Scarlet Nexus

Brain Drive Skill Category

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This is a guide for skills under the Brain Drive Skill Category. Read on to know which skills are under this category and how they function!

List of Brain Drive Skills

Brain Drive Skills are skills that complement your Kinetic abilities.

General Skills

General Skills
Brain Drive Gauge Charge Rate Up Brain Drive Gauge Accumulation +20%. Specific actions such as defeating enemies or receiving damage will increase the accumulation rate, allowing the brain drive to charge faster.
Brain Drive: Auto-heal Health gradually recovers while brain drive is active.
Brain Drive: Restore Brain Drive 1 Defeating enemies with brain crush while brain drive is active slightly restores the brain drive gauge.
Brain Drive: Restore Brain Drive 2 Defeating enemies with brain crush while brain drive is active slightly restores the brain drive gauge.
Brain Drive: SAS Gauge Restore Activating brain drive completely restores all SAS Gauges.
Brain Drive: Status Ailment Recovery Restores status ailments when brain drive is activated.
Brain Drive: Status Up While Brain Drive is active, +10% to power, defense, attack.

Yuito Sumeragi Skills

Yuito Sumeragi ThumbnailYuito Sumeragi
Brain Drive: Attack Crush Effect Up Can greatly reduce enemy's crush gauge with attacks while brain drive is active.
Brain Drive: Bonus Multiplier Up Increase the EXP bonus multiplier gain while brain drive is active.

Scarlet Nexus Related Skills

List of Skills

List of Skills

Learnable Skills

Brain Map Categories
Brain Drive Banner.jpg Brain Drive Enhance Banner.jpg Enhance
Support Banner.jpg Support Brain Field Banner.jpg Brain Field
Expand Banner.jpg Expand


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