Scarlet Nexus

Nagi Karman Weapons, Abilities, and Profile

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This a profile summary about Nagi Karman, a character in Scarlet Nexus for the PS4, PS5, Steam, and Xbox. Read on to learn Nagi Karman's Character Profile, Weapons, Kinetic Abilities, Bonding Scenarios, and Best Combo Breakdowns.

Character Profile

Scarlet Nexus - Nagi Karman

Name Nagi Karman
Gender Male
Birthday June 5
Height 169cm
Power Aerokinesis
OSF Division 567th Class
ID WKN567168
OSF Service Record New Recruit
JP Voice Actor Yuma Uchida


A close friend of Yuito during their OSF training days, Nagi has endured the hardships of training to become someone that can help people and gain some recognition for his actions.

Energetic and positive, he is someone who is always nice to have around and keep everyone company.

Story Role

WARNING: This section contains major spoilers!

Yuito's Friend

Nagi is Yuito's best friend, which they formed while enduring the hardships of training in the OSF Early on during their assignment in the OSF, he and Yuito are basically inseperable. During their first encounter with Others in Suoh, Nagi fights with Yuito, while also meeting Kasane and Naomi along the way.

Suoh Incident

Scarlet Nexus - Nagi Suoh

During the Suoh Incident, Nagi comes into control of Karen's forces, putting him into a trance where he obeys every command given to him. This leads him to Yuito and Kasane, who were weakened after fighting them. Before he can get to them, Seto Narukami puts himself between them. In a trance-like rage, Nagi uses his Aerokinesis to take down Seto, killing him, but he also gets hit with Electrokinesis to stun him.

Boss Encounter

Boss Fight Nagi

Nagi is also a boss battle during Yuito's route. This is a tough battle where Nagi breaks out of his brain-controlled trance. However he is fatally wounded and falls after the fight.

Scarlet Nexus Related Characters

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List of Characters

List of Main Characters

Scarlet Nexus Main Characters
Yuito Sumeragi Thumbnail.png Yuito Sumeragi Kasane Randall Thumbnail.png Kasane Randall

List of Party Members

Scarlet Nexus Party Members
Hanabi Ichijo Thumbnail.png Hanabi Ichijo Kyoka Eden Thumbnail.png Kyoka Eden Gemma Garrison Thumbnail.png Gemma Garrison Kagero Donne Thumbnail.png Kagero Donne
Luka Travers Thumbnail.png Luka Travers Tsugumi Nazar Thumbnail.png Tsugumi Nazar Shiden Ritter Thumbnail.png Shiden Ritter Arashi Spring Thumbnail.png Arashi Spring

Other Major Characters

Scarlet Nexus Other Major Characters
Karen Travers IconKaren Travers Fubuki Spring Thumbnail.png Fubuki Spring Scarlet Nexus - Seto Thumbnail Seto Narukami Nagi Karman Thumbnail.png Nagi Karman
Scarlet Nexus - Kodama ThumbnailKodama Melone Scarlet Nexus - Yuta ThumbnailYuta Melone Scarlet Nexus - Haruka ThumbnailHaruka Frazer Scarlet Nexus - Wataru ThumbnailWataru Frazer
Scarlet Nexus - Naomi ThumbnailNaomi Randall Scarlet Nexus - Alice ThumbnailAlice Ichijo


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