Scarlet Nexus

Kodama Melone Abilities and Profile

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Scarlet Nexus - Kodama Melone

This is a profile summary about Kodama Melone, a character in Scarlet Nexus for the PS4, PS5, Steam, and Xbox. Read on to learn Kodama Melone's Character Profile, Kinetic Abilities, Bonding Scenarios, and Best Combo Breakdowns.

Kodama Melone Character Profile

Scarlet Nexus - Kodama Melone Profile

Name Kodama Melone
Gender Female
Birthday April 1
Height 164cm
Power Sonokinesis
OSF Division 546th Class
ID KOMK546101
OSF Service Record -
JP Voice Actor -

Kodama Melone Biography

Energetic and eccentric, Kodama is a shrewd platoon commander who serves under Fubuki Spring. She follows orders without hesitation and will carry them out with glee, no matter how harsh or cruel it may be.

Formerly the platoon commander of Shiden, her mood swings and unreasonable behavior led him to transfer to the Kyoka Platoon. Kodama did not take this nicely, and holds a grudge against him.

Story Role

WARNING: This section contains major spoilers!

Combat Encounter

Kodama Melone appears as a boss enemy during the Kasane Route. You will face her multiple times during the story, providing you with a series of tough encounters that will test your mastery of SAS Skills.

Phase 2 (Kasane Route)

Scarlet Nexus - Kodama Melone

You first meet Kodama in Phase 2 of the Kasane Route, after Kasane tried to chase Naomi Randall (Who turned into an Other). She interrupts Kasane, Shiden and Gemma, and decides to confront them by going into battle. After the fight, she is stopped and reprimanded by Fubuki causing both platoons to withdraw.

Phase 7 (Kasane Route)

After Kasane discovers the OSF transport team attack by Others, they meet Kodama once more and confront her. After fighting her, she decides to back off and leave Kasane's group alone.

Phase 9 (Kasane Route)

Scarlet Nexus - Yuta and Kodama Melone

In Phase 9, it is revealed that Kodama has a twin sister named Yuta. They confront her after Yuta tried to disguise herself as Fubuki to catch Kasane's platoon off-guard. After Arashi uncovers the disguise, they confront the twins in a fight. After being defeated, they resort to commanding the humans that have turned into Others, which includes Naomi. This allows them to escape and make the Others move away from Kasane.

Scarlet Nexus Related Characters

Characters Banner

List of Characters

List of Main Characters

Scarlet Nexus Main Characters
Yuito Sumeragi Thumbnail.png Yuito Sumeragi Kasane Randall Thumbnail.png Kasane Randall

List of Party Members

Scarlet Nexus Party Members
Hanabi Ichijo Thumbnail.png Hanabi Ichijo Kyoka Eden Thumbnail.png Kyoka Eden Gemma Garrison Thumbnail.png Gemma Garrison Kagero Donne Thumbnail.png Kagero Donne
Luka Travers Thumbnail.png Luka Travers Tsugumi Nazar Thumbnail.png Tsugumi Nazar Shiden Ritter Thumbnail.png Shiden Ritter Arashi Spring Thumbnail.png Arashi Spring

Other Major Characters

Scarlet Nexus Other Major Characters
Karen Travers IconKaren Travers Fubuki Spring Thumbnail.png Fubuki Spring Scarlet Nexus - Seto Thumbnail Seto Narukami Nagi Karman Thumbnail.png Nagi Karman
Scarlet Nexus - Kodama ThumbnailKodama Melone Scarlet Nexus - Yuta ThumbnailYuta Melone Scarlet Nexus - Haruka ThumbnailHaruka Frazer Scarlet Nexus - Wataru ThumbnailWataru Frazer
Scarlet Nexus - Naomi ThumbnailNaomi Randall Scarlet Nexus - Alice ThumbnailAlice Ichijo


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