weaknesses SAS: Psychokinesis
Phase 8

Coil Moil Boss Guide

Break Shell Using Psychokinesis

This is a large Major Other that launches ice attacks to your team. Using Psychokinesis allows you to break it's shell using the surrounding environment and deal damage.

Kyoka Eden

Kyoka Eden Portrait

Level 39
Weaknesses SAS: Electrokinesis
Phase 8

How to Beat Kyoka Eden

Use Electrokinesis and Invisibility

Kyoka is an OSF member that possesses Duplication. You can attack her using a combination of Invisibility and Electrokinesis to take her down.

List of Enemies Encountered

Hieno Mountain

Enemies Encountered
Wither Sabbat iconWither Sabbat Rainy Rummy iconRainy Rummy
Session Pound iconSession Pound Juttie Chinery iconJuttie Chinery

General Tips

Lure the Session Pounds to Enemies

Session Pounds explode when you get too close to them. This deals massive damage, however, you can also use this to damage other enemies.

Phase 8 Obtainable Items

Marked Items & Data Spot Locations

Hieno Mountain: Trailhead ~Togetsu Area
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Hieno Mountain: Trailhead ~Togetsu Area (Return)
Part 1

Scarlet Nexus Related Guides

Kasane Route

Kasane Route.png

Kasane Route Walkthrough

Kasane Story Guides

Demo Edition Phase 0
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 3 Phase 4
Phase 5 Phase 6
Phase 7 Phase 8
Phase 9 Phase 10
Phase 11 Phase 12


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