Scarlet Nexus

Pyrokinesis SAS Skill Overview

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This is a guide on how to use Pyrokinesis, a Struggle Arms System (SAS) skill in Scarlet Nexus for the Playstation, XBOX, and Steam. Read on to see how to use this skill, characters that have them, and their skill levels!

What is Pyrokinesis?

Scarlet - Pyrokinesis

Pyrokinesis allows your character to deal fire-based attacks to enemies. This increases your damage output, providing you with more attack power.

How to Use Pyrokinesis?

Assign Hanabi Ichijo

Characters That Use Pyrokinesis
Hanabi Ichijo ThumbnailHanabi Ichijo

To equip Pyrokinesis as one of your SAS Skills, assign Hanabi Ichijo on the SAS Tab of the pause screen. You can equip a total of 4 SAS Skills in your party, and you can use the skills of inactive party members.

Inflict Fire on Others

Pyrokinesis is an SAS skill that can afflict enemies with Fire, which deals damage over time. This is effective against enemies like the Fuel Pool which has a strong Shell.

Damage Boost

Pyrokinesis grants you a small damage increase, which can help bring Others' HP and Crush Gauges down faster.

Pyrokinesis Skill Levels

Pyrokinesis has the following Skill Levels that can be unlocked after increasing your Bond Level with Hanabi.

Level Description
1 Pyrokinesis & Expand Weapon Combo Area
2 Flame Current & Guardian Vision
3 Increase SAS Recovery Speed & Combo V
4 Assault Vision
5 Prolong SAS Effect & Burn Negation
6 Flame Thrower & Enhance Pyrokinesis

Flame Current

Hanabi Flame Current
Creates a Flame Current when holding down the Special Attack button in mid-air, dealing damage over a large area.

Flame Thrower

Hanabi Flame Thrower
On the 5th Weapon Combo Attack, you will be able to unleash a Flame Thrower that deals continuous damage against enemies.

Pyrokinesis Tips

Combine Pyrokinesis and Duplication for More Damage

Combining Pyrokinesis and Duplication will enhance the amount of damage you can dish out when fighting against enemies. Achieving higher levels with Duplication will allow for, once activated alongside Pyrokinesis, multiple fiery attacks against enemies.

Having both SAS Abilities active will make it easier to inflict the Burning Status Ailment.

You Can Burn Away Ice Blocks

During your exploration of the world, you will encounter Ice Blocks that prevent you from progressing through your path. Although you can get rid of these hindrances with regular attacks, adding Pyrokinesis to your active abilities will make it so that these blockages can be removed faster.

Flamethrower Can Quickly Drain the Crush Gauge

Attacking enemies that aren't particularly weak to Pyrokinesis will allow you to drastically drain their Crush Gauge instead. This is useful when fighting against enemies that have a high tolerance for any damage you try to render against it, such as Chinery-type enemies.

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Kinetic Ability List

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Scarlet Nexus - Teleportation
Scarlet Nexus - Sclerokinesis
Scarlet Nexus - Pyrokinesis


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